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How To: Get a coin out of water without getting wet

In this tutorial, we learn how to get a coin out of water without getting wet. First, place the coin inside of water on a plate. Next, use a lighter to light a piece of paper on fire, then place the paper inside the water cup and let it smoke and burn. Next, push the cup down onto the plate, and it will soak up all the water that was on the plate! Then, your penny will be dry and you can pick it up without getting wet! This is a great trick to show your friends and works easily without any pr...

How To: Stop getting overwhelmed

In this video from RawRadiantHealth Natasha talks to us about getting back to basics and not getting overwhelmed. A lot of times we can feel like we have too many responsibilities and we can get burnt out. Having a strong foundation and basics like getting enough sleep, eating your meals, your home is clean, you're taking care of yourself can really help you. When the foundation is a bit shaky these things can overwhelm us. If the basics are not taken care of the rest of your life can be a me...

How To: Avoid getting your GE oven knobs damaged

If for some reason, the knobs on your gas range have become damaged or worn out, it may be for several reasons. Buying new knobs can be a pain and cost a pretty penny. This tutorial will show you how to avoid getting your GE oven knobs damaged. It's easy to follow and will ensure that they will last for a long time. So good luck, be safe, and enjoy!

How To: Prevent your pets from getting overheated

Imagine if you had to wear a fur coat all summer long. Here’s how to keep your pets comfortably cool. Never leave a pet in a parked car or more might happen than them getting overheated. This is an interesting tip: leave some fur in your backyard to deter deer, which carry ticks.

How To: Make movie rain without getting wet

In this tutorial, we learn how to make movie rain without getting wet. First, you will need to get a garden hose that has a spout on it and few pieces of PVC pipe. Connect the pieces of PVC pipe together, then stick the head of the hose to the pipe. Keep in mind that you will want to cut the pipe a bit shorter so it's easier to hold. Now, have someone hold up the pipe while you are taping and make sure to stay opposite of the way the wind is blowing. After this, you will have taped rain in a ...

How To: Calculate a limit by getting a common denominator

This video explores how to get the limit by getting a common denominator. When you try and plug in a limit, for example when the denominator goes to zero, you can get yourself into a situation where you get the answer (0/0) which is mathematically irrelevant. To solve this problem, you must find a common denominator and split the problem up into its various parts. By setting common denominators in the numerator, you can then flip the fraction around allowing you to properly calculate the limi...

How To: Deal with getting passed over for promotion

Being passed over for a promotion that you really wanted is one of the toughest things that can happen to you at the office. Reacting to it with proactively, but with poise and grace, is vital to making sure that you get the promotion next time. This video will teach you how to deal with being passed over for promotions in an effective way to make sure that you aren't passed over again.

How To: Keep yourself from getting jet lag

Anyone who has flown across multiple timezones is familiar with the negative effects of jet lag, especially when traveling for business on a tight schedule. This video features four easy tips for avoiding the effects of jet lag. These include hydrating properly, going outside, exercising, and forcing yourself into the rhythm of whatever place you are in rather than napping in order to remain on your normal schedule.

How To: Keep okra from getting slimy

Poppy Tooker, author of the Crescent City Farmers Market Cookbook, says that the secret to preventing slimy okra is to slice it thinly and cook it in quick batches in very hot oil. Prepare your okra first by slicing it into thin pieces. Prepare a large frying pan with just a fine coating of oil. Put the frying pan on a stove and turn up the temperature so that the pan is hot. Once the pan is at the desired temperature, add your thinly sliced okra. Once the okra has a brown edge, you can stop ...

How To: Avoid getting infected by the "System Security" computer virus

In this video, we learn how to avoid getting infected by "system security". Make sure you avoid the website that show the System Security Anti-Virus. Once you install this onto your computer it will pretend like it is doing a scan, but in reality is hurting your computer. It will pop up showing you that you have problems on your computer, but the alert will never go away. If you delete this, it will just re-install on your computer instead. To do this the correct way, you need to go to your m...

How To: Safely buy items on eBay without getting scammed

eBay has been around for over ten years yet there are many people out there who are afraid to use it, or haven't had a chance to use it, due to negative hearsay. This video tutorial presents a guide to buying items successfully—and safely! There's a lot of things to consider when buying an item in an eBay auction, so make sure to pay attention to all of these four tips.

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