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How To: Play Augmented Reality Games on Your Nintendo 3DS with Android & WP7 Phones

The Nintendo 3DS comes with six AR cards that allow you to play the augmented reality games packaged with the device. Of course, if you were to lose the fragile paper cards or damage them in some way, you would be unable to continue playing them. It's easier and safer to carry constant access to the AR games by installing apps on your Android and Windows Phone 7 smartphones. Both apps are free and available through the smartphone app markets.

How To: Use the present tense of -AR verbs in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to speak Spanish: Present tense of -AR verbs (tu form). When you are speaking with "ar" verbs, you will have to change them depending on who you are talking about. You will also have to change if you are talking about yourself and depending on what the tenses are. If you are talking about yourself drawing, you would say "yo dibujo", which means "I draw". You will say "tu dibujas" if you are saying "you draw" to a group of people. Learn some common "ar" verbs, then ...

How To: Use the present tense of AR verbs in Spanish

In this video, we learn how to speak Spanish by using the present tense of AR verbs. For females, "ellas" means they and for males "ellos" means they. To say "you all" you would say "ustedes". For example, the word "trabajar" would knock the "ar" off depending on who was the subject in the sentence. It would be replaced with "o", "as", "a", etc depending on who was being talked about. This goes the same for every verb that ends in "ar". The tense must change when you are talking about singula...

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