Burns Fat Search Results

How To: Burn fat with a plyometric weight loss routine

How do you amp up your current cardio/strength training routine to make sure you burn extra calories and shed extra fat? By jumping. Though jumping sounds easy, after you try this routine and repeat it a few times we'd be surprised if you weren't completely winded and sweaty. Do these exercises after your usual routine to really kick things up:

How To: Burn belly fat using boxing exercises

Two hunky guys demonstrate how to improve your abdominal muscle tone. Work your abdominals in a unique motion and boost your anabolic hormones to gain muscle and lose fat. In addition to this workout, add healthy eating and positive thinking and you will accomplish your goal. You can get your heart rate up to over 160 using these tips. The movements are simple, they are basic boxing hits. You must work the right muscles and move the right way, as with any exercise, and it works.

How To: Burn belly fat faster with simple nutrition principles

In this video tutorial, viewers learn about nutrition that will help lose fat and gain muscle. Users learn about the meal they should consume after a workout session. The meal should be predigested to help recover muscles rapidly after a workout. The meal advised to digest is whey protein and a banana. The amount of protein consumption depends on the weight of the user. Users can choose to simply consume the protein with just water or by blending it with other nutritional sources such as the ...

How To: Do specific exercises to burn belly fat

Kathy Kaehler, author, celebrity trainer, spokesperson and mother, gives us a rundown of the best exercises for fellow women and moms on how to target their belly fat and love handles, and specifically the best ways to tighten these areas. Kathy first does advise us that if you're going to be targeting like this the most important thing first will be cardio and general fitness. Then, she offers us first the side plank, where you place one elbow to the ground, lying on your side, and then elev...

How To: Burn More Fat with Stair Climbing

Let me share some great information on stair climbing and how it can provide many health benefits. Burn more calories stair climbing that jogging or running. See how in the video. If you enjoy the video and would like to see more, please hit the subscribe button. I hope this helps!!

How To: Do a push-pull fat burning workout

If you're looking to lose some fat, the push-pull fat burning workout is great! Give this intense fat burning workout a shot, and in just 10, maybe 15 minutes you will experience one of the most grueling workouts ever! It is really good because you do not need any equipment, you will just use your body weight for the exercises. The workout mainly consists of push ups and pull ups, in a specific order. Watch this how-to instructional video to properly learn how to do this push-pull fat burning...

How To: Understand how body fat burning works

This is a comedic look at how body fat burning works according to our host Crazy Chris. This home video is edited together to give us some tips on how to burn fat in a pretty humorous way. Chris goes for a more goofing around and recreational approach to staying in shape rather than normal exercise. He recommends your favorite activity for 30 minutes twice a day. His happens to be swimming. Crazy Chris basically tells us to burn body fat you need to burn energy by playing sports and having fun!

How To: Do a fat burning cable workout

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to burn fat with a cable workout. These exercises will require a cable machine. There are four exercises in this workout. These four exercises are: cable wood chop, reverse wood chop, one arm cable row and exercise ball cable crunches. When performing these exercises, do not use a heavy weight. These exercises mainly target the abdominal and core muscles. They also target biceps, obliques and back muscles. This video tutorial will benefit those viewer...

How To: Do an outdoor fat burning workout

Personal fitness coach Yuri Elkaim demonstrates how to do an outdoor fat burning workout. You'll need a rubber exercise band and a tree or a pole for the workout. First, warm up by going for a 5-minute jog. Then do a 30-second squat press. Next, do a 30-second set of pushups. From there, attach the exercise band to a tree, squat into a sitting position and extend the band to you. Do this exercise for 30 seconds. Add a speed skating motion for 30 seconds. Do the four exercises for 30 seconds e...

How To: Do interval training workout for fat loss

Watch this video to learn how to burn fat doing cardio. A step by step video tutorial that will guide you through some basic instructions to help you burn fat doing high intensity interval training. Yuri Elkaim from MyTreadmillTrainer presents a very informative lesson on how high intensity training burns fat. He explains the difference between high intensity training and long cardio. Long cardio encourages you to take your time and, for example, go on a 1 to 2 hour slow bike ride. High inten...

