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How To: Stop severe bleeding (British Red Cross)

Everyone gets cut every once in a while, but sometimes those cuts can be more serious than expected. It could turn into severe bleeding, and there's a certain way to deal with this type of bleeding in a victim. How would you treat someone who was bleeding severely?

How To: Generate a map with markers in Adobe ColdFusion 9

Need some help figuring out how to create maps with markers when working in ColdFusion 9? This clip will show you what to do. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular rapid Internet application development platform or simply wish to become better acquainted with the program, you're sure to find benefit in this free video software tutorial. For more information, including specific, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Sort and group data with data grids in ColdFusion 9

Quickly and intelligently organize your information through use of ColdFusion 9's ever-useful data grid feature. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular rapid Internet application development platform or simply wish to become better acquainted with the program, you're sure to find benefit in this free video software tutorial. For more information, including specific, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Use the cfprogressbar tag in ColdFusion 9

Need some help how to use the cfprogressbar tag when working with progress bars in ColdFusion 9? This clip will show you how it's done. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular rapid Internet application development platform or simply wish to become better acquainted with the program, you're sure to find benefit in this free video software tutorial. For more information, including specific, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Create dynamic forms with accordions in ColdFusion 9

Need some help figuring out how to create accordions for form design when working in ColdFusion 9? This clip will show you how it's done. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular rapid Internet application development platform or simply wish to become better acquainted with the program, you're sure to find benefit in this free video software tutorial. For more information, including specific, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Import ASE files in Adobe Fireworks CS5 when rapid prototyping

In this video tutorial, we learn how to import ASE files in Fireworks CS5 when doing prototyping work. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular bitmap and vector graphics editor (formerly known as Macromedia Fireworks) or are a seasoned web design professional simply looking to become better acquainted with the application, you're sure to benefit from this free video software tutorial. For more information, including detailed step-by-step instructions, take look.

How To: Perform the "threes" 4-mallet rotation exercise

Over the past 5-10 years, there has been an enormous growth in 4-mallet percussion. With the rapid increase in popularity, there comes the possibility of students moving too quickly through the learning process, or not having adequate instruction. In this installment from his video tutorial series on four-mallet percussion, Gifford Howarth teaches you a handy mallet rotation exercise.

How To: Pronounce Linus Torvalds in Swedish, Finnish & English

Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux operating system, often raises eyebrows with a name that may not flow easily off the tongue. As a finlandsvenskar/suomenruotsalainen, or a Swedish-speaking Finn and as a sought-after international engineer, Linus is used to pronouncing his name in at least three different languages. Watch this video language tutorial and learn how to correctly say Linus Torvalds's name in his mother tongue of Swedish, his homeland's language of Finnish, and the internation...

How To: Play a half stroke on the drums

Dom Famularo's infectious smile and drumming talents make him one of the most sought-after drummers and clincians in the world. In this installment from his video series dedicated to a wide variety of topics–from drum strokes to styles–, Dom demonstrates the half stroke.

How To: Play with a Moeller stroke on the drums

Don Famularo's infectious smile and drumming talents make him one of the most sought-after drummers and clinicians in the world. In this installment from his video series dedicated to a wide variety of topics–from drum strokes to styles–, Dom demonstrates the full Moeller stroke.

How To: Draw Haruhi Suzumiya

Learn the basic steps how to draw Haruhi Suzumiya She is an eccentric girl seeking supernatural phenomena and figures such as aliens, time travelers and espers. For the full tutorial with step by step & speed control visit: how to draw.

How To: Walkthrough God of War III — Helios's Head

In the City of Olympia, you'll find Helios. This is one hard battle Kratos must endure, and your want to get the Head of Helios. At first, Helios will be protected by a bunch of men with shields who you can't immediately attack. Once you win, you'll need to lay your hand over Helios to block out the sunlight. Watch the walkthrough for Helios's Head in God of War III on PS3.