How To: Make a mummy cake

Make a mummy cake

In this video we learn how to make a mummy cake. We will need candy melts, eyeball mold, edible markers, a cake that has a crown on it, buttercream frosting, white fondant, sugar veil frosting, brown petal dust, a decorator brush, a cake round covered in foil, spatulas and knives. First you make the eyes. You can use the white candy melts to do this. You can use colored melts to make the irises. Put the melts in the mold and tap it to get the air out. Then put it in the fridge to harden the candy. Get your cake out. Instead of putting the rounded parts in the middle leave one on top. Frost in the middle and all around the top. Pop your eyes out of the mold once they are set. Use the edible markers to color them. Roll out the fondant to the thickness of a nickel and cover the cake. Trim off the excess of the fondant. Put the cake on a decorative plate or board, you can use fondant or foil to decorate it. Seal the bottom of your cake with frosting. Place your eyes in the fondant. Roll out more fondant and cut strips. Place these strips across the cake with water or gum glue, changing the direction with each strip. This will be your mummy wrap. Use the pedal dust to make the wrapping look older. You can use the markers to draw teeth or add any other details you may want to add. Then you can add other details with the sugar veil frosting, like a cobweb on the side. This is a great desert for a halloween party!

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