Hitchcock Search Results

How To: Create scary Halloween party decor

Hosting a Halloween party and looking for some inspiration? ThreadBanger's Decor It Yourself is here to help with a few spooky ideas that can be thrown together at home and for cheap! Projects include eerie terrariums, adding red to the eyes in your portrait wall art, and bloody-ing up your shower curtain like a scene out of Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho.

How To: Reduce the risk of your baby having spina bifida

Spina bifida is a birth defect involving the neural tube, resulting in an incomplete formation of the spine. Spina bifida is one of the most common birth defects, it occurs within the first few weeks of pregnancy often before a woman knows she's pregnant. Get expert tips and advice on treating and understanding spina bifida or split spine in this video.

How To: Make Realistic-Looking Fake Blood

Store-bought fake blood isn't too expensive, but the consistency and color are always the same. Real blood varies, from bright red when oxygenated (arterial blood) to deep, dark red when deoxygenated (venous blood), and it can be either thick or thin. So to achieve the best special effect, you're better off making a batch of DIY fake blood yourself to get the look and texture you're going for. And it's very simple to do.

How To: Use Nero Products Suite

In this video series, watch as computer expert Franklin Hitchcock teaches how to use the Nero Product Suite. Learn how to burn data CD's and DVD's how to compress and capture video and audio, the different settings and panel options, how to adjust burn speed, how to use Nero Express, how to make UFD and ISO DVD's, and how to code video.

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