How To: Cook roast pig tails

Cook roast pig tails

Diva Dan provides you with a simple tutorial on how to roast pig tails. Remember, because the meat of the pig tail can turn very tough, you must cook them slowly. Begin by making the sauce you will let the pig tails simmer in for about two hours. In a bowl, mix in corn syrup (at least 3/4 cup to a cup), catchup (1/4 to 1/3 of a cup), Worchestershire sauce (1/4 to 1/3 of a cup), 2 teaspoons ginger, and 1 tablespoon dry mustard. To make it hot, you can add a little hot sauce. For extra flavor, you can add other sauces like barbeque or plum sauce. Mix it and place it in the fridge. Next bring a 3/4 full pot of water seasoned with salt and pepper to a slow boil. Add a dry chili flake and pig tails. Simmer the tails for about an hour and skim off the fat while you are boiling. This lessens the amount of fat and tenderizes the meat at the same time. After a hour, cover the pot and continue to let it simmer. After about an hour, drain the water off the tails and allow them to cool. After they are cool, chop them up into three pieces. Now take the pig tails and place them in the sauce you made. Make sure your oven is pre-heated to about 350 degrees. Bake your tails and the sauce in a closed baking dish for about an hour and a half to two hours. Finally take the lid off and continue to roast them for about another half an hour. Now they are ready for you to enjoy.

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