Interests Search Results

How To: Get Netflix to Auto-Download Shows & Movies to Your Phone Based on Your Interests

These days, there's more content than ever, and the sheer amount of titles out there can make picking something to watch seem near impossible. Netflix does provide suggestions based on content you've already viewed, which helps, and the company believes so much in its algorithms that it now gives you the option to auto-download videos on your devices based on your interests, no decisions required.

How to Spy on Tweeters: Viewing Someone Else's Twitter Timeline with TwtRoulette

In today's world of social media, there's really only two powerhouses—Facebook and Twitter. And those of you with Twitter accounts know the power of a Tweet. Getting more followers means reaching more people, but the vast majority of Tweeters are following only a handful of Twitterers themselves. Do you ever wonder why them? What's so special about these selected followed users? Is it worth it to follow them, too? That's up to you, but if you're searching for more people to follow, then it's ...

How To: Make a website using Adobe Flash CS4

Creating a website from scratch is one of the most productive and most challenging things that you can do on a computer, whether the site promotes your own services and interests or you're being paid to make it for someone else. This nine-part video will walk you through the entire process of making a website using Flash CS4. It is very complete, and if you have the patience to watch all nine parts you should be well on your way to creating a really cool, high-traffic site.

How To: Use "tummeling" in conversational mechanics

Heather Gold teaches us how to use "tummeling" in conversation mechanics in this tutorial. When you are having a conversation with someone, you need to know that it is not all about you. You will need to appeal to other people's interests and shift from everything being about you to the other party involved in the conversation. When you are performing or speaking in a large group, you will want to talk like a realistic person and make sure you are not saying something that isn't interesting o...

How To: Become a pop backup dancer

Did you know that Jennifer Lopez, also known as "J. Lo", got her start as one of the "fly girl" dancers on the comedy sketch show, "In Loving Color"? To become a backup pop dancer, you need to get yourself out there and meet people with similar interests or join a dance team. Discover some steps one can take to getting closer to their goal of ecoming a backup dancer with advice from one expert.

How To: Create your own free cartoon avatars online

Want to make a cartoon representation of yourself? See how to create free cartoon avatars that can be customized to represent your unique personality or interests across the social networks or chat clients you frequent with this video guide. For more information, including detailed instructions, take a look.

How To: Make a candy butterfly with your kids

This video tutorial focuses on two things that can interest kids: candy and butterflies. Butterflies are beautiful creatures that are great to look at and move so gently every kid wants to touch one. And candy is, well, candy. It's sweet, tasty, and can make any frown turn upside down. So check out this tutorial and find out how to combine both these interests into one. Enjoy!

How To: Answer the "Tell me about yourself" question

In this video, John Heaney gives advice on how to answer a simple but difficult question during a job interview. If interviewers ask job seekers to tell them about themselves, they can be put on the spot and be unable to even begin to answer the question. Heaney puts this question into perspective from the employer's perspective. For instance, he reminds you to remember that you are applying for a job and your answer should be related to your technical abilities rather than your personal inte...

How To: Create and start a group on Facebook

This video is about creating a group on Facebook. Groups on Facebook join friends and people with similar interests. Go to the dialog box and choose groups, create new. You then bring up the form. Choose a name and describe the name. Scroll down and choose the group type. Click create group. You can also add a photo of the group. Scroll down and choose enable photo, video or links. Then you decide who has the responsibility for making changes to the group-members or an administrator. Decide w...

How To: Create a Facebook group in less than five minutes

Learn how to create a Facebook group in less than 5 minutes with this straightforward video. You will first learn how to navigate your Facebook page and where to set up your group. This is a video that gives you the absolute basics for the first-time Facebook user. After you create your group, you will be able to invite any friends you may have on Facebook. This is an easy way to communicate with people who may have the same interests as you.

How To: Have an eye-catching online dating profile

Make a great online dating profile with this tutorial! Having a good profile is very important because when it comes to catching someone's eye and getting them to contact you. You have maybe a few seconds so your profile has to stand out, be interesting, and personable. Photos are also very important. You need 3-5 nice solo photos to put on your profile. Photos will help a person decide if they are interested in you. Posting good head and shoulder and full body photos is important. Do not use...

How To: Opt Out of Ad Tracking on Android

Most of the free apps you'll find on the Play Store have ads. These ads are personalized — in other words, they're for products and services Google believes you might be interested in. The way Google knows about your interests is by collecting data from your smartphone, including your location and app usage. While personalized ads have their advantages, the collection of data is unsettling.

News: New App Makes Networking More Like Online Dating

Shapr is a new networking app that aims to help professionals connect more efficiently, and draws much of its format from dating-focused social networking apps. Shapr could be especially useful for those who have recently moved into their industry or location, and for those seeking employers or employees. For example, the app already has 65,000 users just in New York City alone.

How To: Write a thesis introduction

In this video, we learn how to write a thesis introduction. First, you will need a concrete story. Start your thesis with a story that shows your interests. The second part is to have an interesting question that you will answer in the thesis. The third part is to have an explanation. Tell the reader why the question is so important and explain it. The fourth part is chapter details. Introduce the aim and content of each chapter as you present it. The fifth part is to make your thesis one of ...

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