The opthalmoscope is one of most basic tools of the modern opthamologist, and is essential to the diagnosis of the eyes. This five-part video, performed by a medical student, will walk you through the necessary steps in performing fundoscopy or opthamalscopy on a patient, covering talking to the patient, an overview of the equipment, and all of the rest of the information that you will need.
PICC stands for a peripherally inserted central catheter, and is usually inserted somewhere in your patient's uppper arm, giving access to the larger veins in the chest region. PICC lines are often desirable because they are the least risky way of giving central access to the veins near the heart, especially when your patient will need to have one for an extended period of time. This tutorial shows you everything you'll need to know about how to properly and safely insert a PICC line into you...
ER showed the world what goes on inside the emergency room, and in every episode, we experienced a common but very important procedure— intubation. But ER never made it seems easy; it showed just how hard it is for medical students to successfully intubate a patient due to fear and naivety. And for real-life doctors and medical practitioners, learning the art of airway management is just as difficult.
If you're a medical student, you'll learn a lot from this video lesson on examining your patient's eyes. If the patient is having trouble seeing, like double vision, blurred vision, pain or any other problem, a proper eye examination is detrimental to properly diagnosing and treating him/her. You can also determine and potential problems which may arise bases on your family history. Watch to see the complete procedure outlined, which is great for any med student or doctor. Even nurses can ben...
The key to being a good doctor is great patient care and thoroughness, and those are exactly the skills you will learn in this video lesson, as you learn to perform a cardiovascular examination on your patient. This is a great, step-by-step resource for the proper examination procedure. Every medical student should know these techniques, and nursing students could benefit from this knowledge, too. Every cardiovascular exam should include inspection of the pulse, blood pressure, carotid pulsat...
Any medical student could benefit from this video lesson, whether you're training to be a doctor or a nurse. The very first step to finding out what's wrong with your patient is examining him/her for their vital signs. You must check the patient's pulse, respirations, blood pressure, and know how to use every kind of sphygmomanometer. To see the entire examination procedure, perfect for nursing students, watch the video to see how to examine a patient for vital signs, and refer to the steps b...
Sexual activity is a health behaviour and therefore it is important that doctors are able to gather information about sex confidently and competently. In this consultation, the patient presents to his GP with a worry that he may have contracted a sexually transmitted disease. It is important for the GP to enquire about the patient's risk factors in a sensitive and non-judgmental way. The GP needs to gather information about the patient's sexual activity and work with the patient to negotiate ...
Learn some of the most important things to remember when listening to a patient's lungs.
Most won't know what the acronym HEENT stand for, but if you're a medical student, doctor or nurse, you know that it stand for head, ears, eyes, nose and throat. To perform a HEENT examination properly, you must know all the steps and techniques to diagnose your patient. This video lesson will outline the examination procedure, from start to finish, and shows you general palpation techniques and examining the temporomandibular joint, superficial lymph nodes, thyroid gland, eyes, ears, nose, m...
This video will teach and demonstrate the thyroid status assessment and thyroid gland examination in a patient. As a doctor, you will, at some point in your career, need to examine the thyroid gland in a patient's neck, and some other parts of the body which are effected by the thyroid.
When you're examining a patient's chest, you start out by simply looking at them— by inspection. It will be hard to count the respirations visually on a healthy person's chest because it moves so little, but in a patient with respiratory distress, the chest might be overactive and strain may show in the neck muscles. Eve Bargmann, M.D., will also teach doctors about palpation, percussion, and auscultation of the chest and back.
Have you mastered lucid dreaming, but want to take it to the next level? In this 10-part video tutorial series, you'll learn some great advanced techniques for lucid dreamers. Watch this tutorial series for excellent advice. You'll be able to explore and go beyond your ordinary dreams, from controlling them to mastering them.
There's no better way to learn then by visual media, and that's what makes this video lesson on performing a chest exam so great. It's perfect for any future doctor, and great for nursing students to understand the proper procedure for examining a patient's chest. Medical students can easily learn how to perform a general chest exam, because ever step and technique is outlined and shown. A chest examination is very important to determining what's wrong with your patient, and you will be able ...
