Halong Imperial Search Results

How To: Walkthrough Imperial Raxus Prime - The Force Unleashed

In this tutorial, we learn how to walkthrough Imperial Raxus Prime - The Force Unleashed. While walking through, you want to jump through on a platform and go to the other side. Find the hidden path until you see a holocron. Continue to keep going through the levels until you see holocrons in different areas. Most of the ones will be apparent but some will be slightly hidden from view. Work your way around and as you pick these up it will show you a count of how many you have on the lower rig...

How To: Get the 'Taking Sides' achievement in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

This one requires a big choice on your point. In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, there's a civil war going on between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks (Skyrim natives). What it boils down to, is that you have to make a choice to join either the Imperials or the Stormcloaks, and help them advance their cause. Either way you go, you'll get the 'Taking Sides' achievement, which will get you 10G on Xbox 360, or a bronze trophy on PlayStation 3.

How To: Make fettuccini Napolitaine in tomato concasse

Vijay Wanchoo of the Imperial Hotel in Janpath, India shares this recipe. To make the concasse sauce he removes the skin of the tomatoes by putting them into hot water for a few seconds, then immediately into cold water; the skin then peels off easily. The tomatoes are then sliced, seeded and cubed.

How To: Make quick & easy chocolate brownies

This video shows you a delicious recipe and how to make quick and easy brownies, with an Australian twist. This is an old fashioned favorite, perfect for a school bake sale, or just something sweet to impress the family. Also a great way to bound with the family by getting them involved.

How To: Calculate the area of a circle given the radius

This video is about how-to calculate the area of a circle. It is in a very simple, and in an elementary school point of view. Of course, it can be done with either metric or imperial measures, as explained in the video. Only thing is that, it truly explains the simplicity of the calculation in every sense, which means, if you are not going for the ultimate knowledge on how things exist and survive in the form they are in, this video should be helpful. A grown man (woman) can't learn anything ...

How To: Measure Real-World Objects with Your iPhone in iOS 12

Thanks to Apple's ARKit 2.0 augmented reality framework in iOS 12, we now have a "Measure" app built right into our iPhones that can measure real-world objects. No more physical tape measure or ruler. No more guessing. Just whip out your iPhone, open the app, put your camera, and get measurements. Before you do, however, there are a few things you'll want to know.

How To: iOS 16 Has a Hidden Unit Converter for Temperatures, Time Zones, Distance, and Other Measurements

Fans of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" will remember the Babel fish, the universal translator you put in your ear so you can understand every language you hear. While Apple has its Translate app, there's another iPhone feature reminiscent of the Babel fish, but it lets you convert measurements, times, and other units without having to leave the app you're currently using.

How To: Change the unit of measurment in Blender 2.5

In this quick Blender 2.5 video tip, you'll see show how you can change the unit of measurement within Blender away from the default Blender Units to either Metric or Imperial units. Doing this makes it much easier to accurately create objects to scale. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular 3D modeling program or a seasoned graphic artist just interested in better acquainting yourself with the application, you're sure to be well served by this free video tutorial. For more in...

News: Build Your Own AT-AT Imperial Walker Snow Sculpture

It's been a legendary year for snow art. First there was the Eiffel Tower penis. Then the crash-landed AT-AT. Then the beautiful snowdecahedron and the skull-shaped igloo fortress. Found on Unreality Mag, the latest newsworthy snow sculpture is every Star Wars-loving little kid's dream: an AT-AT "pony ride". Okay, so it's freezing cold. And it's technically immobile. Who cares. It's awesome.

News: AT-AT Made with Spare Computer Parts

Blacksmith Sage Werbock —also known as the Great Nippulini, "pierced weight lifting extraordinaire"—welded together this Star Wars Imperial Walker sculpture with a bunch of old computer parts and scrap metal. Currently listed on Etsy for $450, the AT-AT is artfully assembled as follows:

News: Construction on the Star Destroyer

Hey guys, corndog97 here! As most of you know I have been working on an extensive mega build with my friends Knight Skelly, Killer Oliver, and HUD (howcanudothis). I have to say, my mates have done such a good job, and picked up the pattern within an hour. Here's what it looks like so far: As you can see on the lower part of the screen Skelly threw in a cool little mini model of an average Star Destroyer. The ship model we are currently building is a Super-Class, such as Darth Sidious' or Pal...

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