Consult Brain Search Results

How To: Treat & cure cystic acne

Learn how to treat cystic acne from a real doctor. 1 Painful cystic acne must be treated from within, topical solutions don't work. 2 If you have cystic acne you can consult your doctor and get a prescription for oral antibiotics. A two - three week course of oral antibiotics should help. 3 If that does not work ask your doctor for Accutane to help cure your cystic acne.

How To: Make a fake brain

This video from Backyard FX and Indy Mogul shows you how to make a fake brain. Making a brain is not hard but it does take time and creativity. You can make cauliflower brains, gelatin brains or the one I am going to show you out of bread and glue.

How To: Style a scarf for men

Hey guys! Need some lessons on how to fold a scarf? Emmi Sorokin, national men's image consultant and founder of It's a Man's World Image Consulting shows how to wear four different men's scarves in this free instructional video. Step out in style with a scarf folded the right way!

How To: Do rear deltoid rows

Rear deltoid rows are a great way to work parts of your upper body, letting you go from "bony" to "broad shouldered" in no time. Warning: always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. You will need a barbell and optional: a cambered curl bar. Watch this video to learn how to do rear deltoid rows.

How To: Do overhead dumbbell triceps extensions

The bicep and the tricep are like the yin and yang — if you overdevelop one and not the other, it looks weird at the beach. You will need a dumbbell and a padded weight bench. Warning: In case you drop the weights, make sure no one is standing behind you, other than a spotter. Always consult a physician when attempting any exercise program.

How To: Do a seated military press

When an exercise has "military" in its name, then you know it's serious. You will need a barbell, a padded seat with a padded back, and additional weight plates. Warning: if you are experiencing any shoulder pain, avoid this exercise. Always consult a physician before attempting any exercise program.

How To: Shorten URLs and hide your email address

In this tutorial, Gary Rosenzweig of takes a look at two tiny, but nevertheless very useful, Web services. The first,, will take a long Web address and shorten it to make it easier to send in email. The second,, will hide your email address. For more information consult this great how-to.

How To: Deal with dating anxiety

Check out this how-to video that shows you how to avoid the anxiety of asking out or being asked out so you can enjoy success from smart dating every time. If you have dating anxiety, this is the tutorial to consult! There's no reason to be scared or anxious about dating if you get tips from these two.

How To: Make sense of a sheep's brain

Do you like biology class? Do you like dissecting things? Well, this is the video tutorial for you. Check out this three-part anatomy of a sheep's brain educational video to know everything you need to know about the thoughts of a lamb. You'll get all of the names associated with the sheep brain, but don't think you'll remember them in one sitting, there's too much for even the über-science nerd.

How To: Treat PTSD & practice memory release with tapping

EFT is a highly effective way of dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). If you have an event in your life that you need to be at peace with, this video will help you. Tapping (EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique) is a way to take away the emotional component of the memory. If you find the event too painful to visit on your own, please consult a qualified EFT Practitioner.

How To: Check your Green Iguana for health problems

You don't have to have a university degree to understand the basics of Iguana health and wellness. Let our expert show you in this first section on iguana health how to examine the animal's body, from teeth to tail tip, to determine its measure of health and how to deal with problems. Ron also advises on when it is best to consult a veterinarian.

How To: Turn yellow teeth into perfect pearly whites using a layer mask in Photoshop

It's not brain surgery, but teeth whitening systems still hits the pocket books hard. However, there is a cheaper alternative to have the whitest teeth in the neighborhood, and it's called Photoshop. With Adobe Photoshop, you can have whiter teeth in seconds! Really. It's definitely the best tooth whitening remedy for those behind the camera lens. But remember… Photoshop is only a digital cure. You still might have to hide that smile in public… or consult a dentist.

How To: Prepare and use a Ouija board properly

This introductory tutorial video offers instructions on how to get the most out of a Ouija board. Beginning with casting a circle, it covers the use of protective herbs and symbols, the importance of having water to offer to the spirits and a candle to focus energy, how to invoke a spirit or demon, some important questions that should be asked when a spirit answers the call, what types of questions are best, and how to correctly banish the spirit or demon at the end of the Ouija board session...

How To: Check yourself for testicular cancer

21st Century Boy demonstrates how to check yourself for testicular cancer. After a warm bath or shower, lift up your leg and rest it on the edge of the bathtub. Lift up your right testicle with your left hand and take the thumb, forefinger and index finger of your right hand and check the testicle. Switch hands and repeat the process for the other testicle. There should be a soft lump at the front and the back of the testicle. There should also be a smooth, firm tube running up the side. If y...

How To: Carve a Tasty Watermelon Brain for Halloween

Brains? If you've ever played Plants vs. Zombies, then you already know that brains are a delightful treat for our undead brethren. For those of us still living, we can still indulge in some brain-related dining for Halloween next week. If you're holding a dinner party or just want to make some cool, creepy looking fruit, then this DIY Watermelon Brain is perfect. In order to create this delicious dish, all you will need is a peeler, sharp knife, cutting board, watermelon, and... a brain. Wel...

How To: Manage high blood pressure through diet

Sometimes pills aren't the best answer. Doctors do not need to prescribe medications for common health problems, such as high blood pressure. They can be helped by simple adjusting your lifestyle. If you have high blood pressure, you are more than twice as likely to develop heart disease and six times more likely to have a stroke than people with normal blood pressure. Manage your condition through diet.

News: How Virtual & Mixed Reality Trick Your Brain

Our brains do a magnificent amount of work to process visual stimuli, but they aren't difficult to fool. Optical illusions can trick our minds into believing what we're seeing is real, even if it's not—and virtual and mixed reality technologies take advantage of this little loophole in our brain to help us accept the unreal.

How To: Understand Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis

From The Apprentice Doctor, a video regarding "Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis", which means a blood clot in the cavernous sinus. The cavernous sinus is in the base of the brain and contains several nerves, a vein and many other structures. The vein that sits in the Cavernous sinus carries deoxygenated blood from the brain & face and brings it back to the heart. This video shows how to spot Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis in a patient's protruding eyes.

How To: Prevent road rage

The road can sometimes resemble a battle field. Tailgaters, horn-honkers, and jerks who cut you off are enough to drive any driver batty. Here's how to keep your cool behind the wheel and stay calm during moments in which you'd like to explode.

How To: Deal with cockroaches

These hearty bugs are here simply to elicit screams and revulsion – or so it seems. Apparently they can survive nuclear waste, but that doesn't mean they impossible to get rid of. Deal with them pronto with this video on how to get rid of those pesky bugs.

How To: Prevent gas

While intestinal gas is a normal occurrence within the digestive process, it can also cause bloating, burping and flatulence. Follow these tips to remedy the problem.

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