Severe Economic Search Results

How To: Create a realistic, severe burn using cinema makeup

In this tutorial, we learn how to create a realistic, severe burn using cinema makeup. You will need to start out with unflavored gelatin made to be placed on the skin to create texture and a glossy look for blood. Start by applying the gelatin to the face with a flat wood stick for makeup. Apply in strokes so you have a textured look, not just smooth. Give this time to cool and set, then apply different colors of makeup onto the gelatin with a brush. Use browns, purples, and reds to create a...

How To: Breathe fire

You want learn how to fire breath? This how-to video has 6 easy steps that anyone can do and it's safe. You need corn starch, water and a flame. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to breathe fire. You'll be able to find work as a carnie in these tough economic times.

How To: Provide great customer service to your customers

In a bad economic environment, providing a great customer service experience is even more important than normal. Word of that great experience will spread via Twitter and Youtube, helping your business attract buzz without requiring it to spend cash on marketing. This video features a business technology expert explaining how to create a "wow" experience for your customers and use the ability to do so to improve your business.

How To: Reduce cold sores (herpes simplex)

This video shows you how to reduce cold sores caused by the herpes simplex virus. You will see small blisters, or cold sores, on your lips. Most people are infected with this virus as children. It can recur at any point later in life. This is type one. There is a second type called type two, and this causes blisters in the genital area. The first symptoms come with in two or three weeks of first contact. The blisters usually last for seven to ten days and will subside on their own. Topical me...

How To: Be prepared for outdoor disaster

Whether it's a political or economic collapse, a natural disaster or even the zombie apocalypse, follow these outdoor survival tips to make sure you are prepared! Learn how to make a shelter in the wildnerness, proper preparation techniques for supplies, and become a better survivalist!

How To: Cut a t-shirt into a halter top

Revamp an old t-shirt into a stylish halter top shape. This is an easy project, and with these tough economic times, you should probably be saving that money instead of going shopping. Check out this video fashion tutorial and learn how to reconstruct a t-shirt without any sewing.

How To: Modify and build the Firebird Phantom model plane

Real airplanes can't take any sort of crashes whatsoever. Lighter model planes can take a bit of roughing up, but nothing severe. If you crash all the time this may help ease the learning curve process, which includes some necessary crashing. This video shows you how to keep the wings from folding in tight loops, how to beef up the tail feathers and tail boom, and how to get more elevon movement for tighter turns and loops.

How To: Do a retrograde tracheal intubation

This video demonstrates how to insert an RTI to establish an emergency endotracheal airway. This procedure is done if intubation is necessary and one of the following is true: failure of conventional intubation, vocal cords are not visible, existence of upper airway pathology or the patient has severe kyphosis or cervical spondylosis.

News: Probiotics Could Cut Sepsis in Infants for Just $1 a Day

Bacteria, viruses and other germs sometimes set off the immune system to overreact, producing a severe condition called sepsis. Sepsis is so dangerous that it is the leading cause of death of children across the world, killing a million kids every year, mostly in developing countries. Probiotic bacteria might be able to prevent sepsis and infections, but no large research studies have been done to find out whether that actually works. Until now.

How To: Treat severe acne

f you suffer from severe acne, a basic treatment like face wash just isn't going to cut it. Luckily, there's skin care that really can help clear up your face, from Accutane (which you've probably heard of) to doxycycline (which you probably haven't).

How To: Prevent Acne with Doctor Recommended Treatments

Acne develops when pores become blocked with dead skin cells and oil. They usually disappear over time but sometimes they leave a scar. When those blemishes form white blood cells rush to the surface to help heal the area. But occasionally a scar forms. Popping and picking can send bacteria further into the skin and increase the blemish and it greatly increases the likelihood that a scar will appear. Nodules and cysts are more severe blemishes and have an increased likelihood of leaving scars...

How To: Create frequency distributions with Excel pivot tables

If you use Microsoft Excel on a regular basis, odds are you work with numbers. Put those numbers to work. Statistical analysis allows you to find patterns, trends and probabilities within your data. In this MS Excel tutorial from everyone's favorite Excel guru, YouTube's ExcelsFun, the 15th installment in his "Excel Statistics" series of free video lessons, you'll learn how to use create a frequency distribution, relative frequency distribution, percent frequency distribution and pie chart wi...

How To: Win at BlackJack by playing like a professional

There are many so-called methods for beating the dealer at BlackJack, but not many of them actually work. In this tutorial, get tips from a professional gambler on how to outsmart the system and win every time. You will be raking in the cash after a few practice sessions with this video as your guide. All of the methods in this video are totally legal ways to why not try it? I mean, in these rough economic times, couldn't you use some extra cash? And it's fun too!

How To: Make Maryland crab cakes

Crab cakes are best when kept simple and light. Try the recipe in this video for an authentic Chesapeake Bay taste. You'll need to gather these ingredients: two eggs, mayonnaise, Worcestershire sauce, Dijon mustard, lemon, bread or cracker crumbs, seafood seasoning, baking powder, parsley, and crabmeat. If you can't make it out to the shore or a nice restaurant (economic downturn and all), check out this video cooking show and learn how to make your very own Maryland crab cakes. And remember-...

How To: Reduce back pain, tension, and stress

Are you suffering from severe back pain or tension? Releave that pain naturally with help from this video. Author and Creator, David P. Morrow of the Fat Into The Fire books and program provides a free demonstration of how to reduce back pain, reduce muscle tenstion and reduce stress. It is a simple yet effective breathing and stretching technique.

How To: Treat work related burns

Burns are an injury to the body that can range from a sunburn to severe tissue damage. Burns are classified by the tissue and surface area affected. This first aid how-to video will show you how to treat a person who has been injured at work. Watch to learn great first aid tips that will keep your workers happy and healthy.

How To: Make a backless top from scratch

In this time of economic uncertainty, trying to save money is more important than ever. There are many ways that this can be done, and one is by making your own clothes. This can be achieved using materials that can cost less than regular clothing found in stores.

How To: Make DIY pearl cluster earrings

During this rough economic period, more and more people are looking for better ways to save on money, but still look good in the process. One of the best ways of doing that is by making your own jewelry. Much of the materials can be bought at stores like Target and Wal-Mart and are easy to put together. So in this tutorial, you'll find out how to make beautiful looking pearl cluster earrings. Good luck and enjoy!

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