Nerd Kung Search Results

How To: Make Kung Pao shrimp

Learn how to make Kung Pao shrimp. This Kung Pao (Kung Po) shrimp kicks a delicious punch, and it's a perfect recipe to throw together right at the grill as a quick appetizer while the main course is roasting. To prepare the sauce, you'll need soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, sesame oil, fresh minced ginger, minced garlic, cayenne pepper, and red chili flakes.

How To: Make Asian style Kung Pao chicken

Kung Pao Chicken is a delicious spicy dish that is quick and easy to make. Just follow these simple instructions in this Asian cooking how to video. The ingredients you need to make Kung Pao chicken are: chicken breasts, garlic salt, sugar, cornstarch, green onions, chili peppers, ginger, roasted peanuts, soy sauce, and rice wine vinegar. Serve the Kung Pao chicken with a side of white rice, fried rice or noodles.

How To: Stunt fight Kung Fu style

In this week's episode of Backyard FX, Erik visits the Indy Kung Fu Masters of West Haven Brook to learn some awesome tips for movie fight scenes. They talk about the counting, sound effects, pull backs and camera movement necessary for orchestrating a great fight scene.

How To: Cook Chinese kung pao chicken with Kai

Forget the take out tonight, cook some Chinese food at home instead. Watch this how to video tutorial as professional Thai chef Kai shows you how to cook up an authentic dish of kung pao chicken. You can serve your homemade kung pao chicken with a side of rice.

How To: Draw a nerdy guy with glasses, braces and big ears

Portrait drawings are difficult for most artists, but one thing's for sure— drawing nerds is as easy as they come. Nerds are easier to draw because you can stray from the formality of portraits, putting your own spin on it, over-compensating the details, exaggerating the dorky features. It's a drawing class in its own, and Merrill shows you how to draw his version of the NERD!

How To: Kick start a new fitness routine with Kung Fu

In this video, we learn how to kick start a new fitness routine with Kung Fu. This exercise is a workout that you will not get bored of. You are always doing something new with Kung Fu and it burns a ton of calories. These workouts are rigorous and combine strength training, endurance training, and really work out your body. The classes start out with yoga, then they start getting your heart rate up by working out hard. If you can't get to a class, you can do this at home by doing loose kicks...

How To: Use the command prompt in Windows 7

For all you that are not computer geeks or nerds, this tutorial is going to show you some tips on using the command prompt in Windows 7. Although it's not vital information, this can still be used to fix certain computer problems and is fun to use when opening certain programs or doing other things as well. So sit back, pay attention, and being a geek or nerd is cool so relax!

How To: Draw Kung Fu Panda on a computer

In this video you will learn how to draw a Kung Fu Panda on your computer. The first thing to do is to create the sketch using a crayon tool. After you've done that you need to take a brush tool and draw on the sketch with a black color. The next step is to paint the background using a spray tool or a bigger brush. To paint the Panda you will need a smaller brush and you have to be careful. After that, draw the details and the shadows. In the end, you will know how to create a beautiful maste...

How To: Prepare Kung Pao shrimp

If you like kung pao chicken then you’ll adore kung pao shrimp. You can really add something special to your next dinner by bringing this flavorful Asian inspired dish to the table. Shrimp quick very quickly and are ready when pink.

How To: Ollie while moving/farther on a skateboard

This video shows Melvin the Nerd explaining how to do a moving ollie on a skate board. With his taped together sunglass and nerdy voice, he explains that a moving ollie is basically the same as a non-moving ollie. When standing on the skate board you use your back foot to push down on the board as hard as possible. This will force the front of the board into the air while the back will "bounce" off the ground up into the air. Melvin the Nerd explains that the only way to learn is by practicing.

How To: Model of a pair of twelve-side dice in Blender

D&D nerd? Learn how to create a 3D model of a 12-sided die with this video guide. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular open-source 3D computer graphics application or are a seasoned digital artist merely on the lookout for new tips and tricks, you're sure to be well served by this free video software tutorial. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look!

How To: Caveman on a skateboard

Come along with Melvin the Nerd as you learn to do "the caveman" on a skateboard. His charming personality, hilarious mannerisms and speech are fun to watch as well as educational. Learn this simple trick in just a few steps by jumping up with one foot, pulling the board under your feet and quickly leaping onto the skateboard. In just a few minutes you'll impress your friends with your new tricks and have had a great laugh while learning.

How To: Make egg noodles in soy broth with ketchup

Noodles are the basis for many a Chinese dish, including the Americanized chow mien (or "cooked noodles" in Chinese), noodles in broth, noodles with wonton soup, noodles with air. After all, with a light, airy consistency they're the perfect complement for savory dishes like kung pao chicken and beef and broccoli with soy sauce.

How To: Pronounce 6 letters that look the same in Cyrillic

Check out this instructional language video to learn how to pronounce 6 letters in Russian that look the same, but are different. Learn how to read and write the Cyrillic alphabet with Viktor Dmitriyevich Huliganov with this 3rd lesson. This lesson covers the letters B, P, H, X, C, Y which look like English letters, but have a different sound. Watch this tutorial video that is great for language nerds and beginning Russian speakers.

How To: Conjugate -ovat' verbs in Russian

Check out this instructional language video and learn about Russian verbs ending in -ovat'. Learn Russian with Viktor Dmitriyevich Huliganov in his 16th lesson. He introduces a whole new way of conjugating the tricky -ovat' verbs in Russian. Watch this tutorial video that is great for language nerds and advanced Russian speakers who need to polish their skills or looking to improve their proficiency in Russian.

How To: Learn about Russian prepositions

Check out this instructional language video and learn about Russian prepositions. Learn Russian with Viktor Dmitriyevich Huliganov in his 17th lesson that is in two parts. He introduces a whole new way of tackling the tricky area of prepositions in Russian. Watch this tutorial video that is great for language nerds and advanced Russian speakers who need to polish their skills or looking to improve their proficiency in Russian.

How To: Use Japanese slang

Check out this instructional Japanese language video for a lesson in Japanese slang. Practice your lingo and impress native Japanese language speakers with your firm grasp of their vernacular. This video is great for language nerds and anime enthusiasts who are trying to improve their Japanese language skills.

How To: Find the two Monty Python Easter Eggs in Fallout New Vegas

The guys at Obsidian have done an amazing job at adding in all sorts of extra Easter Eggs into Fallout New Vegas for us older nerds who had an awesome childhood! These Easter Eggs are from two of Monty Python's movies, Holy Grail and The Life of Brian. Check out this video from Achievement Hunter as they get you the locations of the hidden Easter Eggs. Spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spammity spaaaaammmmm!!

How To: Add fractions with same denominator with Virtual Nerd

This video instructs on how to find the sum of fractions that have the same denominator. In order to do this, all that needs to be done is to add the different numerators together, then put the sum of those numbers over the common denominator. The example used is 2/9 + 1/9 + 5/9. The first step is to add the numerators which gives you 2 + 1 + 5/9. Then simplify the fraction adding 2 + 1 + 5 which equals 8. That is your numerator. The denominator does not change because it is common, so the fi...

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