Workplaces Search Results

How To: Hack security cameras using Google Search

There's nothing more tedious, yet exciting, than watching surveillance cameras at work. They prey on the innocent and the unknowing. They protect businesses, workplaces, and homes. They catch criminals in the act, find hilarious anomalies, and are just darn cool when you're not the one that's supposed to be eavesdropping with them.

iOS 9.3 Now Available: Locked Notes, Night Shift, & More

At Apple's highly anticipated special event held today at their headquarters in Cupertino, California, it was announced that their latest software update, iOS 9.3, would be available to the public complete with several new additions. The most notable element of this announcement was two-fold, in the form of new modifications to the Night Shift mode and the Notes app. With regards to Night Shift, the feature is designed to prevent your iPhone from giving you restless nights by adjusting settin...

How To: Sneeze or cough properly into your sleeve

Many diseases are spread by poor coughing and sneezing techniques. Most people put their hands in front of their mouths and noses to stop germs from getting into the air. Unfortunately, this technique puts the germs on their hands. The germs are then spread to telephones and doorknobs and many other surfaces from which they are then picked up by the next user. This is how colds spread quickly through schools and workplaces, and how the flu spreads quickly through entire cities. It would be ve...

How To: Keep Your Computer Organized in Windows 7

At some point, we all go from organized to disorganized. Let's assume you are a business executive working in a busy corporate building. Chances are you are going to get a heavy workload and it will impact how clean your workspace is. However, this article is about keeping your desktop clean and clutter free, along with the use of software to find documents you have misplaced.

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