Voodoo Search Results

How To: Play "Voodoo Chile" by Jimi Hendrix on the guitar

Want to master "Voodoo Chile" by Jimi Hendrix? See how it's done with this free video guitar lesson, which presents a complete breakdown of the song and its chords. While this tutorial is geared toward those who already have some knowledge of the guitar, players of all skill level should be able to follow along given adequate time and effort. For more information, and to get started playing "Voodoo Chile" on your own guitar, watch this video tab!

How To: Make an easy no-sew voodoo doll

Caroline Dean show us how to make a voodoo doll in this tutorial. Start by grabbing two pieces of copy paper, and tear one sheet in half length wise. Next, roll one of the half sheets into a ball, this will become the head. After this, roll the other half of the paper into a tube shape, which will become the doll's arms. Next, place the ball into the center of the copy paper and then gather the corners of the paper around the doll, and roll it into a body shape. Now place a sharp object in th...

How To: Make a Voodoo Poppet Doll

Find Your Base Material The base material for your doll can be anything 100% naturally made. Traditionally, sticks and twigs are used. Some people prefer to use corn husks, braided grass or similar items. The choice is yours, the only "rule" is that it be made of 100% natural materials. These sticks/twigs/husks/etc. will be shaped into a stick figure, one long piece for the body and one shorter (about 1/2 the length of the long one) for the arms.

How To: 6 Hilarious Anti-Valentine's Day Treats

Valentine's Day can seem like Singles Awareness Day if you're newly broken up, but that's all the more reason to treat yourself on this pink-and-red consumerist holiday. Whether you're happily single or bitter and bitchy, there's definitely something on this list of Anti-Valentine's Day treats to fit your mood. Remember: cake is still cake!

How To: Play A Simple Blues Lead Guitar Lick

There is a lot of mystery and voodoo surrounding blues guitar these days. With the common opinion claiming that in order to play the blues you have to really feel the music and respond with your playing. While this is certainly the case when improvising, I would argue that a good knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of blues guitar can provide even the beginner guitarist with a great sounding set of licks to impress friends and family.

How To: Play electric guitar blues like Stevie Ray Vaughn

If you're a musician in need of some lessons, there's no better way to learn than with MusicRadar's so-called "Tuition" instructions. Although the title tuition is misleading, this video class is anything but costly, because it's free, right here. Whether you're looking for help with your voice, bass, electric guitar, drums, guitar effects, piano, Logic Pro or production techniques, Music Radar is here to show you the way.

How To: Build your own balance board

This video will show you how to build your own balance board, including all the dimensions. Balance boards have been known in the circus for a long time as rola-bolas, but they are now appearing on the market as indoboards or voodoo boards. They are used as balance training aids for various board sports, mainly surfing, skating and snowboarding. I will show you how to make your own at a fraction of the cost. They are also great fun to play with and, with a bit of practice, tricks such as walk...

Alan Wake: Captain Obvious

In Alan Wake, there are hidden messages hidden throughout the levels that are only visible with a flashlight. If you don't flash the light at a particular spot, you will not be able to see the message.

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