Counter Spy Plane Search Results

How To: How Area 51 Fooled the Soviets with Fake Spy Planes

Area 51 is the most secretive military base in the United States, a base that U.S. government officials to this day still barely acknowledge because of its top secret development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems. But a slew of Cold War-era documents have finally been declassified, and National Geographic has discovered a rather low-tech method the military used to hide its high-tech prototypes.

How To: Use hand planes

Hand planes are the epitome of fine woodworking. Extreme woodworkers use them, and serious collectors collect them. Planes come in a wide variety of sizes, styles and designs for specific woodworking purposes. Planes are available made entirely of metal, or made of wood with metal blades and parts. In fact, you can buy the blades and make your own planes, as the old-timers often did. Planes can range in price from about $25 for new, economical models to planes that cost several hundred dollar...

How To: Fold a JKF-18 Hornet jet paper plane

This aircraft origami masterpiece is a JKF-18 Hornet, which is modeled after the McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet] supersonic fighter jet used by the United States Navy and Marine Corps, along with the Royal Australian Air Force and Spanish Air Force. It's a fantastic plane—but this origami version of it is better!

How To: Make the Falcon plane from Halo: Reach out of Legos

The falcon is one of the cooler of the many vehicles introduced to the Halo universe for the Halo: Reach installment of the series. This six-part video features exhaustive instructions for any video game / Lego enthusiasts out there who would like to make a Falcon out of Legos. It looks very cool and faithful to the vehicle from the game, and will make a great addition to your Lego model collection.

How To: Start a gas powered RC plane easily

When getting into RC planes the hardest part is actually putting together the plane itself. But don't just pull the cord to try to start the engine, there are a few steps that you will need to go through first. In this video you will get a full walkthrough of how to prep the plane and then how to actually start a small gas powered RC motor.

How To: Match plane's aspect ratio to an image in Blender

In this tip video, you'll see how to set the aspect ratio of a plane object to match that of the image mapped to it. This is important to prevent distortion in the mapped image. This knowledge will be helpful when using image planes for cutout trees and people, instanced image planes for particle effects, and any situation where you need non-distorted images on plane objects. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular open-source 3D computer graphics application or are a seasoned ...

How To: Animate a 3D airplane in Photoshop

Pixel Perfect is the "perfect" show to help you with your Photoshop skills. Be amazed and learn as master digital artist Bert Monroy takes a stylus and a digital pad and treats it as Monet and Picasso do with oil and canvas. Learn the tips and tricks you need to whip those digital pictures into shape with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. In this episode, Ben shows you how to animate a 3D plane in Photoshop.

How To: Secretly record people with your own spy sunglasses

Hack a pair of sunglasses to secretly record audio and video and spend less than $40 in the process with this how-to video. To replicate this hack for yourself, you will need a spy camera and black solar shield sunglasses. For detailed, step-by-step instructions on building your own spy recorder sunglasses, watch this hacking how-to from Kip Kay of Make Magazine.

How To: Land a Nitro RC plane

First of all you have to loose the altitude by taking a circle or two around in the air. On the final turn make a good straight approach to runaway and don't use too much ‘ailerons’ then. Just use the controls ‘rudder’, ‘elevator’ and ‘throttle’. Also watch for the cars or the traffic where you are going to land. Keep constant low ‘throttle’. You have to maintain good ‘idles speed’. You might want to adjust and remember the trim settings. After touch down, don’t pull on elevator. Just cut the...

How To: Identify whether your golf swing plane is correct

Golf Link demonstrates how to identify whether your golf swing plane is correct. The swing plane is the path described by the golf head that controls the direction that the club head is traveling through when it impacts the ball. An on plane swing will have the club head directly traveling towards the target at the point of impact. That and a square face will make a straight shot. If the swing comes inside or below the plane, it will produce a hook shot or a push shot. A swing that comes outs...

How To: Make an iPhone secret spy camera

This how to demonstrates how to use your Apple iphone as a spy camera to spy on others. If you're suspicious, paranoid or just downright creepy, this video can show you how to convert your Apple smart phone into a device for surveillance on others.

How To: Extract a spy quality camera & mini-DVR from a Barbie Video Girl fashion doll

Barbie has joined the espionage community, in the form of Barbie Video Girl, and it's time for you to interrogate her to extract those military-grade secrets she has stored in her spy equipment. That's right, Barbie is now equipped with a fully functional digital camera and mini-DVR (digital video recorder), with 256MB of internal memory, which equals roughly 30 minutes or video recording time.

How To: Fold a reliable paper plane

Origami artist Ana Maria shows us how to fold a reliable paper plane. Start off with a rectangular piece of paper and fold it down the middle. Then take one the of the edges and fold it in a way that it makes a triangle. After that repeat the process again folding the edges even further. Repeat this for the other side as well so that it is nice and even. After making all the folds properly open the page, not the folds made on the edges, then fold it again down the middle but now do it in the ...

How To: Choose a hand plane for woodworking

Learn about the most common, and popular, hand planes used by crafts people today. At first glance, the whole subject looks complicated, because there are dozens of major plane types and many different variations within each of those categories. But most accomplished woodworkers agree that there is a core list of planes that any woodworker should consider for their toolbox. This video introduces and demonstrates how to choose and select, and use five of the more useful handplanes used by cont...

How To: Fold an amazing paper plane glider

Not only is origami useful for making things that appear like they should be able to fly (like paper cranes), it's actually quite good at making things that do fly — like paper planes. With this guide, you'll learn how to make a paper glider with origami, the traditional art of Japanese paper folding. For more information, including a step-by-step overview of the folding process, as well as to get started making your own advanced paper planes, watch this free origami lesson.

How To: Make a zoomerang paper plane with origami

With this guide, you'll learn how to make a folded-paper "zoomerang" paper plane with origami, the traditional art of Japanese paper folding. For more information, including a step-by-step overview of the folding process, as well as to get started making your own colorful paper planes, watch this free origami lesson.

How To: Build a model paper plane

This hobby how-to video shows how to build a Paper Plane Model that is 2.5 by 3.5 inches. You'll need the back of a cue card, a hobby knife, paper glue and a kebab skewer. It takes about an hour to make, and a little longer to clean up the rough edges. Watch this instructional video and learn how to construct a model paper plane.

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