Key Phrases Search Results

How To: Add Title, Description, Keywords and/or Phrases for Xara Web Designer 7 Premium

This web design tutorial will teach you how to add titles and descriptions that are relevant to your web page. Also you will learn how to add keywords for your website by using the website properties panel to add relevant keywords and phrases to your document in Xara Web Designer. The concepts taught for this web design tutorial are also referred to as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) meta tags.

How To: Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Type Long Words & Phrases Faster on Your iPhone

While you're probably already used to the keyboard on your iPhone, you'll likely never be able to type on it as fast as you can on a computer keyboard. But that doesn't mean you can't get any faster at typing on your iPhone. By using keyboard shortcuts to auto-populate commonly used phrases, email addresses, and other big-character items, you can drastically speed up your virtual keyboard skills.

How To: Say "I love you" in Polish

Learn to say three romantic phrases in Polish, such as "I love you", "You love me", and "We love each other". When it comes to learning key phrases in different languages, nothing beats good old fashioned repetition. Speak the phrases one at a time, one after the other. Then repeat, as often as necessary, until you get them correct. Don't worry if you mess up, keep going! It can take some time to get it right.

How To: Ask simple questions in Japanese

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to turn a statement into a question in Japanese. With Japanese, as with any other language, a few key nouns and phrases (and knowing how to properly pronounce them) can go a long way. For more information, and to get started speaking Japanese yourself, watch this video tutorial.

How To: Flirt in perfect Japanese

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to flirt in Japanese. With Japanese, as with any other language, a few key nouns and phrases (and knowing how to properly pronounce them) can go a long way. For more information, and to get started speaking Japanese yourself, watch this video tutorial.

How To: Use inseparable verb phrases in English

In this video, we learn how to use inseparable verb phrases. Inseparable verb phrases are verb phrases that can't be separated. An example of this includes: "Hiep's English wasn't very good because he dropped out of school early". In this sentence, "dropped out of" means to leave school early and cannot be separated from the rest of the sentence. Depending on the tense of the verb phrase, you will not be able to change just one word, you will have to change the entire sentence. After you find...

How to Speak Haitian Creole: phrases, numbers, animals & more

In this five-part language tutorial, learn how to say simple Haitian Creole phrases & words. Part one goes over simple phrases such as "how are you", "good afternoon" and "good evening". Part two goes over how to say different animal names including cat, chicken, and cow. In part three, learn days, months, years, and numbers. Part four covers how to say phrases and words concerning family such as father, mother, brother & sister. In part five, an example conversation between two people is gon...

How to Write a song: Melodic phrases & lyric phrases

In this tutorial, we learn how to write a song using melodic phrases and lyric phrases. Instead of talking in syllables, you want to use a musical phrase. Practice humming your song without using words, so you know the road map of where the music should go. Make sure your words go with the melody of the music, and the lyrics match how the song flows. If they don't, you can create a new phrase so it matches the melody. Play your song and substitute different words to see how they fit with the ...

How To: Use English separable verb phrases for the classroom

In this video, we learn how to use English separable verb phrases for the classroom. Some basic phrases that you will need to know are "hand in", which would be used in a sentence like "he needs to hand in the assignments" or "he needs to hand this assignments in on time". If you use a pronoun, you must separate the verb phrases or the sentence will not me grammatically correct. After you have this down, practice another sentence. For the sentence, "the teacher will hand out the tests", you w...

How To: Play "That's just the way it is" on the piano

If you would like to play "That's Just the Way it is" on the piano you first should realize this song is in the key of G! The phrase that starts this song first starts with A minor then goes to E minor. Next, go to D and down to a C and to a G then back to A minor. That is the first phrase of the song. Continue to practice this phrase. Now to start the chorus, you should play a G on the left hand and then A , B, G and go to the F on the left hand with G, A, F. When you go to the C it's just D...

How To: Speak Icelandic phrases

By the time you watch all of the videos in this extensive language series, you’ll feel like you could jump right into a conversation in the heart of Reykjavík. Eva Natalja Robertsdattir begins with basic phrases such as “yes,” “no,” “good morning” then moves on to more advanced expressions such as “I’m afraid that I have to go now.”

How To: Avoid research paper plagiarism with quotations

In this tutorial, we learn how to avoid research paper plagiarism with quotations. Whenever you use a source, you can quote from it using the author's direct words, or you can paraphrase. Paraphrasing means putting something into your own phrases and sentences, because you will have to repeat certain key words. If you do this, you have to make sure you are not copying the quote exactly, and that it really is in your own words. You can't put something into your own words if you don't understan...

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