Official Teaser Search Results

How To: Do the Teaser pilates exercise

The Teaser is a very challenging original pilates exercise that involves abdominal strength, core strength, balance and coordination. To make learning the Teasers easier, this Teaser starts with the legs in the air, roll up to Teaser position using abdominal strength, balance at the top and roll down with control. The Teaser strengthens your core, flattens your abs and make you feel really great when you get it. Watch this fitness how to video and you'll be toning your body with pilates in no...

How To: Do the Mini-Teaser pilates exercise

All practioners of Pilates are familiar with the original Pilates exercise "the Teaser." These "mini-teasers" are precursors to the full teaser to teach you how to do it right. By learning proper form, you will learn to strengthen and tone your abdominals without straining your lower back. Please remember that everyone's back is different both in flexibility and structure, so Teasers may be easier or harder for you depending on your individual structure. Watch this fitness how to video and yo...

News: Whitestar PVP Server Build Teaser

Still working on mega project builds. This one is going into my own PVP server which (will) contain 4 theme'd biomes inside of a 155m sphere - inside of a 255 meter containment sphere inside a 1000m+ void. The outer sphere acts as both artificial sunlight and a drop-death height of 50m. 4 more outer panels to go (water and lava) and it's ready for interior work and redstone - including command-block powered proximity traps that don't have any triggers marking them as well as hidden walls that...

How To: Increase your IQ up to 14 points

Anyone can boost their IQ—by as much as 14 points, research shows—just by following a few rules. You will need meat, fish or eggs, complex carbs, dark chocolate, small meals, food rich in B vitamins, brain teasers and aerobic exercise. Watch this video to learn how to eat Brain Food.. literally.

How To: Get a pilates body with SELF Magazine

Workout your entire body with pilates and some tips from the experts. Watch this fitness how-to video as SELF magazine offers pilates exercises to sculpt your body. Do pilates booty lifts, ball rolls, hip circles, side-ups, frog legs and teasers to get the pilates body.

How To: Solve the difficult wooden ball puzzle

Have you got wooden balls? That you can't solve? This clear and helpful how-to shows how to solve the classic, brain teaser, wooden ball puzzle once and for all! This puzzle can really be a challenge, which you likely realized moments after you disassembled it and the pieces sat lonely and ignored on your desk for months. Well, no more, check out this video and you know how to master puzzle balls once and for all! Come on, figure it out!

How To: Make Jello shots to liven up your party

Jello shots are the perfect combination of dessert and alcohol. They're super tasty and usually beloved by everyone, but they're especially great teasers for those who are alcohol virgins and prefer to be ushered in to the world of Jack Daniels slowly. That's because Jell-o shots contain minimal alcohol and maximum flavor.

How To: Solve the six problem solution

Solving 6 math problems using different methods is the idea behind this video. First, you make three rows of numbers vertically from 1-9. All the numbers match across for example, 1 1 1, 2 2 2, 3 3 3, and so on. Each set of numbers creates a mathematical problem who's solution is the number six. These problems require some thinking to solve. The only one that is immediately apparent is 2 2 2=6 which is, of course, 2+2+2=6, (3x3)-3=6, the square root of 4 =2. This done on all three of the four...

How To: Win playing slot machines

In order to win at playing slot machines, you need to keep a few things in mind. Slot machines are not random. They are programmed to pay out at certain times, in certain amounts, and at certain intervals.

How To: Use the Thor Step Sequencer in Reason 5

The less time you spend aimlessly futzing with Reason's controls, the more time you can spend making music. Learn how to master the Thor Step Sequencer with this official video guide from James Bernard of Propellerhead. Whether you're new to Propellerhead's virtual music studio application, Reason, or their newer DAW app, Record, you're sure to find much to take away from this brief, official video software tutorial.

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