This quick video tutorial will show you how to examine a patient's lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are found in certain areas of the body. The examination is usually done with the doctor standing behinds the patient. There are lymph nodes under the jaw, behind the ears, etc. If you need to examine the armpit lymph nodes, do it by standing in front of the patient. Check for any swelling.
This medical how-to video demonstrates the proper technique for evaluating a patient with knee pain. Follow along and learn how to do a knee examination. Always begin the knee exam with the patient standing and observe any abnormalities. Please note this instructional video is intended for medical professionals.
This medical instructional how-to video demonstrates the proper way to perform a standard venepucture procedure on a patient. Before drawing blood from any patient it is always good to identify your patient. Wrap the band at the top of the arm and use alcohol to clean the area. Watch to learn how to perform a standard venepuncture procedure.
In this video, we learn how to make a hospital bed while it's occupied. First, take the top blanket off then take the linens off and make sure the patient is lying on their side. After this, roll the linens towards the patient, then replace new ones where the old linens were originally at. After this, put down a moisture sheet and place it under the clean sheet. Now, put the side table up and roll the patient over and let them know there will be a bump in the middle. Now, move to the other si...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make an occupied bed. First, gather the supplies from the linen closet. After you have all the sheets and blankets, put gloves on and walk into the room. Now, cover the patient with a bath blanket. After this, remove the top sheets, then roll the patient to the side of the bed. Next, tuck dirty linens close to the patient and then roll clean linens under the dirty ones. Then, fix the clean sheets up and roll the patient towards you and repeat the same as you ...
This is a short video on how to wash a patient's hair in bed. Vivian shows you how to properly and carefully carry this out, making sure the patient is comfortable throughout the process.
A promising new antibiotic has been discovered in, of all things, another bacteria. Burkholderia bacteria live in diverse habitats, including soil, plants, and humans where they thrive by knocking out other microbes that compete with them for resources or threaten their existence. Scientists have discovered they accomplish this by producing a very effective antibiotic.
Marijuana is legal to use for medical purposes in 28 states and the District of Columbia, but the quick development of this new industry could have left some regulation issues in the lurch.
In Obstetrics and Gynecology (OB/GYN), doctors deal specifically with the female reproductive organs, which means a lot of visual inspection of the vaginal area. Whether you're a doctor, surgeon, nurse, or nursing assistant, knowing how to properly drape a patient is detrimental to the patient feeling protected and secure with the hospital staff, along with having some privacy. This video will cover different types of draping techniques.
Any patient with pain in the abdominal area will require you to perform an abdominal examination, and this video lesson outlines in great detail, how to perform a general abdomen exam. This is great for any medical student or up-and-coming doctor — even nursing students could benefit from this exam procedure. You'll learn about inspection of the abs, auscultation, percussion, palpation, the liver, the aorta, and the spleen. After watching the full procedure, you should be able to identify the...
Performing sutures properly is one of the most important and basic parts of being a successful doctor, especially in a hospital environment. This two-part video features an overview of proper suture technique, from how to hold the needle to some common sense advice for avoiding mistakes.
The horizontal mattress suture allows the doctor or nurse performing them to minimize the tension being applied to a patient's wound by the stitch, which facilitates healing. This video features a doctor demonstrating how to perform such a suture on a pig's leg, teaching you one of the techniques that will help make you a more successful medical professional.
Going to school to become a nurse? Then one of the many things you will do as a nurse is trying to keep your patients comfortable while they are in the hospital. Follow along in this nursing how-to video and watch as the nurse places an abductor pillow under a total hip replacement patient. Sue, a physical therapist, shows you the correct protocol for administering abductor pillows.
Studying to be a nurse? Then here is a nursing how-to video that teaches you how to do passive range of motion a patient. Every nurse should know the basics of this technique, follow along and see how easy it is to to exercise a bed ridden patient with passive range of motion. These medical tips are sure to help you pass your nursing exam with flying colors.
