Early last year, Google purchased Quest Visual, acquiring the immensely popular augmented reality translator app Word Lens in the process. While Google did put the feature on the Google Glass, they spoke more about implementing Word Lens into their Translate app sometime in the future.
This is a very useful instructional video on keeping the conversation going when a man wants to talk with a woman. It is indeed an art to talk to women. It is not easy for many men to keep the conversation going. They don't know how to avoid conversation killers. They are at a loss for words when they meet a woman. If you ever find it difficult to keep the conversation going when you talk to women, this video teaches you how to avoid the biggest conversation killer. It helps you to keep the c...
In this video David Rivers shows that the conversation look of Excel 2010 has greatly improved. Tracking and managing related emails, saves your inbox space to enable you to manage large number of emails effectively. By default, the conversations are arranged by date. Email interactions will have an arrow displayed. You can easily expand and collapse the conversation. The major improvement is the function of ignoring or clearing up conversation with just a few clicks. The future conversations...
PureChat 2008 ships with an OnTime plug-in that allows you to quickly turn live web chat conversations into defects, feature requests, incidents or tasks in OnTime -- with just a few mouse clicks!
Marie Dubuque offers tips on keeping a conversation flowing and avoiding awkward silences. She suggests asking the other person about themselves. Everyone loves to talk about themselves, and sometimes if you ask one question they go on and on. Ask about their favorite food, favorite restaurant, how they get along with relatives. Questions about in-laws can lead to some interesting dialog and can get the conversation going better than it was before.
Learn how to initiate conversations in BlackBerry Messenger on your BlackBerry phone. This clip will show you how it's done. Whether you're the proud owner of a BlackBerry smartphone or are merely considering picking one up, you're sure to be well served by this video guide. For detailed information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look.
Striking up a conversation with a group of people you don't know can be an intimidating task. Come prepared with some interesting comments and ideas and you will be able to make new friends out of any crowd.
The Messages app on iOS features contact photos for every one of your conversations — including group chats. Even if you don't have a picture for a specific contact, their initials will appear instead. For non-contacts, a generic profile avatar appears. These give threads a bit of flare, but if you're looking for extra privacy or don't enjoy the look, you can easily hide those images and icons.
One of the downsides of living in an unprecedented age of connectivity is the near-constant bombardment of information. WhatsApp, the go-to messaging app for people the world over, is just as susceptible to buildup of useless media files, thanks to awesome features that allow us to communicate in multiple ways, such as broadcasting to friends and family. Luckily, the app makes it easy to remove old and unwanted data from your iPhone or Android.
Heather Gold teaches us how to use "tummeling" in conversation mechanics in this tutorial. When you are having a conversation with someone, you need to know that it is not all about you. You will need to appeal to other people's interests and shift from everything being about you to the other party involved in the conversation. When you are performing or speaking in a large group, you will want to talk like a realistic person and make sure you are not saying something that isn't interesting o...
Want to know how to initiate Messenger conversations on a BlackBerry smartphone running version 5.0 of the BlackBerry OS? This clip will show you how it's done. Whether you're the proud owner of a BlackBerry smartphone or are merely considering picking one up, you're sure to be well served by this video guide. For detailed information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look.
For years, Skype has been synonymous with video calling and messaging. However, as the industry moved toward encryption and privacy, Skype usage was discouraged by experts due to its murky encryption. To combat this, Skype has introduced true end-to-end encryption.
Group chats can get out of control. One minute you're in the middle of a thoughtful debate, the next minute everybody is sending gratuitous stickers and emojis like nobody's business. If you're at work or school, this can obviously get a little frustrating as your notifications fill up, even with your iPhone on silent. Luckily, there's a simple option — leave the group.
Group messages make for some hilarious conversations with your friends, and are also a great way to update multiple people without sending individual text messages. But as awesome as they can be, they can also be as equally annoying.
Jared of the TechCentric crew gives you the lowdown on the basics of keeping your VoIP conversations secure and, on the other side of things, how to use the Cain VoIP sniffing application. For detailed instructions on keeping your VoIP conversations private, watch this hacking how-to.
Check out this instructional Hungarian language video to learn how to speak Hungarian! In the 1st lesson, listen to tiny dialogues in Hungarian. This video provides conversations exclusively in Hungarian without English translation or subtitles. This instructional language video is better for advanced Hungarian speakers who need to improve their listening skills.
Check out this instructional video to learn how to ask and answer simple questions in a social conversation. "Social English" is a series of four short videos that deal with common face-to-face English situations at Fujikin. This is the third video in the series and will show you how to ask and answer questions naturally in an English conversation.
Do you have a loved one or coworker you have to talk to who dominates conversation, not allowing you to speak your piece? Watch this video for several great tips on dealing with loudmouth people and having effective relationships with them.
In this video, we learn how to talk to a girl with the Wing Girls. If you have never met this girl but you really want to talk to her, don't be afraid! A great idea is to walk up to her and call her a different name. After this, start up a conversation with her and strike common ground with her. Once you do this, you will be able to start a conversation with her that is lasting! Once you have talked for a few minutes, ask for her number or have her type it into your phone. Don't be scared and...
