Patient Search Results

How To: Take a patient's sexual history as a doctor or nurse

Sexual activity is a health behaviour and therefore it is important that doctors are able to gather information about sex confidently and competently. In this consultation, the patient presents to his GP with a worry that he may have contracted a sexually transmitted disease. It is important for the GP to enquire about the patient's risk factors in a sensitive and non-judgmental way. The GP needs to gather information about the patient's sexual activity and work with the patient to negotiate ...

How To: Examine a patient's lymph nodes

This quick video tutorial will show you how to examine a patient's lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are found in certain areas of the body. The examination is usually done with the doctor standing behinds the patient. There are lymph nodes under the jaw, behind the ears, etc. If you need to examine the armpit lymph nodes, do it by standing in front of the patient. Check for any swelling.

How To: Transfer a patient from a chair to a walker in nursing

Studying to be a nurse? Then here is a nursing how-to video that teaches you how to transfer patient with a total hip replacement out of a chair and into a walker. Every nurse should know the basics of this technique, follow along and see how easy it is to help a patient progress from sitting into a walker. These medical tips are sure to help you pass your nursing exam with flying colors. Hear them discusses three major hip precautions, correct walker position, use of safety belts and discuss...

How To: Perform a horizontal mattress suture on a patient

The horizontal mattress suture allows the doctor or nurse performing them to minimize the tension being applied to a patient's wound by the stitch, which facilitates healing. This video features a doctor demonstrating how to perform such a suture on a pig's leg, teaching you one of the techniques that will help make you a more successful medical professional.

How To: Help a patient who has gone into code blue in nursing

You've seen code blues called on TV, but how about in real life? If you are becoming a nurse it is important to know what goes on as part of a code blue situation. This nursing how-to video presents a mock code blue presentation with faculty. Follow along and learn what is involved in caring for a patient that has gone into code blue.

How To: Transfer a THR patient from bed to a walker in nursing

Studying to be a nurse? Then here is a nursing how-to video that teaches you how to transfer a total hip replacement patient from the bed to a walker. Every nurse should know the basics of this technique, follow along and see how easy it is to transfer THR patients to a walker from the bed with a trapeze device. These medical tips are sure to help you pass your nursing exam with flying colors.

How To: Transfer patients into beds using a trapeze in nursing

Studying to be a nurse? Then here is a nursing how-to video that teaches you how to transfer a THR patient into a bed using a trapeze and an abduction pillow for support. Every nurse should know the basics of this technique, follow along and see how easy it is to move total hip replacement patients into the bed using only a pillow and a trapeze. These medical tips are sure to help you pass your nursing exam with flying colors.

News: Cancer Patient Beg-Off

Have someone shave all the hair on their head, but make sure to do it badly. Intentionally miss patches of hair on the eyebrows and head, and make sure to try to get some razorburn for that obviously-just-shaved look. You could also use an electric hair trimmer to leave a little bit of hair and make it even more obvious. Leave the hair on your arms or wherever else as if you forgot to shave it. The point is to be completely unconvincing.

How To: Place a patient in the recovery position

If the patient has no neck or spine injury and is again breathing on their own. You now move the patient to the recovery position. Move the patients left arm over their head and cross their legs, pull their body on their side and allow them to recover on their own. Place a patient in the recovery position.

How To: Keep Stroke Patients Active at Home w/ Wii Fit

My father recently suffered a stroke. Now in Neuro Rehab at Cedars Sinai, he is enduring daily physical therapy, recreational therapy and occupational therapy sessions to help improve his balance, mobility and fine motor skills. I was initially worried about how I could incorporate his current PT regime in his daily life after he's discharged. That was until I saw the devices he used in the PT gym. Despite their "medical device" designations, the high tech stuff is remarkably similar to what ...

How To: Perform a HEENT exam (head, ears, eyes, nose & throat)

Most won't know what the acronym HEENT stand for, but if you're a medical student, doctor or nurse, you know that it stand for head, ears, eyes, nose and throat. To perform a HEENT examination properly, you must know all the steps and techniques to diagnose your patient. This video lesson will outline the examination procedure, from start to finish, and shows you general palpation techniques and examining the temporomandibular joint, superficial lymph nodes, thyroid gland, eyes, ears, nose, m...

How To: Use proper draping techniques during a gynecology exam

In Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN), doctors deal specifically with the female reproductive organs, which means a lot of visual inspection of the vaginal area. Whether you're a doctor, surgeon, nurse, or nursing assistant, knowing how to properly drape a patient is detrimental to the patient feeling protected and secure with the hospital staff, along with having some privacy. This video will cover different types of draping techniques.

How To: Make a hospital bed while it is occupied

In this video, we learn how to make a hospital bed while it's occupied. First, take the top blanket off then take the linens off and make sure the patient is lying on their side. After this, roll the linens towards the patient, then replace new ones where the old linens were originally at. After this, put down a moisture sheet and place it under the clean sheet. Now, put the side table up and roll the patient over and let them know there will be a bump in the middle. Now, move to the other si...

How To: Do a urinary catheterization procedure on a male

One of the hardest things a man can go through in life is a trip to the hospital, especially when he knows he's going to need a catheter. It's every man's worst fear. But for a nurse, it's necessary knowledge. Learning the male urinary catheterization procedure hands-on is difficult due to the urgency involved in patient care, so this video aims to prepare nurses so they can learn and stay fluent with the proper urinary catheterization technique of a male patient.

How To: Origami a Christmas star aka Spiked Dodecahedron (SPD)

The Origami Spiked Pentakis Dodecahedron is an excellent Paper Christmas Decoration Star made out of 15 paper squares. In spite of the large paper size I was defeated by the last module after nearly 2 hours (!) of trying to lock the last unit in place each time another one dislodged. Never mind, it is still a remarkable sound structure once (nearly) completed and you can not see which one is not locked anyway.

How To: Juggle three balls like a professional

This is the first of 3 steps that will show you how to juggle three balls. Jim the juggler demonstrates how to get them up and going. Step 1 begins with one ball, so be patient, you need to work your way up! (WMP files and smaller videos are available at the root directory)