This instructional landscaping video demonstrates how to build a walkway with porphyry stones. Follow these guidelines to set stones into your front yard. Make sure the stones are level as you lay them down.
Watch this instructional dog video on how to groom your poodle for show days. Mix a shampoo and water solution. Use a cleaning shampoo and a reconstructive shampoo. Follow these grooming guidelines to give your poodle a fashionable look.
This instructional video demonstrates how to wind a motor for an electric radio remote control. The visual guidelines include written instructions for building a small motor.
In China, chicken holds a special place in Chinese rituals and symbology. Chicken is also believed to restore youth and good looks. This instructional cooking video provides a written recipe in addition to visual guidelines for cooking Chinese chicken satay.
Mushroom beef is one of the easiest Chinese dishes to prepare. Just remember to slice the beef really thin. This instructional cooking video provides a written recipe in addition to clear visual guidelines for marinating and stir frying Chinese mushroom beef.
Watch this instructional model making video for a demonstration on how to use a foam cutter to cut a flying wing delta. The foam UFO Roswell Delta is a durable model. You may need your own set of instructions to complete this model airplane project, but the visual guidelines provide useful tips for building your EPP foam model airplane.
Watch this instructional model making video to begin building an RC airplane out of EPP foam. You may need to use your own set of instructions to complete this model, but the visual guidelines provide helpful tips for making a smooth, aerodynamic foam airplane.
Kay schools us on how to cook brownies from a mix. Watch this instructional cooking video to bake brownies using a a box of brownie mix, vegetable oil, eggs and water. This process looks simple, but if you've never baked anything before, these guidelines are helpful and precise.
This is the second version of 'How to build a Custom Built Model Rocket' with requested corrections. This guidelines provide you with both written and demonstrative instructions. Enjoy building your very own Custom Model Rocket from scratch and have fun with model rocketing.
Watch this instructional origami video to fold an origami frog. The visual guidelines allow you to easily complete some of the more difficult folds. When you have finished folding this origami frog, watch out because it actually jumps.
Afternoon tea is becoming a popular alternative to the business breakfast or lunch. In this how to video, etiquette coach Syndi Seid offers some simple guidelines for proper tea table manners. Watch this how to video and you will know how to behave at an afternoon tea or high tea.
Here is a brief outline of how to organize an effective argument essay. This structure can be adapted to your needs and follows IELTS essay writing guidelines.
In this four part video lesson, we learn how to write an argument essay together following IELTS guidelines.
This video clip will cover how to use guide sheets for the 'UPPERCASE' letters in copperplate style calligraphy script.
Welcome back, my nascent hackers! Although my favorite TV show, Mr. Robot, had completed its first season already, I have not completed demonstrating the hacks that Elliot used in the show. (By the way, I can't wait for season 2!)
Links of Love is showing you how to make origami heart shaped cuff-links. Start with a 20.5 cm square of paper. If you want to make a cuff link you can wear you should use a square the size of 4 to 5 cm. Fold a good crease and then unfold. Fold two corners in toward the middle and then unfold. Fold one side in toward the middle crease. Only crease up to the crease of the corner fold. Unfold and fold the side into the new crease just made. The creases are guidelines that will be used later on ...
Barbabella shows how to make a modular origami hexagonal box lid with star design. Fold a two-sided square sheet of paper to form a triangle, unfold it and fold it in the opposite direction. Using the guidelines fold the paper on three sides forming a small triangle and leave one end as it is. Turn over the sheet and fold the opposite side of the unfolded one as shown. Now mark the points as shown and fold it on one side. Now fold it to mark point below and the crease ends at the point marked...
A birdcage is your bird's home, and if you want them to be happy members of your family you should follow some common-sense guidelines for positioning the cage. This video will introduce you to these rules and show you how to make your bird a little happier.
Watch this instructional cooking video to prepare tuna stuffed cucumber appetizers. This recipe includes written instructions in addition to visual guidelines. Use a can of tuna, mayonnaise, diced carrots, and a cucumber to prepare a simple hors d'oeuvre to go with dinner at home.
Exterior lighting can add to the beauty of your home. Watch this how to video and wire exterior lighting yourself following these guidelines and safety tips. Before beginning any outdoor wiring project make sure to check with local utility companies and follow outdoor wiring codes for your area.
