Manchester Search Results

How To: Handle falcons and birds of prey

Falconry is the art of hunting with a bird of prey. The British School of Falconry at Equinox in Manchester, Vermont shows how to handle eagles and other birds of prey. Birds are trained to respond to human signals and people are taught the correct procedure for interacting with these hunting birds. Learn how to handle a bird of prey by watching this instructional video.

News: UK Government Invests $38 Million in Driverless Cars

With the British exit from the European Union looming, the UK is looking to the auto industry to help boost their economy and secure jobs through the upcoming years. Today, Business Secretary Greg Clark and Transport Minister John Hayes announced the government investment of $136.7 million (£109.7 million) across 38 different automobile projects, as a part of the Plan for Britain.

How To: View Indoor Maps for Malls & Airports in Apple Maps

Apple has some great features aimed at making the lives of globetrotters and mall aficionados significantly easier, such as having detailed floor plans for airports and shopping centers in its native Maps app. With this feature available in Apple Maps, you no longer need to rely on publicly posted maps and directions that are often hard to understand.

How To: The 5 Best Apps for Streaming Movies on Your Phone

There are more than a few subscription-based movie streaming apps available for Android and iPhone, each with different benefits and varying pricing plans. Needless to say, it can get expensive fast if you sign up for multiple services because you can't decide on what's best. Hopefully, we can help you out with choosing the right video-on-demand app to spend your hard-earned dollars on.

How To: Accomplish the Rooney dummy soccer move

Manchester United FC and England's Wayne Rooney is a forward with full bag of hat tricks to deceive his attackers on the soccer field. At his UEFA Champions League debut against Fenerbahçe SK in 2004, he scored a goal using the Rooney dummy, a soccer feint in which you trick the opponent into thinking you're going to knock the ball into the goal when in reality you're making a swerve left or right.

News: A quick recap of injuries.

So here's a quick updated list of the biggest stars who are injured and will be missing the World Cup. This list would be incredibly longer if we decided to include players who are missing because of not being called up or their respective countries not qualifying (Zlatan anyone?).

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