Terrible Smell Search Results

News: Terrible Smell

Johnny (as I think he loves making jokes) keeps in a hand one dirty absorbent (I think a girl may be helpfull for this one ;) pretty heavy menstruations are needed ). It doesn't have to be "fresh", it should be a little bit old (probably the smell will get worse with the time)... Johnny, furtively, goes behind somebody (of the crew, obviously) and slaps the absorbent on the guy's face (preferably on the mouth).... The reaction won't be so good, so a cup or something like that wouldn't be a ba...

How To: Get rid of that smell coming from your shower

In this tutorial, we learn how to get rid of that smell coming from your shower with Bob Schmidt. First, you will want to clean out your drain pipes to make sure the smell is not coming from there. If the smell is coming back out, you will need to do additional work. If water gets saturated into the base of the shower, then there should be some gravel around it so the water can soak through and go down into the drain pipe. If moisture soaks through the tile grout, then it can bring out the se...

How To: Clear a choked basin

Suffering from a clogged drainpipe? In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to clear a choked basin the smart way. Keep in mind, however, that this method requires that you confront the things clogging your sink. As such you should be prepared to dirty your hands and smell and see terrible things! To learn how to clear a choked basin, watch this simple plumbing how-to.

How To: Remove the garlic smell from your hands

Removing the garlic smell from your hands can be a very difficult thing to do. Sometimes you just can't stand the smell. Maybe you have a date and don't want to stink, but just can't get that smell out of your skin. There is a way to neutralize the odor so that you can get on with your life. After you get done cooking with either garlic or onions or any other stinky food, run your hands under some warm water. Then get some coffee grounds and mash them up and get them wet. Once the grounds are...

How To: Get rid of the smell of garlic on your hands

When you are using garlic or cooking with it, getting the smell of garlic off your hands can be really tricky. Washing your hands will not to the job by itself. The next time you are using garlic and want to get rid of that smell, wash your hands thoroughly with both soap and water, and then rub them against the stainless steel faucet because the metal with neutralize the odor from your hands and get rid of the smell.

How To: Clean the A/C drain on your car with a ballpoint pen

Does your car A/C make a horrible smell when it's on? The most likely culprit is a clogged air conditioning drain. Fortunately for you, all you need to fix the problem are jackstands and a ballpoint pen. This video will show you how to combine the two to clean your drain and get your air conditioning back to cooling well and smelling good.

How To: Shuck your own oysters for the freshest experience

Julissa Roberts shows how to shuck an oyster. She shows us how to determine whether the oyster is safe to eat, how to shuck the oyster, and then one way to prepare a plate of oysters. If you don't properly check the oyster, and clean it, you could get a mouth full of sand, or get an oyster that smells like rotten fish. To check whether the oyster is good, smell it, it will smell like rotten fish if it's bad. Then tap the oyster on something solid, if the oyster is dead, it will sound hollow, ...

How To: Cure bad breath using an Orabrush

In this tutorial, we learn how to cure bad breath using an Orabrush. You can scrape your tongue with the back of a spoon and smell it to see if your breath smells bad. Breath mints will just mask your breath smelling bad. You will need to drink a lot of water to get rid of the bad smell in your mouth and keep it hydrated. An Orabrush has small bristles on it and will rub against your tongue and get rid of the bacteria on it that smells bad. Was it off when you're finished and then you can use...

How To: Permanently eliminate cat urine smell from your home

According to bhaufschild, cat urine smell is a major problem in houses these days. in this video he demonstrates how to get rid of the cat urine smell. One of the best is a product called odor fix plus which extracts the cat urine smell out of the house completely. To use this product you need a bucket, a watering can, a brick and water. it is mixed as 10 parts warm water and 1 part of the product. before you use the product you will have to smell out the urine to specific areas where the cat...

How To: Make your hair smell great fast

Did you know that there's an easy way to make your hair smell great without taking a shower? This video will show you how brushing your hair with a brush scented with your favorite perfume can make your hair smell just how you want it to: like you.

How To: Play "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana on guitar

Want to play an unplugged version of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana? See how it's done with this free video guitar lesson, which presents a complete breakdown of the song and it chords. While this tutorial is geared toward those who already have some knowledge of the guitar, players of all skill level should be able to follow along given adequate time and effort. For more information, and to get started playing "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Kurt Cobain on your own acoustic guitar, take a...

How To: Unlock a jailbroken iPhone 4, 3GS, or 3G with Ultrasn0w

If you're an iPhone owner and you're sick to death of having to deal with AT&T's terrible network, it is possible to unlock your phone and use it on another carrier! And the process is easier than ever now that jailbreakme has made jailbreaking iPhones in preparation for unlocking so easy! This video will show you how to download and use Ultrasn0w on you iPhone, which will unlock it and make it ready for use with TMobile or Verizon or any other carrier.

How To: Play the bass to Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

Kurt Cobain's simple but majestic songwriting for Nirvana has been perhaps the greatest boon to aspiring rock musician of the last two decades. The video from How To Play Bass details how to play Krist Novoselic's iconic bassline from the song Smells Like Teen Spirit. Even if you can't count sixteenths, this video should have you playing the song quickly and is a great way for beginners to learn to play a really fun part without needing too much experience.

How To: Rid an RV of it's stench

In this tutorial, we learn how to rid an RV of it's stench. Typically, the stench that comes from the RV is just because it's a small area with a lot of condensation. There are a lot of products out there that will help absorb the smell and are made specifically for an RV. These will absorb the moisture that is inside of the RV so it doesn't smell any longer. Having these can help get rid of those nasty smells in your RV. Also, make sure you are cleaning the kitchen as well as the bathroom of...

How To: Combat body odor

Offensive body odor can be a major problem for some people. If you need to reduce your body odor, there are several things you can try. It is important to realize that every person has a distinctive smell, and this is normal. The smell is caused primarily by our sweat as we perspire, because our perspiration gives off an odor. This odor only becomes a problem when the smell is offensive to others. If you sweat and the perspiration cannot evaporate freely, it is possible for bacteria to grow i...

How To: Make Healthy Homemade Kale Chips, Not Junk Food

Potato chips are cheap and delicious, but terrible for both your body and the environment. They have lots of packaging and nearly no nutritional value. This video will show you how to make a homemade substitute snack that is healthy and delicious: kale chips. Yes, that's right, baked chips made from something that's good for you! Sorry potatoes, but you've got nothing on these guys.

How To: Get rid of the musty smell in vintage clothing

So you've found the perfect jacket, sweater, or pair of pants in your trek in the thrift or vintage store. The only problem? Your new find smells like grandma. The way to fix this issue is easy. All you have to do is lightly spray the item with two parts water and one part vinegar. Voila! Smell is gone!

How To: Play "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana acoustic

There are few projects that are so simple, and so immediately rewarding, as learning to play a favorite song on the guitar. Not only is it a wonderful way to pass the time but, by learning to play your favorite songs and riffs, you'll be better able to articulate (and otherwise translate) your musical ideas into great-sounding songs. In this guitar lesson, you'll learn how to play "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana. While this tutorial is geared towards intermediate players, guitarists of a...

How To: Stop microwave odors

Microwaves have the annoying tendency to absorb the smell of the foods that are cooked in them. Although most people do not mind this on the day of the cooking, after a week of the smell, it begins to get old. If you want to remove that fishy odor, just follow these simple steps. First of all, make sure that the microwave is as clean as you can get it with regular cleaning supplies. Getting rid of the smell will be so much easier if there are no splatters covering the inside of the microwave.

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