How To: Conduct a lawful strip search in prison
This is a government video issued to teach the correct way to conduct a strip or visual search in prison.
This is a government video issued to teach the correct way to conduct a strip or visual search in prison.
Color selection is an important part of art. Learn how to plan the colors for your next work of art in this free art lesson series from an art instructor.
Curious about the Big Bang Theory. In this four-part video, learn all you need to know from a great source. Hosted by Professor Richard Muller of the University California, Berkeley, this lecture is part of university's spring 2006 webcasts of "Physics For Future Presidents".
Knowing music theory never hurt anyone—not Bach, not Chopin, not Schoenberg. Even if you fancy yourself a musical iconoclast, the better you know the rules of music, the better equipped you'll be to break them down the line. In this free video music theory lesson, you'll learn how to use and understand the most frequently used terms and phrases in music theory. For more information, including a very thorough overview, watch this helpful musician's guide.
Knowing music theory never hurt anyone—not Bach, not Chopin, not Schoenberg. Even if you fancy yourself a musical iconoclast, the better you know the rules of music, the better equipped you'll be to break them down the line. In this free video music theory lesson, you'll learn how to generate a simple melody line using music theory. For more information, including a very thorough overview, watch this helpful musician's guide.
In this piano music theory lesson you'll go over something of a more advanced piece of music theory: compound intervals.
Being a musician, whether experienced or just starting out, if you don't know your basic music theory, then you're selling yourself short on a wealth of knowledge! If you're just getting started and have never learned theory, this is where you begin. In this video you will get a basic over view of the staff, bar lines and double bar lines, treble clef, bass clef and the grand staff.
Knowing music theory never hurt anyone—not Bach, not Chopin, not Schoenberg. Even if you fancy yourself a musical iconoclast, the better you know the rules of music, the better equipped you'll be to break them down the line. In this free video music theory lesson, you'll learn how to generate major and minor triad chords. For more information, including a very thorough overview, watch this helpful musician's guide.
Knowing music theory never hurt anyone—not Bach, not Chopin, not Schoenberg. Even if you fancy yourself a musical iconoclast, the better you know the rules of music, the better equipped you'll be to break them down the line. In this free video music theory lesson, you'll learn how to use and understand the circle of fifths, the cornerstone of tonal music. For more information, including a very thorough overview, watch this helpful musician's guide.
This is one of the most basic but most important things to know in order to figure out songs on the ukulele a lot more quickly. When you train your ear, you eliminate a lot of the hunting and pecking method! Use ukulele theory 101 lessons!
Rapper Lil' Wayne has admitted he can't read, instead citing that his musical prowress comes naturally to him. While this may work for the musician, most piano players, singers, and sax players can benefit from a lesson in music theory or two.
Knowing music theory never hurt anyone—not Bach, not Chopin, not Schoenberg. Even if you fancy yourself a musical iconoclast, the better you know the rules of music, the better equipped you'll be to break them down the line. In this free video music theory lesson, you'll learn how to read and use dotted notes and triplets on a musical score. For more information, including a very thorough overview of the process, watch this helpful musician's guide.
Check out this video on color theory: analyzing color. It is important to understand color relationships and harmonies when designing everything from brand advertising, websites, video games, fine art, clothing and interior decoration. Tutorial video from Sessions Online Schools of Art & Design's "Color Theory" course. Part of Sessions' Graphic, Web, Digital Arts, Marketing, and Multimedia Arts Design certificate programs.
Liquid dance is a gestural, interpretive dance form that involves fluid like movements. Usually the hands and arms are the primary focus of liquid dance. Liquid dance is commonly associated with rave culture. Watch this dance tutorial to learn how to do the liquid dance move: the Primer Theory Breakdown.
If you're transferring from Guitar to Ukulele or if you're just starting with Ukulele and kind of want to understand how the notes on the fretboard, the music theory behind everything and also some techniques for remembering each of the fret letters and how to build chords.
Don't you dare touch that piano until you've watched this helpful lesson in piano music theory! While practicing scales alongside your piano teacher is super important to becoming a master piano player, you can't skimp on the music theory.
Knowing music theory never hurt anyone—not Bach, not Chopin, not Schoenberg. Even if you fancy yourself a musical iconoclast, the better you know the rules of music, the better equipped you'll be to break them down the line. In this free video music theory lesson, you'll learn how to do simple major-to-major transposition. For more information, including a very thorough overview, watch this helpful musician's guide.
Knowing music theory never hurt anyone—not Bach, not Chopin, not Schoenberg. Even if you fancy yourself a musical iconoclast, the better you know the rules of music, the better equipped you'll be to break them down the line. In this free video music theory lesson, you'll learn how to determine the root or "home" key of a song. For more information, including a very thorough overview, watch this helpful musician's guide.
Check out this video from Sessions on using the color wheel. Better understand color relationships, color schemes and color theory. This is a great lesson for designers, artists, stylists and decorators. Create color harmony using the color wheel. Tutorial video from Sessions Online Schools of Art & Design's "Color Theory" course. Part of Sessions' Graphic, Web, Digital Arts, Marketing, and Multimedia Arts Design certificate programs.
When it comes to anything artistic, from interior design to makeup application, color theory plays an immense role in determining what colors go together and what colors clash. Of course, you won't find the average woman at the cosmetics counter asking the saleslady for a cool toned though slightly neutral foundation shade for her, but this is what we should all be doing if we're to find the right shade.