This origami lily fits perfectly atop several models of origami stems. The origami lily is a fairly complex origami endeavor, but these visual guidelines will allow you to complete come of the more difficult folds. Watch this video origami tutorial and learn how to use the Japanese art of paper folding to make a paper lily.
Watch this instructional crochet video to crochet a small button hole. The visual guidelines are accompanied with written instructions. In this delicate piece of work, it helps to test out the buttonhole to avoid backtracking. You can sew the button on to your crochet work with a regular sewing needle and a piece of yarn.
Watch this instructional video to crochet a crescent moon. These visual guidelines will walk you through each step in creating this crochet ornament. This is a small crochet project, but the crescent moon may take a few tries to master.
This is a tutorial on how to crochet a pen holder. This is a project that beginners should be able to follow. You will need a tin can, two colors of yarn, and a crochet needle. Follow the visual guidelines, accompanied by written instructions.This method works with all kinds of pen holders, baskets and containers. Have fun crocheting your own variations.
Watch this instructional crochet video to start a crochet blanket. Begin with a loose chain until you've reached the desired length. The process of changing rows is one of the most difficult tasks when starting a crochet blanket. Follow these clear guidelines to avoid unnecessary troubleshooting.
As with any emergency situation it is important to follow the proper guidelines for emergency scene management. This first aid how-to video will show you what you need to know to be ready for an emergency, where ever it occurs. Learn to treat a responsive casualty and hopefully save their lives.
As with any emergency situation it is important to follow the proper guidelines for emergency scene management. This first aid how-to video will show you what you need to know to be ready for an emergency, where ever it occurs. Learn to treat an unresponsive casualty and hopefully save their lives.
This is a tutorial video on how to apply a pink/purple eyeshadow look with makeup. Normally, I would apply Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion, but I didn't in this video.
Learn live saving techniques by watching this how to video. This video teaches you how to use a pocket mask and perform CPR on a baby. Because babies are much smaller than adults it is important to follow specific guidelines to save their lives.
It is always important to follow certain safety guidelines when you carry and remove your child out of sling. This how to video will demonstrate how to remove your toddler from the any carrying ring sling.
It is always important to follow certain safety guidelines when you carry and remove your child out of sling. This how to video will demonstrate how to remove your baby from the any baby carrying ring wrap.
Mainly for beginners, this guitar lesson is an introduction to ear training, and some guidelines to help develop both your guitar playing as well as your musical ear.
If you have a new camshaft, the break-in procedure is critical. Follow our guidelines and you won't flatten a cam lobe and ruin the internals of your motor. The basic formula is 20 minutes @2000 rpms and never going below 1500 rpms. Make sure not to let it idle. Changing from 1500 to 2500 rpm every few minutes will help the cam break-in as well.
This video describes how to draw an anime face viewed from the front. Anime faces are enjoyed by everyone because they depict unique personalities. Anyone can draw an anime face using their imagination. These steps make it simple:
The war on dehydration is a commercially burgeoning marketplace. An increasingly sophisticated consumer population hoping to conquer everything from 26-mile marathons to vodka shots is deconstructing every functional remedy in the fight to quell the effects of severe dehydration.
Over the past eight months, ten infants at UC Irvine Medical Center tested positive for the same strand of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Despite the danger of this superbug due to its high resistance to most antibiotics, this information was only released to the public on Thursday. Thankfully, all ten babies survived and are currently healthy.
Video: . Easy step by step guideline how to make strong basket with paper that can hold your gift, food, flowers and more.
You could change your firefox and Google chrome home page through this video guidelines.
This video explains how to draw Eevee from Pokémon. Start with two circle shapes, one for the head and one for the body. The shape for the body is a little misshapen as you see here. You will then draw the facial guidelines and then draw the lines for the large pointed ears. You will draw in the inner shape of Eevee's ears as you see them here, then draw out the circular eyes using the facial guidelines you drew in step one. Color in the eyes and make sure you leave white to add that glazed l...
A daily, brisk 30-minute walk boosts brain power, helps control weight, and improves your overall health. And if you commit to doing it with friends, you're more likely to stick with it.