Level Weather Search Results

How To: Perform a standard non-precision approach and landing procedure in an aircraft

A pilot that earns an instrument rating is a pilot that's mastered his or her flight skills to a level or precision and accuracy needed to safely fly an airplane through clouds, fog, and other adverse weather conditions. While flying in these weather conditions, known as IMC, or instrument meteorological conditions, a pilot is tasked with flying an airplane solely by reference to flight instruments. The pilot needs to be able to go from takeoff to landing, without having any outside visual re...

How To: Prepare your vehicle for winter weather

When winter rolls around, you get some pretty unpredictable weather: hail, snow, rain, ice, black ice, nasty stuff. Being properly prepared is extremely important because you never know what can happen to you while you're on the road. In this video you will learn how to prepare your vehicle for winter driving.

How To: Use probability to predict weather

In this video, we learn how to use probability to predict weather. Probability is the chance of something happening. If you want to know what the weather is going to be like, you can look at the weather report and see what each day is going to do throughout the week. Ask yourself what the probability is that the weather will be cloudy, judging from what the current work week weather is. First, figure out how many days there are total and then find out how many are cloudy versus how many are s...

How To: Optimize a nitro-powered RC car for the weather

In this video we are about to see how to optimize a nitro-powered RC car for the weather. First to tune a engine we have to know what all the factors that will affect the engine and know how our engine works. The tuning of the engine varies with the place we go in. The tuning levels are different to different areas we go and it also varies from a season to season. The needle settings and the plug settings changes. In winter you can go for a harder plug and summer you can go for a colder plug....

How To: Weather strip your house

The hosts, Robin Burke and David Musial, show how to install weather stripping to keep the heat in your home and the cold out. David demonstrates how to remove old, worn weather stripping. He shows the new weather stripping and makes a cut, demonstrating what to do if a new piece of stripping doesn't fit your door. Robin then shows us how to install weather stripping on windows, demonstrating how easy it is to attach the material. Using these techniques, you can further insulate your home fro...

How To: Apply paint wash weather effects on an RC airplane

Check out this five-part video tutorial on how to apply paint wash weather effects on an RC airplane. If you like building engines and bodies for remote-controlled vehicles (airplanes), then this will definitely help you out, just by learning how to apply some black wash to weather the airplane RC motor. You will learn all of the tricks needed for weathering, like using acrylic paint and thinner.

How To: Properly use the words "whether" and "weather" in English

In this video, we learn how to learn how "whether" is used while speaking English. The word "whether" is used when you are going to talk about different things, not the weather that is outside. If you can use the word "if" instead of "whether", you are using the word with the "th" instead of "ea". The "weather" is used when you are talking about what it's like outside. This includes if it's hot, cloudy, raining, snowing, and anything else. Any other time you are talking, the word "whether" ca...

How To: Install door weatherstripping

This video shows you exactly how to weather-strip a door to keep down heating costs. Step by step instructions on how to check your doors to see if they need weather-stripping and how to install the weather-stripping. This also teaches you how to check to make sure that your weather-stripping has been installed correctly on your door to keep out any drafts. All that you need is some weather-stripping, a tape measure, a utility knife, a power drill, and some screws. This video teaches you how ...

How To: Ingest vitamin D and minerals to fight MS

It is argued that sun exposure and warm weather helps people cope with and fight multiple sclerosis. Sun is important to produce vitamin D. There are arguments that vitamin D deficiency is connected with cases of multiple sclerosis. Get a blood test to make sure your vitamin levels are optimum and you are suffering from no mineral or vitamin toxicity.

How To: Easily weather seal your garage door

If you have a garage door attached to your home, it's important to know that it's a space that needs proper insulation as well. Not doing so can lead to a room that is cold to walk into and can cause other rooms in your home to become cold as well. In this next tutorial, you'll find out what you need to do in order to easily weather seal your garage door. Enjoy!

How To: Winterize your car brakes & ABS

For most people who deal with seasonal cold weather, it makes sense to prepare one's car brakes/ABS for the winter weather. Ed Kriston from AAA Mid-Atlantic discusses typical brakes and anti-lock brakes. Kriston goes over the general makeup of how brakes work and what components make up the brake system. He goes over how to tell if there is sufficient brake pad to get you through the winter. To make sure your car brakes or anti-lock brakes are prepared for the cold weather, follow the steps i...

How To: Shoot in extreme weather and rain

You need a rain barney among other items before you go out there and record the world's end. Shooting in extreme weather conditions? Heavy rain or snow and high winds can pose quite the obstacle, but with a little bit of foresight, a few tips from Matt, and the right equipment, such as a rain barney and woolie, your show will go on!

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