Consuming Carbohydrates Search Results

How To: Make healthier deviled eggs

The "better deviled egg is renamed the "angel" egg. Boil as many eggs as you want to prepare. The ingredients you will need besides the eggs are: pickles (dilled are preferred) and humus. Take the hard-boiled egg and cut it lengthwise. Remove the yolk. Take a tablespoon of your humus and fill the egg white. Chop your dill pickle and put on top of the humus. That is how you make an "angel" egg.

How To: Read and understand a nutrition label

This video shows how to read, understand and interpret the "Nutrition Facts" on food labels. First he explains the fats. Unsaturated fats are good for you, but saturated and trans fats are unhealthy. Cholesterol can be lowered by unsaturated fats and raised by saturated fats. Sodium is salt, and can make you bloated if you have too much or don't drink enough water. Carbohydrates are broken down into fiber and sugars. Fiber is good for digestion, and it's good to keep the amount of sugar low. ...

How To: Make double chocolate protein cookies

Jennifer DiDonato gives you a delicious recipe to healthy chocolate chip cookies. Rather than taking the approach to deprive yourself until you lose control, replace your chocolate chip cookie recipe with my Double Chocolate Protein Cookies. They contain slow digesting complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, lots of protein, and minimal sugar. Watch this Made Fit TV episode to see how simple they are to bake.

How To: Eat nutritiously for better health

Looking to make a nutritious change in your life? By choosing the right foods in the right amounts, you can reap rewards that will benefit you in all aspects of your life. In this tutorial, learn how to eat healthy and make positive changes in what you consume.

How To: Make a 7 Layer Salad Recipe

Not only does this salad look and taste great, but it's also great for you too! Each serving has: 351 calories, 30 grams of protein, 29 grams of carbohydrates, 12 grams of fat. No one will know this one is actually good for you!

How To: Make a chicken salad

Franklin Chef Becker shows you how to prepare a great chicken salad with off the shelf products. To make this salad, wash your lettuce, then add lemon juice, vinegar and olive oil. Mix peppers, cucumbers, scallions, salad, and chicken to complete this low carbohydrate dish for health watchers. Don't ingest any e-coli.

How To: Make a homemade spin toy with a button and string

If you've ever found yourself bored and not knowing what to do, this video tutorial might help you out. See how to make a homemade spin toy with a button. Just get out a pair of scissors, a large button, a glue stick, string and a small piece of paper and you can begin building this time consuming button spinner toy, time consuming as in not hard to make, but fun to play with.

How To: Bulk up and gain weight quickly

It seems like people are always trying to lose weight..but what if you have the opposite problem? Whether you’re recovering from an illness, are a growing teen, or you are an athlete trying to bulk up, a little information can go a long way in helping you pack on a few extra pounds.

How To: Lower cholesterol naturally

In this video, we learn how to lower cholesterol naturally. If you want to accomplish the task of lowering your cholesterol without the use of drugs, it can be done! First, you need to make sure you are eating a diet that has healthy carbohydrates and starches, legumes and beans are both great for this. Also, make sure you avoid foods that have a lot of saturated fat or trans fats, because these will raise cholesterol substantially. Fruits, oats, soy foods, and vegetables will also help lower...

How To: Make a low-carb alfredo sauce

In this tutorial, we learn how to make low-carb alfredo sauce. First, melt a package of cream cheese, then add in 3/4 c parmesan cheese and 1/2 c olive oil. Next, add in 1.5 c cream and mix everything together. After this, add in 1 tsp oregano, 1 tsp pepper, and 1 tbsp minced garlic. Continue to cook this in your pot until everything is melted together. When you are finished, you can serve it over your favorite pasta, or you can serve it over cooked or steamed vegetables. This is great for an...

How To: Cook quinoa like rice

Carolyn Hemming, author of Quinoa 365 The Everyday Superfood, demonstrates how to cook quinoa like rice. Quinoa is highly nutritious with eight amino acids, protein, vitamins, minerals and is a complex carbohydrate. Quinoa is simple to cook and cooks similar to rice. Use two cups of water for every one cup of quinoa. The quinoa will triple in size. To cook the quinoa grains, first, wash the quinoa in a strainer to remove the remaining bitter flavor. You can cook and steam quinoa or use a cook...