Lung auscultation is an important part of diagnosing and treating lung conditions. This medical how-to video shows you how to perform a lung exam on a patient's back. Use a stethoscope to listen for normal and irregular breath sounds that a patient may have.
A brief neurologic examination includes six sections: 1) mental status exam, 2) testing cranial nerves, 3) sensation exam, 4) testing strength, 5) deep tendon reflexes exam, and 6) coordination exam. Eve Bargmann, M.D., shows doctors how to perform this neurological examination on a patient. You will need to do a full neuralgic exam (not in video) if any abnormalities are found. But this is just a brief screening exam during a general physical exam.
In this video, doctors can learn how to perform a full cardiac examination on a patient. The very first thing a doctor should do is visually inspect the patient, because there's a lot that can be gained by simply examining by eye. You'll want to carefully examine the respiratory pattern of the patient, the nature of their precordium, the anterior part of their chest over the heart. Feeling the pulse is also necessary when starting out this heart exam. To learn more, watch the full video.
Disposable, sterile gloves are one of the most important part of hospital safety, making sure that the hands that touch the patients are not going to make them sicker. However, putting on sterile gloves incorrectly can cause the germs from your hands to get on the gloves, ruining their sterility. This quick video details how to put sterile gloves on properly to maximize patient safety.
A common problem with human patient simulators is that they are very easy to break. In this tutorial, learn how to perform simulated open heart surgery on a HPS without breaking any of the mechanisms inside his chest. This video will demonstrate how to modifiy a human patient simulator (HPS) for open heart surgery/thoracotomy proceudres in the simulation center. Although the video demonstrates the method on a Laerdal Sim Man, the technique can be appled to other simulators.
This medical how to video demonstrates how to take an arterial blood gas sample. The purpose or arterial gas sampling is to assess the patient's respiratory status as well as the acid/base balance in their blood. To perform this medical procedure you will need the following instruments: protective eye wear, gloves, alcohol, iodine, arterial blood gas sampling kit, gauze and a bag of ice. Please not that this video is intended for medical professionals only.
Studying to be a nurse? Then here is a nursing how-to video that teaches you how to check a patients blood sugar level at their bedside. Every nurse should know the basics of this technique, follow along and see how easy it is to check blood sugar levels with a Life Scan monitor. Monitoring a patient's blood sugar level is important to their health, and it is very simple to do at their bedside. These medical tips are sure to help you pass your nursing exam with flying colors.
Studying to be a nurse? Then here is a nursing how-to video that teaches you how to change a gown on patient who as an IV pump. Every nurse should know the basics of this technique, follow along and see how easy it is to to change a gown without disconnecting the IV pump. These medical tips are sure to help you pass your nursing exam with flying colors. Have your RN or instructor help you change an patients gown who has an IV pump. Watch and learn how to do this technique with an IV gown and ...
Everything you need to know about checking a person's blood pressure. Be sure to warn the patient about inflation and deflation. Make sure they remain sitting for 3 minutes. Great details for special need patients like diabetics. This very detailed video is well produced and great picture quality. Be warned, the video is 44 megs in size.
An older man dies of Zika. A younger man who cares for him catches Zika — but doctors cannot pinpoint how the disease was transmitted. While proximity to the patient is sufficient explanation for the rest of us, for microbe hunters, it is a medical mystery. Why? Zika is not known to transmit from person-to-person casually.
There's been a lot of discussion lately about the practical uses of Google Glass. Sure, you can use them for translating text instantly or further engraining yourself in social media, but how about saving someone's life? That's precisely what Dr. Steven Horng of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center has says happened with a recent patient of his. After launching a Google Glass pilot program late last year, the device was seen as a critical factor in saving the life of a patient in January.
So you really want to join the circus? Okay, here's what you need to do. You Will Need
The subdermal interrupted suture is a complicated, difficult type of suturing. It does have advantages, however, as the resulting suture is both strong and cosmetically pleasing. This video walks you through performing the stitch, and should make it easier to use this effective suturing procedure on your patients.