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How To: Use romantic phrases in Brazilian Portuguese

In this tutorial, we learn how to use romantic phrases in Brazilian Portuguese. These are common phrases that anyone can learn, and can help you in everyday Brazilian Portuguese speech. When you are wanting to compliment someone or tell them something romantic, you can say a number of different things. The word "lu" is another word for love, so you could use this my saying "mi lu, linda" which would be "my love, Linda". To say "you are very pretty/cute" you would say "voce e muito linda". To ...

How To: Use the IR power verbs in Brazilian Portuguese

In this video, we learn how to use Power Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese: "IR". When you are using power verbs, you will often use "ir" to help with conjugations. For example, when you are saying "I go/ am going" you would say "eu vou" or if you say "you (do something)/are going" you would say "voce vai". The "ir" will change depending on who you are talking about in your sentence. You will also need to change the end of the power verb that you are using so you can properly use it in a sentence...

News: The Revolution of the Hacked Kinect, Part 1: Teaching Robots & the Blind to See

In 2007, Nintendo introduced the world to motion control video games with the Wii. Microsoft and Sony built on Nintendo's phenomenal success and released their own motion control products for the XBox 360 and Playstation 3 late in 2010: the Kinect and the Move. The Move is basically an improved Wiimote that looks like a sci-fi Harry Potter wand, but the Kinect just might be the most important video game peripheral of all time.

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