Household Methods Search Results

How To: 10 Easy DIY Methods for Removing Ink Stains with Household Items

Need to remove an ink stain from your carpet, clothing, wooden furniture, or new pair of jeans? Thankfully, as with most DIY stain removal techniques, you can probably concoct your own stain-removing solution from common household items in your bathroom or kitchen. Some examples include white vinegar, corn starch, toothpaste, WD-40 spray, dishwashing soap, hair spray, and even milk. Yes, milk.

How To: Make a paper colt pistol using household materials

If you're interested in owning a colt pistol, but don't have the money or proper paper work needed, you can always make one from scratch. Of course, in this tutorial, you'll find out how to make one using just paper and other household materials. It may not be the exact thing, but you can always tell your friends that you own a colt pistol. (Made of paper.) Anyway, good luck and enjoy!

How To: Get rid of pimples quickly and easily

Let's face it; we've all been there. A pimple pops up and you have a big event in a day or two. What do you do? Misses Wonder is here to save the day with a few tips and tricks for quickly and easily getting rid of those pesky pimples. Simple household items can be used to try to eliminate zits. Some methods include using toothpaste, and making homemade face masks with fruit, as well as methods for how to combat dryness from the treatments. Even if you think you've tried it all, give this tut...

How To: Cheat with a blank piece of paper

Household Hacker brings you fun hack how to projects in a variety of areas: electronic hacks, computer hacks, pranks, etc. Search Household Hacker on WonderHowTo for more videos by this creator. In this video, learn how to cheat with a blank piece of paper.

How To: Use positive imprinting to train a pet exotic bird

Parrot Trainer Chet Wombach shows how to use 'positive imprinting' to get rid of negative feelings towards objects, people, or things. Exotic birds may not immediately adapt to a domestic situation and may find household life unnecessarily threatening or stressful. Watch this video training tutorial and learn how to use the technique of positive imprinting to better acclimate a pet parrot, cockatiel, Macaw, or any exotic bird into the household environment and to be a happier, healthier, and ...

How To: Do fun household pranks with a bowl, an egg, a rubber band, and lacrosse stick

There are a lot of great pranks that are NOT appropriate for children to perform. Not only are they in the wrong environment, but their limited emotional development hamstrings their ability to handle serious pranks properly. This video will show you three pranks that are appropriate for all ages and use common household materials. The include the Ceiling Bowl Trick, the rubber-band-sink-sprayer, and the classic egg-in-the-doorframe prank.

How To: Clean your game disc, DVD or CD with household items

In this instructional video, the young host demonstrates an excellent method for cleaning your DVD's, CD's, and Game discs using simple, easily found items that you always have laying around your house. The toothpaste he uses acts as a super mild abrasive (almost exactly the same that is used in professional kits, except they don't get the benefit of a minty fresh smell) that removes minute dirt and debris that gets stuck on the disc. When cleaning your discs, be sure to rub the toothpaste in...

How To: Train your dog to be calm around new objects

This video explains how to keep a dog calm and to be less reactive to objects that it is not used to including baby strollers, hats, canes, and a few other items. Starting with a few tips on how to get a dog used to the item in question such as keeping a leash on the dog and far enough away from a person the dog trusts and loves so that the dog will associate the object with a person. There are many aspects when training a dog in this way and each method can be tried if one does not work. Aft...

How To: Develop a child's math skills with pumpkin seeds

In this video, we are shown how to create and utilize a pumpkin-themed mat and some pumpkin seeds in order to teach young children how to count. Using a mat with a picture of a pumpkin on it, as described in the video, you should have a few squares with numbers on it which the children can put on the mat. Then, using a bowl of pumpkin seeds, have the child pick up the seeds and place them on the mat, having them pick the correct number of seeds as correspond to the number of the square they c...

How To: Make fake break bottles for a film effect

Backyard FX show host Eric has an awesome new tutorial for all you aspiring film makers. He is going to teach you how to make your own fake glass bottles out of household products such as sugar, corn syrup and cream of tartar. This is generally for scenes where a glass bottle needs to be broken over an actor's head. This method is incredibly safe and won't cost very much to make either. Be sure to follow his tutorial closely because you may be forced to have to start over again if you skip a ...

How To: Make a small robot gripper out of household items

A perfect project for the budding roboticist in you! This video shows you how to make a small robot gripper using basic household items. Press the button and make the robot's come together! You will need: a small blow torch or butane lighter, a glue gun, a dremel or rotary tool (along with several different bits), the free cutting pattern, a permanent marker, a micro servo, some small nails or pins, a small piece of Plexiglass and a paperclip. If you don't have access to a dremel, you can fak...

How To: Make animal masks using household items & John Lithgow

It's time to teach your kids about animals! To get your little one thinking like an animal, why not help them look like one? In this tutorial, featuring John Lithgow, learn how to turn common household items like paper plates and paints to create fun, realistic looking animal masks with your kids! You will also learn how to make special doggy treats and bird feeders so that you can really get on all fours with your animal buddies! Have fun!

How To: Make a Hovercraft with Common Household Goods

This video illustrate us how to make a hovercraft with common household items. To build one, first of all, collect all of the items required for making it. You need a CD, bottle cap, balloon and super glue. Then start by applying glue to the lower end of the cap and sticking it to the center of the CD and let it dry. After it has dried, blow up the balloon and secure it up on the bottle cap tightly. Now open the bottle cap and let the balloon deflate.

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