How To: Lose belly fat through exercise and diet knowledge

Learn how to lose belly fat quickly and naturally, in less than eight minutes! Using cartoon clips and simple definitions, this video explains how fat cells work and details the risks of carrying around extra fat. It explains what happens as we age, and how muscle burns fat away. Simply put, the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn. It explains which cardio and abdominal exercises are best to help you achieve your goal of a fit and trim body.

How To: Get six pack abs with cardio & strength training

In this video, Yuri Elkaim will teach you how to get six pack abs using cardio and strength training. He breaks down the discussion of cardio vs. strength training for burning fat and building muscle. In the video, Elkaim stresses high-intensity interval training (HIIT), in which he says you will burn more calories, and therefore lose more fat if that is your aim. Furthermore, working at a higher intensity for longer periods of time increases your cardiovascular strength to an even higher deg...

How To: Complete a three minute ab workout for tight, sculpted abs

Many people go about spot fat removal wrong. First of all, there is no such thing as spot fat removal. It's impossible to get rid of fat in just one area, so if you want to make your abs flat and toned but there's too much flab covering it at the moment, you need to do lots of cardio to burn off the fat and strength training so that once your fat slides off your muscles are visible.

How To: Perform 5 exercises to firm stomach and thighs

This video demonstrates various different tips which will help you to strengthen the stomach and thighs. First of all, you should make sure that you are eating properly by eating more vegetables, whole grains, and cut down on junk food. Next, make sure to do cardio exercises, at least 3 hours a week. This increased oxygen consumption will be able to increase fat burning to get rid of fat around the stomach area. Another tip to help with burning fat and toning muscles is to focus on different ...

How To: Lose belly fat without doing sit-ups

In this video, we learn how to lose belly fat without doing sit-ups. First, you will want to compare full body exercises to crunches to see which one will make you work harder and cause you to burn the most calories. It's obvious that the full body work out is going to cause you to burn far more calories than doing crunches will burn. It takes hard work and a lot of cardio to lose belly fat, but it is the only thing that is going to work, crunches will only help you to tone your abs, not help...

How To: Lose belly fat by avoiding junk food

In this tutorial, we learn how to lose belly fat by avoiding junk food. If you eat too many bad fats, they will store inside of your body and cause several health problems for you. The more you eat, the more your body will store and it will be harder for you to burn off, causing you to become overweight. To achieve a flat stomach, you will just need to make sure you are eating healthy foods. Make sure you are not eating foods with a lot of high sugar content or quick burning carbs. Once you s...

How To: Do an intense fat loss workout

This step-by-step video tutorial will show you how to do a high weight, low rep workout that will burn fat effectively. Yuri Elkaim of MyFitterU will show you six high intensity exercises in a circuit fashion that will have you slimmer in no time. Yuri will walk you through each exercise, including the dumbbell clean, box jumps, and speed skate lateral lines, with basic and simple instructions to make sure you do this workout safely and effectively. Visit Yuri's website for a 12-week workout ...

How To: Prepare a cast iron skillet

For this to work, you will need to take your pan through a process of heating and cooling. You put it on the stove, start the heat and apply a thin layer of fat on it, with a napkin or brush. This will open up the pours of the pan. As the fat becomes to burn and the pan heats even more, place it on a lower setting on another part of the stove and continue to apply fat. This process repairs the pan, as it pushes the rust away from the pores, so you will have a stronger pan in the end. This wil...

How To: Do advanced MMA strength training circuits for fighters

Whether you're a high level athelete who's recently hit a muscle gain plateau or a wannabe UFC fighter looking to make it in the big leagues, this video provides everything you need to formulate an effective fat-burning strength training program. While cardio is always a must in any exercise regimen, strength training helps build and drastically strengthen muscle, meaning your body can more effectively perform work.

How To: Work out your lower abs on a roman chair

Your body is a temple and must be taken care of accordingly to keep it working for years. Scultping your body can also be a great way to keep the fat away and your mind sharp. This tutorial will focus on the lower abs of your body and how to use a roman chair to work them out. Sit back and feel the burn!

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