Sunburn Search Results

How To: Relieve the Pain of Sunburns

As a pale white boy growing up in Florida, you learn how to deal with sunburns. Most people will say to take cool showers to relieve the heat, but that only temporarily alleviates symptoms. The problem is that the sun has evaporated the moisture from the skin. The answer to relieve the stinging and pain is to re-moisturize the skin. I've done this countless times and it always works.

How To: Treat a sunburn properly

Dr. Schultz teaches how to treat a sunburn properly in very easy steps. For a regular sunburn, take aspirin to relief for that burning sensation. Use milk and water compress as tropically on the skin. Apply ointments 3-4 times a day. Take a bath not a shower with warm water. Aloe Vera will help the skin feel better. Lastly, avoid topical anesthetics. For a 2nd degree sunburn, apply topical antibiotic ointments after the compresses. If the sunburn gets worse consult for medical attention.

How To: Treat a sunburn

Did all that fun in the sun end with a nasty burn? Let’s get you some relief with tips from this how-to video for treating a sunburn. To alleviate the pain from your sunburn, you will need: a bathtub or cold compress, aloe vera or hydrocortisone cream, aspirin, and sunblock.

How To: Treat a sunburn with lemon

While more severe sunburns may require special medical attention, a minor sunburn can be remedied naturally and organically. Follow these easy steps to find out how to treat your sunburn with lemons. Treat a sunburn with lemon.

How To: Achieve a believable fake tan for summer

We really hope that by now you're not careless enough to head out for a day at the beach without a single drop of sunscreen. While many gals prize deep bronzy tans that seem to make us glow and look skinnier, real tans are horrible for your skin (even if you don't get a sunburn) because anytime your skin changes your it means your skin's outer layer has been damaged and is healing itself by creating more melanin, or pigment. Which is not so attractive, right?

How To: Identify willow tree damage caused by a borer

Weeping willows, globe willows, corkscrew willow, cotton wood are all prone to bores than other diseases. They grow in fertile soil with lots of moisture. Never treat tree chemical. Prune as necessary, take out dead diseased limbs, water and fertilize regular. This ensures the tree lasts longer and that the tree is less attractive to insects. Where tomatoes are concerned to avoid sunburn ensure that they are slightly covered with the folding of the plant. High salt level of water or chemicals...

How To: Show simple first aid knowledge as a Boy Scout

Tenderfoot is the first rank earned as a Boy Scout. The requirements of becoming a Tenderfoot provide basic skills to begin preparing the scout for higher adventure outings. Earning badges and receiving recognition can be very satisfying to boys. However, keep in mind that the badge is only a representation of a valuable set of skills that a scout has learned and demonstrated. The skills, wisdom, and experience gained through the activities of the scouting program are of much more value than ...

How To: Give yourself a sun tan using Photoshop

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make a digital sunburn using Adobe Photoshop. Begin by importing the image into the program. Then use the masking tool and select the areas of the skin that you want to sunburn. Now select a reddish color and use the brush tool to paint the select areas. Then click on the masking tool to create a selection use the marquee tool to invert the selection. Now right-click on the selection and select Inverse Selects. Then go to Image, click on Regulation...

How To: Get a tan using Photoshop CS4

Robert demonstrates how to use Photoshop to give yourself a tan. First, you need to upload your picture(s) into Photoshop. Then pick one to work on. Next, you will need to copy the background to save the original image. On the right side drag the background label to the new layer icon (you can just hit control J). You will then need to select a paintbrush tool. Go up to the tool bar and click on the paintbrush settings to set the hardness at 80%. The master diameter will be adjusted as you wo...

How To: Treat work related burns

Burns are an injury to the body that can range from a sunburn to severe tissue damage. Burns are classified by the tissue and surface area affected. This first aid how-to video will show you how to treat a person who has been injured at work. Watch to learn great first aid tips that will keep your workers happy and healthy.

How To: 21 Miraculous Uses for Coconut Oil

What can't coconut oil do? This edible oil, extracted from the copra or meat of a coconut, has done what most other food, beauty, and health trends have not: demonstrated real lasting power. Indeed, the "superfood" continues to make headlines, with its many uses the subject of debate, study, and fervent support. From the obvious (cooking) to the less so (home improvement), there are likely many coconut oil uses you're not yet aware of.

How to "Eat" Your Sunscreen: 10 Nutrient-Rich Foods That Will Increase Your Sun Tolerance

Even as someone with super pale skin that burns instead of tanning, I don't use sunscreen nearly as often as I should. Or, uh...ever. My skin cancer prevention routine mostly involves hiding from the sun as much as humanly possible. If you're like me and hate the greasy feeling of sunscreen, there are other ways you can protect your skin by increasing your sun tolerance. Your diet actually has a lot to do with how easily you burn, so by getting enough of a few key nutrients, you can decrease ...

How To: The Top 5 Home Remedies for Treating Poison Ivy & Poison Oak Rashes

Summer is the best friend of poison ivy, oak, and sumac. When the weather is hot outside, people spend more time in the great outdoors, which means more people accidentally running face first into some poisonous shrubs, leaves, and vines. If that sounds like you, instead of suffering through the itch or spending money on expensive pharmaceutical solutions, try some of these home remedies out.

How To: Calibrate the Colors of Your Pixel 2's Display with ElementalX

No matter how good a display is, the idea of perfect color calibration is subjective — some prefer warmer more saturated colors, while others prefer the calmer cooler side of the color spectrum. It is almost impossible to create a single color calibration that everyone can agree on out of the box. The display on the Pixel 2 XL was specifically calibrated with a more realistic color profile in mind.

How To: Get aloe from a plant

If you’ve got a minor cut or nasty sunburn you may reach for the aloe vera for the soothing and healing qualities. You don’t have to buy aloe, it is easy to extract the aloe from the inside of the leaf of a living aloe vera plant.

Connundrum: Sunscreen Addiction

Is Daily Sunscreen Application Dangerous? Since birth, I've been lathered in the sunscreen anytime I venture into the sun. It's what comes with being the freckled spawn of two parents with (benign) skin cancer. Always a fan of the outdoors, my skin has seen lots of sun. You can tell, too. From the lifeguarding, surfing and soccer tournaments, I've definitely notched dozens of sunburns. To protect my skin daily, every morning I apply a moisturizer that includes an SPF 15 sunscreen. 

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