Overwhelmed Search Results

How To: Stop getting overwhelmed

In this video from RawRadiantHealth Natasha talks to us about getting back to basics and not getting overwhelmed. A lot of times we can feel like we have too many responsibilities and we can get burnt out. Having a strong foundation and basics like getting enough sleep, eating your meals, your home is clean, you're taking care of yourself can really help you. When the foundation is a bit shaky these things can overwhelm us. If the basics are not taken care of the rest of your life can be a me...

How To: Create a grassy summer meadow inspired makeup look

Unfortunately for the greater portion of gals who live in or close to cities, we aren't blessed with idyllic, wide open spaces filled with green meadows, wildflowers, and perfect clouds in a perfect white sky. Uncommercialized or used spaces are hard to find, which is why getting a taste of green scenery is so important for our well being (it's easy to feel overwhelmed by city life!).

How To: Apply eyeliner with MakeupGeek

This beauty video demonstrates how to apply eyeliner. If you are just beginning to wear makeup, you may be overwhelmed by the many types and brands of eyeliners out there. Depending on what look you want to achieve, you will want to use different eyeliners to get that desired result.

How To: Avoid common strategic planning pitfalls

In this tutorial, we learn how to avoid common strategic planning pitfalls. First, you will need to look at all the common pitfalls. You want to have ownership for the planning process. Everyone that is involved needs to have the tools to get the goals accomplished. Lack of communication is a big problem, so have everyone on the same page with how to talk and communicate what's going on. Decision making should be scattered with different managers and they should be guiding the rest of the sta...

How To: Set up an Airport Extreme for outside computer access

This simple video tutorial explains how to use Airport Utility to configure your Airport Extreme so you can access your Apple computer remotely for file and screen sharing. It explains how to setup DHCP IP reservations and port forwarding using Manual Setup option of the Airport Utility. Considering that the tutorial becomes a little bit technical during the second part, this tutorial is aimed at users who already have at least some knowledge and/or experience setting up a network. Absolute b...

How To: Take good notes in class

Do you write down everything you hear—then get overwhelmed when it’s time to study? Save time—and improve your grades—with this note-taking system. Learn how to take good notes in class with this Howcast guide.

How To: Train a dog not to pull with loose leash walking

This how-to video quickly outlines exercises to get your dog walking on a loose leash by your side. Put very basically, teach the dog what you want them to do! And secondly, stop reinforcing them when they pull! A clicker training method is used, but if you do not have one, you can always use a verbal marker like yes. However you will get much faster and reliable results by using the clicker. If you hold the clicker in the same hand as the leash, and keep the treats in the other hand, you wil...

How To: Make a Petal Pillow

Do you ever get overwhelmed with how many beautiful things are out there? Do you want to be able to alter your home's aesthetic with your mood or the season? A great solution for this is making your own pillows. In this tutorial sewing and fashion video, you can learn how to make petal pillows in a lush, feminine fabric. These marvelous pillows will make your apartment or couch look amazing.

How To: Everything You Need to Know About iOS 8 for Your iPad, iPhone, & iPod Touch

Now that you've updated your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch to iOS 8, there's a lot of cool new things to explore. If you felt a little overwhelmed from all of the detailed information available in our Coolest Hidden Features of iOS 8 post, then I've got a simple breakdown of all of the new features available with quick links to their walkthroughs and pictures, if available. Watch the short video roundup, or skip below for the list.

How To: Change the Owner of a Telegram Group Chat to Pass the Torch to a Different Member

Group chats are fun, effective ways of staying in touch with the many people in our lives. Whether it's the local friend chat or the group from work, we rely on these groups to keep connected. Running one of these group chats, however, can be a monster task. If you're feeling overwhelmed with administrative responsibilities, why not pass on that burden to another member of the Telegram group?

Action Launcher 101: How to Change the Icon Pack for a Custom Look

Eventually, we all get tired of our home screens. There's nothing wrong with it, but after hundreds of times seeing the same thing, it all starts looking a bit stale. You can rearrange icons and widgets, or even just pick a new wallpaper — but sometimes, your layout is perfect and you still want a fresh look. Well, thanks to Action Launcher and icon packs, this is really easy to accomplish.

YouTube 101: How to Manage Your Notifications

YouTube is nothing without its creators — the people who make the content worth visiting the site again and again. Many of us have favorite channels and creators we return to, but it can be difficult to keep track of all the new videos they make, as the alternative is to be plagued by unwanted notifications.

How To: These Two Items Make the Only Meat Marinade You'll Ever Need

My father never cooked a meat without some kind of marinade. He always used a slew of ingredients: salt, pepper, Season-All, Cajun seasoning, vinegar, olive oil, liquid smoke, Worcestershire, hot sauce, onions, lemons... I'm pretty sure this isn't a complete list, but I've honestly forgotten the rest! It always tasted amazing, but the long list of ingredients was definitely a detriment whenever replicating the marinade.

How To: Hack Your Brain to Stop Motion Sickness

Many people deal with motion sickness on a daily basis, and if you're reading this, chances are you're one of them. Kinetosis can make your stomach roll, your entire body sweat, and make you feel fatigued and dizzy at even the slightest movement, whether it's related to carsickness, seasickness, or airsickness. And let's not forget the worst part—vomiting.

How To: Ace Every Essay Assignment with Less Substance, More Fluff

Essay writing is the bane of most students' educational existence. Whether you're a college student tired of slaving away over 30-plus page research papers or a high school student just trying to get through AP Language, chances are you'd love to find a way to cut down on all the writing. Before you spend hours googling facts and figures to cram into your next paper, work smarter by cutting down on content.

Hack Like a Pro: The Basics of the Hexadecimal System

Welcome back, my novice hackers! It has become clear from some of your questions that quite a few of you are unfamiliar with the hexadecimal system, or simply, hex. The hexadecimal system is used throughout computing and if you have never studied this Base16 numering system, it may appear relatively opaque.

News: Top 9 New Safari Features in iOS 12 for iPhone

If there's one strength of Apple's that iOS and Android fans can agree on, it's the company's dedication to user privacy. With each new iteration of iOS, Apple builds upon these foundations, enhancing and increasing each iPhone's ability to protect its user's data. In iOS 12, Apple has added many new features to Safari, most of which have their own unique way of keeping you safe online.

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