Particles Search Results

How To: Replace both filters on a Dyson DC25 easily

If you own a Dyson DC25 and haven't replaced or cleaned the filters, then check out this video. It's important to clean the filter on your vacuum cleaner because not only does it help to keep dust and other particles out of your motor, it also makes sure that none of that stuff is spwed back out onto your floor.

How To: Use Houdini voxel fluids

Created by Houdini Product Specialist Stephen Tucker, this crash course series focuses on the concept of fluid dynamics and how they work within Houdini. These videos on Voxel Fluids should help any artist get up in running with the foundation tools available for creating fluid effects in Houdini 9.5. Topics range from how to create a container to how to gain access to fluid attributes for shading, and even passing data from volumes to particles.

How To: Paint instance objects in Blender

This tutorial teaches how to use Blender’s particles system to “paint” instanced objects onto mesh surfaces. Similar to Maya’s “Paint Effects,” though not nearly as powerful, it’s a very nice way to fill a scene with flowers, vegetation, rocks, pebbles, gravel, debris, etc. Whether you're new to the Blender Foundation's popular open-source 3D computer graphics application or are a seasoned digital artist merely on the lookout for new tips and tricks, you're sure to be well served by this free...

How To: Clean your septum piercing

First of all you need to have some warm water in glass. Now take an ear bud and dip into the warm water. Now apply some soap over it. You can use the hand soap also for this purpose. Insert the bud in your nostril and then rub it around the pierced skin. Remove all kinds of particles accumulated at this portion. Now clean the other nostril as well. Now hold your pierce ring with your two fingers and give it shake. This shall remove all solid pieces from the area. Otherwise these may go down i...

How To: Use micro-misters for drip irrigation systems

Micro misters allow for low volume of water over a wide area. They give good moisture coverage. Systems can be pulled up, changed and made into what you need it to be. Keep potted plants separate from other plants. They should have their own system. There is a system to encourage growth of root systems of various plants. Shrubs get two emitters in case one clogs up, the plant still has moisture. Having the water at the base of the plant limits weed growth. There is a temporary system to get t...

How To: Use phrasal verbs when speaking English

In this video, we learn how to speak English: An introduction to phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs are also called two-part and three-part verbs. This is a verb and one or two other short words. Together as a phrase these have a special meaning. The other words are called particles, which come together with the verb to make a different definition. Particles can change the word "figure" to "figure out" and the word "look" to "look through". These particles at the end of the verb change how the word...

How To: Easily unblock a kitchen sink and waste pipe

Learn how to easily unblock a kitchen sink clogged with food particles in simple steps. Every time you clean your dishes and bowls at your home kitchen some food particles wash out and get clogged. When these particles are clogged the water starts to drain out slowly and bad odor arises. Put some Alka Seltzer tablets in your sink and crumble them through the holes. Now pour some vinegar over the tablets through the hole. Leave it for two minutes and flush the sink with water to finish.

How To: Rebuild the fire simulator in Houdini 9.5

Check out this masterclass on Houdini 9.5 and how to rebuild the fire simulator. Houdini's Fluid Tools offer a powerful simulation environment for visual effects artists. Senior Mathematician Jeff Lait introduces you to the basic building blocks for generating fluids and low level tools that make it easier to control the simulations.

How To: Clean and sanitize the kitchen

Looking to give your kitchen a good cleaning this spring? Don't go out and spend a ton of money on sanitizing sprays and cleaning equipment. Cleaning and sanitizing your kitchen is easy, effective, and inexpensive, because everything you need is likely in your kitchen!

How To: Clean a camera lens with cellulose tape (Scotch or Sellotape)

A camera's lens can be plagued with dust particles over time, and without a proper cleaning, your photographs will need a digital manicure before they'll please the eye. If you don't want to turn to Photoshop, then a little lens maintenance will do your photos good. Cleaning a camera lens is as easy as using a a few strips of Scotch or Sellotape, which are cellulose-based, translucent tapes.

How To: Model from the shelf in Houdini

This Houdini 9 tutorial teaches you how to work with the shelf tools. There are shelves for all the areas of Houdini from modeling to dynamics, to animating and particles. This particular tutorial shows you how to use the viewport and shelf tools to model within Houdini 9 and work with surface operations (SOPS).

How To: Paint fire & water on the screen in Ubuntu Linux with Advanced Desktop Effects

No other operating system can create this awesome effect. Sure, not many people will want to use this fire effect, but this is just one of the many perks of owning a Ubuntu system. This video will show you how to use this fire paint effect via an eye candy plugin that enables you to draw on the screen with animated fire particles. You can also paint water all over your screen. Click here for more information.

How To: Change the cabin airfilter on a 2004 Honda Civic

You may not realize it, but is more than one air filter attached to your car. Not only do you have the filter near your engine, but there is also one located within the vehicle itself. This is used to collect any dust or other particles that are in the vehicle. Many people don't realize it, but these need to be replaced every year or two. So in this tutorial, you'll find out how to locate and replace the cabin airfilter on a 2004 Honda Civic. good luck and enjoy!

How To: Get more out of spray paint cans

In this how-to video, you will learn how to get more out of your spray cans. This is useful if you want to make the most out of the money spent on these purchases. These spray cans are very useful for painting objects that would be harder with the traditional bus. First, follow the directions on the spray can. It should say to turn it upside down and spray it until it runs clear. This keeps the tips clear. If the can is old, you can carefully remove the tip from the can and drop it in paint t...

How To: Pan for gold using "backwash & tap" method

The video shows how to pan for gold using the backwash and tap method. Take about a quarter cup of Georgia concentrate and add to a panning tray (looks like a shallow bowl with ridges). Add some water to cover and gently move the mixture around to wash off the lighter sand and dirt particles (gold is heavier and will sink to the bottom). Resettle the mixture at the bottom and start over, continuing to wash off the sand until you start to see specks of gold along the side. Keep resettling the ...

How To: Draw atoms of different elements

An atom is a basic unit of matter consisting of a dense, central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged ions. The nucleus itself is a mixture of positively charged protons amd electrically neutral neutrons. Different groups of elements have respective atomic numbers. You can use the periodic table as a tool to draw atoms of elements. The periodic table is organized into periods, groups and families. This video is a tutorial that reviews the subatomic particles found in an atom. I...

How To: Set up drip irrigation for a container garden

Patti Moreno, the Garden Girl, shows how to install a drip irrigation system in a container garden for growing herbs and vegetables. Container plants also need more fertilizer. First, at the spigot, connect a manifold/timer with a fertilizer dispenser and a filter to remove particles. Then run a half-inch main tube line to the patio, using clamps to secure the tubing to fencing and elbow joints at any corners. For each container, punch a hole in the main tube and attach a quarter-inch tube wi...