How To: Plant a Condom

Plant a Condom

This how-to prank video will teach you how to plant a condom that will grow when watered. Learn how to grow a plant using condoms and create a whole new vibe in your house. Condom plants are practical and do not require a lot of time watering or grooming. Grow a garden of condom plants and create a new conversation piece at your next get-together. This video tutorial shows a great way to pull a practical joke on friends. All you need to pull off this prank is: an empty toilet paper roll, a condom, scissors, two glasses of water, a pot of dirt, and baking soda. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

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This would be fun to hide in someone's garden so that when they watered they would be extremely surprised.


Great how to prank video.

Cool birthday present... LOL

^ no you gay

i feel u ma nigga. u basically just watched a condom get hard......(in a sense)

That's a crazy idea

Would Baking Powder To The Same Thing? =.

Oh really because I did it with baking powder AND IT WORKED. doesn't work with baking soda

If you knew baking powder worked why did you ask?

I asked before I did it. And it worked.

no xoebear you freak

ya kno that condom could go to better use. i suppose u dont get much action then mate

lmao, 3jslb

who the hell would plant a condom?

lol its just a prank~ or a gift

Gift works better

colored condoms would look cooler

now THATS not safe

lol that looks sooo wrong. it would make for an awesome office prank tho

something rises from the murky depths...

how do people think of this stuff. Its great!

Haha this would be a funny prank, especially if your parent has a garden. I am going to do this about a foot away from my dad's baby ginko tree.

i... have... to... try... NOW!!!


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