Rest Disorders Search Results

How To: Recognize the signs of autism

As many as 6 in every 1,000 children have at least one Autism Spectrum Disorder. People with ASDs tend to have problems with social and communication skills, and have unusual ways of learning and reacting to different sensations. It is important to note that Autism is not just one disorder, but a series of disorders. Learn how to tell if your child is showing symptoms of Autism with this tutorial video.

How To: Save the Bee Population from Colony Collapse Disorder

The bee population is in trouble. Colony Collapse Disorder is a mysterious malady that is decimating bee colonies all the country and could kill them completely, which would leave all of the plants and honey-loving people of the world in serious trouble. This video will give you some tips for encouraging the bee population, which is really one of the most green things you can do in this, the bees' time of need.

How To: Conquer an eating disorder with Deepak Chopra

"How does one conquer an eating disorder? Deepak explains that people with eating disorders usually have a poor self-image. They see themselves as unlovable and unattractive. To combat this illusion, he suggests practicing the "mirror technique" where one can look at oneself in the mirror and say "I am beautiful, I love myself, and thank you God for making me exactly

How To: Identify bipolar disorder

Almost six million American adults have bipolar disorder, which can cause severe mood swings, from manic depression to intense euphoria, on a regular basis. Although this condition is one of the more confusing mood disorders, this video can help.

How To: Treat PTSD & practice memory release with tapping

EFT is a highly effective way of dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). If you have an event in your life that you need to be at peace with, this video will help you. Tapping (EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique) is a way to take away the emotional component of the memory. If you find the event too painful to visit on your own, please consult a qualified EFT Practitioner.

How To: Beat insomnia by resetting your bedtime routine

When sleep problems becomes chronic, it can morph into psychophysiological insomnia: As you prepare for bed, you begin to get nervous about sleeping. In this video, David Schulman, MD, director of the Emory Sleep Disorders Laboratory in Atlanta, explains how the body reacts to the expectation of insomnia. He offers simple changes you can make to help break the cycle.

How To: Stop procrastinating to achieve your goals

In this tutorial, we learn how to stop procrastinating to achieve your goals. Procrastination is an avoidance behavior that can indicate a deeper psychological disorder. To get out of putting it off, make a schedule for yourself! Figure out how long it will take you to finish tasks and then put the time you need to do these on your calendar. Next, create accountability so someone will make sure you are keeping up on your tasks. Also, find meaning in the tasks that you need to do and make them...

How To: Understand the field of psychiatry

If you're wondering about the field of psychiatry, this video will teach you what you need to know. Dr. Ogan Gurel talks about the field of psychiatry and how it works. Psychiatry is a field of medicine that deals with mental disorders and looks at signs and symptoms. As you begin to understand the different aspects to the behavior, medication is entered into the equation to help out the behavior of the person. He explains that you must understand the biological symptoms of people as well as ...

How To: Help your child stop stuttering

Stuttering is a communication disorder affecting over 3 million Americans. Stuttering can make school and other social interactions difficult. Although there are no instant cures, these tips will help your progression toward speech fluency.

How To: Comprehend quarter, half, and whole music rests

In this tutorial, we learn how to understand music rests (Quarter, half, & whole rests). Rests are signs of silence while you are playing a song. Silence is a very important element in creating music, giving the audience time to reflect on the notes that they just heard. The whole note lasts for four beats and has two half notes. Every half note has a quarter not and every quarter note lasts one beat. The quarter rest means you will count one beat where you will lift your finger from the key ...

How To: Upholster a full occasional chair

This is a demonstration of how to upholster full an occasion chair. First the seat upholster is removed carefully. The new cloth is cut accordingly to the shape. The edges are folded and stitched. The cloth is spread over the seat, tucked under the hand rest stretched to the bottom and nailed. For the hand rest a rectangular cloth of required color is cut. A piece of foam is spread over the hand rest and covered with the upholstery cloth and stapled at the sides and bottom. The back rest is r...

How To: Play free and rest strokes on the ukulele

In this free video ukulele lesson from Jens Albrecht, you'll learn how to play both free and rest strokes on your ukelele à la Ukulele Mike in his "Paris Nocturne." Whether you play the ukulele or bass kazoo, if you want to improve your technique, you'll need to practice. Fortunately, the Internet is awash in high-quality video tutorials like this one, which make practicing both easy and highly enjoyable. For more information, and to get started playing free and rest strokes on your own ukule...

How To: Double Your Treats This Halloween with a DIY Two-Face Makeup Look

If you're undecided on a Halloween costume, embrace your indecisiveness with a split personality Two-Face look, or go one better as an amalgamation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the epitome of multiple personality disorder. Or, you could literally give yourself another face, which is pretty much what German artist Sebastian Bieniek did in his recent DoubleFaced series. They're like a long-lost Picasso painting of conjoined twins on a living face, and in some cases, conjoined triplets. You can s...

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