How To: Make a low carb protein bar

Watch this quick video to learn how to make your own low carbohydrate protein bar. Here's what you need to do to make your own low carb protein bar: Ingredients: 50 grams of hazelnut butter, 25 grams of whey protein isolate, 40ml of heavy cream Splenda (optional). Mix the butter and whey till dry. Add 40 ml cream and mix well. Shape into a bar and enjoy. This recipe has about 30 grams of protein and 3.5 grams of carbs.

How To: Identify Addons Slowing Down Browser Speed

This video will show you how to identify addons slowing down browser speed. If you have enabled a huge number of addons all of which is not necessary and consumes huge memory will slow down speed. Now you could identify which add-ons consume how much memory and are they necessary. According to this you can disable few of them to speed up your browser.

How To: Breadboard a DIY USB power supply

While breadboarding may seem like some odd combination of snowboarding and consuming the fluffy pastry at the same time, it's actually just the technical term for using a construction base to build a prototype electric circuit. Breadboards are solderless so they're great for circuit design and are reusable.

How To: Make magic rainbow milk

Though your kids will think this "rainbow" milk looks really cool and will instantly want to consume it, doing so may not be the best idea. That's because in order to create this rainbow milk you'll need to mix in color additives and very non-edible soap.

How To: Cure hemorrhoids naturally

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to cure hemorrhoids naturally. Hemorrhoids are swelling and inflammation of veins in the rectum and anus. They are an irritating problem for about 50 percent of adults. Some signs include blood in the tissue or stool when they go to the bathroom. To naturally cure hemorrhoids, users should consume fruits, vegetables, magnesium citrate. Magnesium citrate should be taken about 4-8 mg a day and taken at night. Make sure your body consume enough fiber. Th...

How To: Burn belly fat faster with simple nutrition principles

In this video tutorial, viewers learn about nutrition that will help lose fat and gain muscle. Users learn about the meal they should consume after a workout session. The meal should be predigested to help recover muscles rapidly after a workout. The meal advised to digest is whey protein and a banana. The amount of protein consumption depends on the weight of the user. Users can choose to simply consume the protein with just water or by blending it with other nutritional sources such as the ...

How To: Use the "Ortega method" to solve a 2x2 Rubik's Cube

This is a video tutorial on how to solve a 2x2 Rubik's cube using the Ortega method. The tip from the author is to go for the color whose maximum squares are already together. It is also pointed out that not only does the Ortega method involve three steps, which is time consuming, people using it also tend to take pauses in-between, drastically reducing one's solving speed. This tutorial provides tips on how to reduce and eliminate such time consuming pauses.

How To: Stay slim and fit

Isn't it everybody's dream to stay slim and fat? This video will help boost your self-confidence and will give you tips on how to stay slim and fit. Anne Saccone is of the opinion that green tea with lemon helps her to maintain and manage her weight. She has it about eight times a day. Other food that helps in weight management are cereal with semi-skimmed milk, wholemeal bread, natural yogurt, cottage cheese, boiled egg etc. She advises not to be obsessed with food and to count calories but ...

How To: Prepare a springtime fava bean salad

Whether you're dieting or you're simply watching out for your health, beans are one of the most nutrious, low-calorie, and filling foods you can consume. Because they're so high in fiber you can eat just a little and stay full for hours.

How To: Make the perfect Christmas wassail

Sure you can make Christmas punch this year, but that's just plain boring! Go even more traditional with Wassail! A fantastic alcoholic drink that was primarily consumed in the 14th. century by Anglo Saxtons. In this video you will learn how to make the Wassail with a fantastic recipe!

How To: Blanch and freeze broccoli

If you grow broccoli, but don't find yourself eating it fast enough to consume your whole crop before it goes bad, then blanching and freezing your broccoli can be a good option for preserving it. This video walks you through the steps of blanching and freezing, enabling your broccoli to remain tasty for as long as possible.

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