In this English lesson, learn how the future tense is used in conversation. Great for ESL student!
If thieves, hackers, law enforcement, or other would-be enemies should ever gain entry to your smartphone, they could also access conversations you've had in Signal Private Messenger. To better secure your encrypted communications, you can password-protect the whole app and its contents — but only on Android. Even then, it's necessary to perform data deletion on a periodic basis, if not immediately.
In this tutorial, we learn how to attract women, as told by a woman. When you want a woman, you need to first of all be in control of your emotions. Make sure you are thinking about her and taking control of the situation. Be laid back but be in control so you are living in the moment. be comfortable in the environment and the woman will be attracted to you and think you are hot! A woman likes to talk about yourself, so ask her questions and genuinely be interested in her. Find common ground ...
Traditionally, if you were looking for end-to-end encrypted messaging, you'd stick with something like iMessage, WhatsApp, or Signal. However, if you already use Facebook Messenger, you have all you need for truly private chats with its built-in E2E encryption. It's available to all users, on Android and iOS — you just need to know where to look.
In the UK, 20 percent of divorce filings include the word "Facebook." You may think you're being slick by using the site to chat with your ex, but the problem is that Facebook saves everything, and I mean everything. All someone needs is your login information and they have access to everything you've ever said on Facebook, public or private.
Text conversations and group chats can sometimes devolve to random and nonsensical chatter that bombard you with annoying notifications. Naturally, this can get distracting and prevent you from focusing on more pressing matters. Fortunately, Samsung Messages has a feature built in to minimize distractions whenever conversations go out of hand.
If you've received a spam message in Signal Private Messenger, you know that anyone can contact you as long as they have your linked phone number. But when it comes to the people you're actually trying to have a private conversation with, how do you know it's really them?
Group messages are great when you want to talk to multiple people at the same time. However, things can get disorderly real fast in the Messages app, especially if the same person is in multiple group conversations. That's where custom group names come in, which helps you make sense of all those disorganized threads with multiple names/numbers attached.
Popular photo-sharing service Snapchat has released a major update to both its Android and iOS applications today, bringing secretive chat messaging and live video chatting.
I'm a textaholic. One of the problems with being a textaholic is that your device just can't keep up with you.
Looking for an easy way to consolidate and view your email messages conversations into easy-to-ready threads? This clip will teach you everything you'll need to know. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular email and scheduling application or a seasoned MS Office professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the Outlook 2010 workflow, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, and to get started organizing your own inbox, watch this free video g...
The software updates from Canadian smartglasses startup North keep coming, each with a unique new twist.
At their annual I/O event, Google introduced their latest app to the public: Allo. The messaging app is the company's latest and most powerful entry into the expanding world of similar apps, with one twist—the inclusion of artificial intelligence.
Safari has some cool new features in iOS 8, but the app that seems to have gotten the biggest update so far is Messages. A lot of the new Messages features were discussed during Apple's developers conference, but we found many others and picked out our favorite hidden ones below.
In this quick clip, you'll learn how to start a conversation with someone you fancy. As a general rule, when flirting with someone, it's important that you be confident and natural. But, if you're feeling nervy, there's little shame in doing a little prep work with silly videos like this one. For more information, and to get started using this tip for yourself, take a look.
This is the sixth part of my video series on learning Hindi. We come now to basic conversations, such as those while socializing. Pronunciation is stressed and is in IPA, and some exceptions to pronunciations are noted.
Learn to take back control if social anxiety is getting in the way of your life. The first step is to take control of conversations at social functions by asking questions. This will help you to direct the conversation more and not feel like you have no control. Next, learn to always have an exit plan for any social function you might attend. Planning an exit strategy beforehand will help you to relax. Finally, be kind and loving to yourself. Don't beat yourself up and take the time to be mor...
Kevin shows the different features and options with the program ownspy, which is through OwnSpy and is capable of tracking through phone a persons location as well as texts and phone calls. He first logs in and the first screen that opens is the tracking screen where you can sync how often the program will update the persons location. The second tab is SMS, which will show you all texts and conversations as well as the length, date, and time. The third tab lists all the persons contacts. The ...
In this video, an English lesson for foreign language speakers teaches viewers expressions using the work "table." There are three different expressions taught through watching, listening and defining.
Whether inappropriate or unimportant, some emails don't need to be viewed at a certain times of the day. For example, you might not want to see any personal emails during work hours. By default, Gmail will notify you of all emails that hit your inbox, but fortunately, there's a feature that can automatically hide certain emails and prevent distracting notifications.
Google is launching a new app called Spaces that lets you share things from the web with small groups of people. The aim of Spaces appears to be granting you a forum with like-minded people to help cut down on off-topic comments that can steer a conversation off the rails. Spaces comes with Google Search, Chrome, and YouTube built in, so you won't need to switch apps to go hunting for interesting content to share. You can invite people to your groups—or "spaces" as they're called in the app—b...