Ingeniering Concerns Search Results

How To: Prepare for childbirth pains (labor pains)

Giving birth is not a walk through the park and there are always concerns from the mother-to-be. Doctors speak about the procedure in applying an epidural talk about different kinds of pain medications available. As much as the mom is concerned, they touch base on what the father's role is during the procedures are as well.

How To: Perform the "flying" card trick

As far as your audience is concerned, there are few things less magical than a card trick seen a dozen or more times. As such, as a magician, it's important that you build a strong repertory of tricks to maintain your public's interest. And what better place to start than the "flying" card trick outlined in this free video magic lesson.

How To: Clean your PC and remove malware

If you're concerned that your computer has been infected by spyware and other malicious programs, watch this informational video and find out how to clean and restore your computer back to a normal bill of health. This informative tutorial shows various methods that can be used to disinfect your computer and rid it of those nasty viruses once and for all!

How To: Make your own organic and all natural toothpaste

Concerned about the unpronounceable chemicals you see on tubes of toothpaste? Clean your tetth and keep your breath fresh without having to introduce unpleasant chemicals to your system! All you need is some baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, essential oils (mints are best) and a few drops of stevia (optional). Combine together, and smile! You have homemade toothpaste!

How To: Stay healthy by drinking coffee

In this video tutorial, viewers learn that drinking coffee will help them stay healthy. Coffee contains antioxidants called polyphenol which helps prevent tiptur diabetes, Parkinson's disease, memory decline and advanced prostate cancer. An average American consumes about 3 cups a day. It's better to take 6-8 sips ever hour until the afternoon and it will keep you alert. Don't consume it all at once in the morning. If concerned about caffeine, drink decaf coffee instead. You will still get so...

How To: Conserve water in your home

Australian native Scott's biggest concern is water conservation. By overhauling his bathroom, hot water, heater and backyard, Scott saves $360 a year on water costs. Learn how you can save money and conserve water by renovating your plumbing with this how to video.

How To: Find a place to plant and grow an Autumn Blaze maple tree

The Autumn Blaze maple tree is one of the iconic American trees, turning much of the eastern and central United States into an orange explosion during the fall. If you want to add some of that beauty and tradition to your yard, watch this video to learn how to find the right place to plant one, taking into account the relevant soil, shade, and space concerns.

How To: Determine whether your phone has been tapped

Big Brother is closer to becoming a reality than ever before, especially in the UK. If you're concerned about whether you phone is being tapped, watch this video to learn about steps you can take to find out whether your phone has been bugged or not and make sure your communication remains private.

How To: Minimize the role of politics in your office

Politics have always been an unavoidable part of office life, but that has become even more the case in this down economy when competition between coworkers is more intense than ever. This can be a major problem for managers if their workers start being more concerned about their politicking than their performance. This video for managers offers tips for reducing the role of politics in your office, keeping your employees focused on the task at hand and more productive.

How To: Cooking homemade dog treats

This instructional video demonstrates how to make dog treats. Lucille Huffman offers up a recipe for home made dog treats for pet owners concerned about the safety of mass produced pet food products. These dog treats are healthy for your dog.

How To: Fix your broken or dirty iPhone earpiece

Sometimes when you answer a call you are unable to hear it unless you use your earbuds or a Bluetooth headset. This is because the earpiece speaker no longer appears to function. This happens when the iPhone thinks the earbuds are still plugged in (because the plug is fouled with debris) so it shuts off the earpiece speaker. Luckow Design Studios created this video which I have put on YouTube to alleviate bandwidth concerns.

How To: Install, run and use Ubuntu Linux

Tired of Windows and Mac OS? You might want to try Ubuntu or some other variation of the Linux operating system. The Lab Rats, Andy Walker and Sean Carruthers, teach you how to install and run Ubuntu on your system. They also address several concerns you may want to be aware of.

How To: Pack a survival backpack or bug out bag (BOB)

Whether you call it a survival backpack, bug out bag, get home bag, or 72-hour kit, having a backpack full of survival gear is a must for anyone concerned about disaster survival. This video series will show you how to pack an ideal survival backpack that contains everything you need to survive for 72 hours or more in an emergency in a package you can carry on your back.

How To: Eat properly in the 24 hours before a 5k race

The day before a 5K race can be an exercise in stress as you wonder what to eat and drink and when to do it, as well as about the race the next day. This video should help alleviate the first concern by giving you tips on what to eat and drink in the 24 hours leading up to a 5K to ensure that you are as well-nourished and hydrated as possible for your race.

How To: Prevent workplace-related back injuries and back aches

Work can be a rough place, especially if you're in construction or another laborious field of work, but that doesn't mean that anybody who works (or even doesn't work) isn't susceptible to work-related injuries. The most common workplace injuries are back injuries. This educational video, entitled "Back Your Back: Back & Muscle Injury Prevention" is all about reducing your risk of back problems.

How To: Slice up a fresh pineapple

Brian demonstrates a simple method of cutting a pineapple in this entertaining video. He starts reviewing some pineapple research. Pineapples are named after pinecones! Brian also discusses the concerns of eating pineapple for people with certain health conditions. First twist and pull off the flower top of the pineapple. Then cut off the top and bottom of the pineapple so that they are both flat surfaces. Then cut off the skin of the pineapple, retaining as much of the flesh as possible. Use...

How To: Set up a habitat for a baby Green Iguana

Possibly the most popular reptile pet in the world, the Green Iguana is beautiful and interesting lizard. Senior Herpetologist Ron Dupont passionately conducts a four-part tutorial on the lizard's habitat, lighting, diet and health. Ron, with the aid of his daughter Hillary, begins the tutorial on creating an iguana habitat, covering topics like enclosure choice, substrate concerns, background decoration, plants, and wood piece.

How To: Get rid of pesky winter moths

Winter moths (operophtera brumata) can be a nuisance to your trees during early spring time. The biggest concern is the larva, which is a caterpillar/inch-worm feed on the budding leaves of deciduous trees and you won't really notice it until your leaves are at their full size. A good way to get rid of the moths is with a bacterium called, BT (bacillus thuringiensis)or Spinosad a derivative of a bacterium. If you have really big trees, you may need to get an arborist to treat your trees.

How To: Identify willow tree damage caused by a borer

Weeping willows, globe willows, corkscrew willow, cotton wood are all prone to bores than other diseases. They grow in fertile soil with lots of moisture. Never treat tree chemical. Prune as necessary, take out dead diseased limbs, water and fertilize regular. This ensures the tree lasts longer and that the tree is less attractive to insects. Where tomatoes are concerned to avoid sunburn ensure that they are slightly covered with the folding of the plant. High salt level of water or chemicals...

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