No matter how great you are at playing the piano, and even if you're a natural who can strum out Rachmaninoff perfectly simply by listening to it once, music theory should still be a vital part of your music learning process. Whether you're a beginning piano player or an advanced professional looking to polish up your music theory skills, you should check out this music theory tutorial.
Do you want your house to look dull or colorful? If the latter, then be sure to check out this video to learn how to best utilize the color theory.
This two-part video tutorial series presents a breakdown of applied music theory on the ukulele. In the key of C major you have the notes CDEFGABC. The notes C to C give you C major(or Ionian). The notes A to A give you A minor (or Locrian). The notes G to G give you Mixolydian and the notes E to E give you E Phrygian.
How many notes are there on the saxophone? Check out this instructional sax video that teaches you the One Note theory. This mini tip explains that there's only one note on the saxophone. That note is the middle C. This is one of the easiest notes to play on the saxophone. Behind this one note is a philosophy that if you can take the feeling of the middle C note and transfer that to all the other notes on the saxophone, you can play every single note easily. Learn more about the One Note Theo...
This is instructional guitar video that shows you how to build chords on your guitar fretboard using music theory. Check out this simple guide to chord theory on the guitar, using the D major scale as a basis for creating chords from notes of the scale. No guitar playing in this video - just theory! Covers major, minor, 7th, 9th, minor 7th, minor 6th, diminished and augmented chord construction. Learn how to build guitar chords and improve your guitar playing skills with this music tutorial v...
Mark Bittman of the New York Times, reveals the secret of the modern mixed drink. His theory is that a good cocktail consists of alcohol, something sweet, and something sour. Eighty percent of cocktails are made with this formula. Watch this video to see how this theory applies to several classic cocktails.
An enharmonic equivalent doesn't sound like fun, but in fact the term is fancy jargon for a rather simple concept: it is the duplicate of a note, key signature, or interval that is spelled differently. So two notes are enharmonic if they have the same pitch but are named differently. At least, this is the basis for enharmonic equivalents.
This how to video covers some beginner theory and then moves on to introduce the open strings. we will covering some basic theory and then moving on to actually playing our instrument. You will learn how to play open strings and pizzicato notes. With the tips from this music lesson you can learn to play the violin.
The capacitor is one of the most recognizable and important electronic components, and a part of nearly every electronic device. This video will teach you the basics of capacitor theory and then teach you how to replace a faulty or broken on on a circuit board. This skill will help you fix all sorts of devices you thought were dead forever; try it out!
If you can play bar chords, there's no reason you can't play a two-five-one jazz progression! This clear and helpful video shows you how to build on skills you already have, adds in some theory and has you ready to get jazzy!
Learn how to cheat like hell to produce realistic sounding piano flourishes, amazing rolls, and perfectly harmonious music in FL Studio. This tutorial uses examples from other FL tutorials on this site so you may have to watch more than just one. Check out this advanced music theory tutorial and get some great cheating tricks to help your music production in FL Studo.
Unless you're a music theory buff or taking AP Music Theory in school (forced or otherwise), then the only word in "diatonic circle chord progressions" that makes sense to you is "circle." But the fancy schmancy term is just an elaborate way of saying you're playing chord progressions based on the circle of fifths.
This video is about how to construct a DJ set together. Ellaskins states in this video that he doesn't feel you should follow his tutorial step by step. Instead, use it to soak up all of the information and to help finalize your own product. In this video he describes what he calls the "Tree Chaos Theory". He states that in your room you can set up any play list and it will work. However, in a club you need to watch the crowd and make sure you know when they want their playlist to go in anoth...
Learn how to apply pitch axis theory and modal harmony on the guitar. A step by step video tutorial that will teach you everything you need to know to play the guitar under one droning pitch with more than one scale type. Andrew Wasson of CreativeGuitarStudio explains the principles of pitch axis. He shows us how to stay under one pitch and use a series of other chords that will influence harmony in one way or another. In this lesson, Andrew will show you how to play a progression using a D p...
This how to video describes how to play basic piano chords. The author begins by explaining musical intervals and how they build chords. He then shows you how to play major and minor chords and how they relate to melodic and harmonic intervals. This video is perfect for those just beginning to play piano or those who want to learn a little bit of music theory. The video itself lasts about ten minuets and provides a great base for beginning music theory.
This video teaches you how to use APT (Arbitrage Pricing Theory) models and formulas. This video shows two specific parts of the APT models the first being the after the fact version and the before the fact version. The before the fact version is focused on as being the most important which is used to calculate expected returns to calculate risk. It is discussed how flexible this model is and how different factors can be moved in and out of the formula and how each different factor is used. T...
Check out this instructional math video that reviews Elementary Number Theory, which is a fancy way of saying these are problems related to factors, multiples, prime numbers and remainders. In the 12th lesson, learn how to solve SAT math problems. Here are the math problems and their page numbers that this video covers:
Before we realized that the world was round, there were lots of theories otherwise. One popular idea was that the world was flat, kind of like a box, and that you'd fall off if you walked to far to any one side.
It's music theory time with Andrew Furmanczyk. With this in depth and informative lesson, Andrew will show you four various music score types, (Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Bass). You'll learn how to write them, how to read them and what they mean in the world of music composition and performance. Note for note, this guy teaches it pitch perfect!
Everyone talks about Minecraft and Logic Gates all the time and the various uses for red stone, heck, someone even made a fully useable calculator! But using Red Stone takes a special kind of math and logic that some may be confused about. In this video you will learn the basic uses of red stone and also the logic and theory behind it and how it all works.