Parents on the Go Search Results

How To: Make a dress out of a t-shirt

Who said the 80s were long and gone? It's the 21st century and things from the 80s are more popular than ever. In this video tutorial, you'll find out how to make a cool looking 80s dress using an old t-shirt. It may not be original and it may not be diferent from what you parents may have worn, but you'll still look good wearing it. Enjoy!

How To: Sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"

All of us remember "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" for a reason. As a fond part of our childhood, it was a song that taught us about the wonders of the sky while also connecting us with our parents, who learned the song from their parents before them. Continue the tradition by teaching your kids how to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."

How To: Breastfeed with tips from Parents Magazine

Breastfeeding can seem scary for new moms. Not to worry, although it may seem odd at first, breastfeeding is actually the most natural way to feed your child. Once you get used to it, it will seem like second nature. Because a lot of moms have issues the first few times they try to breastfeed, Parents Magazine has put together this tutorial with advice and tips for new parents. Check out the video and you will be feeding your baby with no problem soon enough. Breastfeed with tips from Parents...

How To: Use parental controls on a cell phone

If your a parent and you child keeps bugging you about them wanting a cell phone, this next video might help. Parents are often worried that their kids may spend too much time on the phone and abuse the power they have in their hands. Well, this tutorial is going to tell you how you can use parental controls on a cell phone.

How To: Write A Letter From Teachers To Parents

Parental involvement is a crucial ingredient in the success of many children. Teachers know the saying all too well that it takes more than a village to raise a child, for one - it takes parental involvement. Thus, it is important for teachers to reach out to parents in that first week of school. Teachers should write a formal letter that is welcoming and easily comprehensible to the parent and the student. This letter should be able to communicate that the teacher values the child’s educatio...

How To: Fold an origami bird parent and child

This is a video tutorial in the Arts & Crafts category where you are going to learn how to fold an origami bird parent and child. Take a sheet of square paper and fold it in half diagonally. Then fold it again. Now open up the top half and fold it back over itself. Repeat this with the other half as well. Now you have folded square sheet of paper. Then lift up the corner and fold it back over itself. Repeat this step with one corner from the side. You have to watch the video for further steps...

How To: Do with finger paint writing with your kids

Shelley Lovett from childcareland demonstrates a fun activity involving finger paint that parents can do with their children. She uses finger paints and a pan to make a virtual canvas that is self contained and easy to clean up. She first recommends that only one color be used. She indicates that by using multiple colors, it may result in a brown ugly color and therefore should be avoided. She then spreads the paint onto a flat pan. After the paint is on the pan, parents and children are able...

How To: Convince a Muslim teenager to pray

Shaikh Yusuf Estes teaches parents the way to keep they're teenagers praying. While many parents think that bringing a child up a Muslim right when they can talk, the prophet has already said that the age of 7 is the age to teach a child how to pray. The more a child is genuinely brought up with the love of Allah, the more likely they will be to pray. Watch this video Islamic theology tutorial and learn how to persuade a Muslim teenager to pray.

News: Is stress genetic?

Is stress genetic? No it is not. How we deal with stress is not genetic. Is how our parent’s deal with stress that we adapt form them. Many parents have busy schedules and might not have the time to talk to their children about their own problems. Yet there are some parents that think teens and children might not be dealing with stress. We might also not have any emotional support by our own parents and they do not under stand us. We also do not have “realistic” expectations from our parents....

How To: Teach children to tie their shoes

There comes a time, in every young child's life, in which they need to have "the talk" with their parents... about how to tie their shoes! Learn how to teach your children how to tie their shoes with guidance from this free tutorial! Make your son or daughter an independent shoe tying expert in no time at all!

How To: Teach your teens car care responsibility

For teens, getting a new car is so much more than passing drivers ed. A car is a chance for parents to teach their teenager responsibility. One of the ways you can do this is to ensure your child takes care of their new vehicle. Teach them how to keep their car running smoothly by checking fluids, tires and various other maintenence areas.

How To: Properly Fit Shoulder Pads for Youth Football Players

The shoulder pads and helmet are the iconic pieces of gear that every football player wears in every game. This video teaches you, as a football coach or parent of a football player, how to make sure your charge or charges wear properly fitting shoulder pad to maximize safety. As the video says, the shoulder pads are the easiest piece of football equipment to fit, but making sure they fit properly is still vitally important to prevent injuries to the chest and shoulders.

How To: Craft a puppet dog with your kids

Puppies are one of the most cutest animals out there and the most popular with humans. So why not make a cute puppy made from paper to enjoy for days. This tutorial will show you teachers or parents, how to make a cute puppy dog out of different colored paper. Enjoy!