Identified Signs Search Results

How To: Identify signs of depression

In this video series, our expert will teach you how to identify signs of depression. If you suspect you, a friend or family member is suffering from depression, let our expert explain the various symptoms of depression and when you may need to seek professional help.

How To: Factor polynomials by grouping

A factoring problem that has to be solved by grouping is easy to identify, because you can always identify if there are any similar terms in a polynomial. Now, if you find any variable common in any terms pull them out as the common leaving the rest of the terms. After pulling out the common terms you can group the rest of the polynomial. Be careful while pulling out signs. Pulling out a positive number does not effect the signs of terms in the polynomial, where as pulling out a negative numb...

How To: Recognize the signs when you start ovulating

If you're looking to increase the odds of pregnancy or are just looking to understand your body better, you will need to be able to understand when you're ovulating. In this video you will get basic tips and signs of when you're ovulating and how to identify some of the symptoms.

How To: Identify if you are using too mcuh fertilizer

In this video, we learn how to identify common tree problems. If you use too much fertilizer you can find a burn scar that is left on the bark of the tree. You can avoid this by making sure fertilizer spikes are placed away from the tree. Tree splitting is also an obvious sign that a tree is in bad shape and needs to be cut and taken down. A common leaf problem is Pear Slug Damage. A great way to help this to use wood ash on the tree, which will kill the insects that cause this and it's safe ...

How To: Identify a spittle bug on your salvia

Great video by Southwest Yard & Garden. tutorial on how to identify garden pests on your plants & shrubs. Went into detail on the Salvia plants - always be careful spittle bugs, they produce spittle commonly on Salvia plants. Whiteflies and aphids are known to take residence in Ash trees. Aphids commonly take on the look of mildew. Ways to manage moths for apples, you can use insecticide spray but be conservative. Took a look at signs of Cochineal Scale on a Prickly Pear. Went over ways to ta...

How To: Identify and control garden pests on grapes and roses

This video illustrates the quick and easy method to Identify and control garden pests on grapes and roses . The process is comprised of the following steps:Step 1:Garden pests are quite common in grapes and roses.Step 2: To identify these gardener needs to keep a very sharp eyes on the plants every day. Negligence may lead to disaster of the entire crop.Step 3:Garden pests can be commonly seen on the leaves on inner side or on the shoots of the plant.Step 4:Randomly select the plant and check...

How To: Identify insects in your garden

How to identify insects in your gardenCarol Sutherland explains us in this video of how to identify insects in your garden. She is an extension entomologist and she explains her view on the insects here. To be known is that some insects are damaging, some others we want to be aware of and some are necessary in your garden. Here during the garden season you get to see insects on trees as they form a familiar habitat. Mostly on the split ends and the broken ends the insects gets invaded. She sh...

How To: Identify aphids or whiteflies on your ash tree

County expert John White determines how to solve some pesky plant problems for the area. The first problem - cutter bees on Crepe Myrtle - is an obvious one, with the deep curved "bites" showing on most of the leaves. He suggests using an insecticide but then points out the signs of a second problem - beetle damage. Crepe Myrtle is prone to beetle infestations and he advises to get out a flashlight and look for them at night when they are at their worst. A problem with heat scorching on Euony...

How To: Identify clutch bleeding in your car

It never a good sign whenever there is any kind of bleeding ir leaking of any fluid in your car. Gas, oil, brake all lead to one thing: there is a problem with your car. So in order to fix that problem, you'll need to know how to do so. In this tutorial, you'll find out how to identify clutch bleeding in your car and what some of the possible solutions may be. Good luck and enjoy!

How To: Perform a general abdominal exam on a patient

Any patient with pain in the abdominal area will require you to perform an abdominal examination, and this video lesson outlines in great detail, how to perform a general abdomen exam. This is great for any medical student or up-and-coming doctor — even nursing students could benefit from this exam procedure. You'll learn about inspection of the abs, auscultation, percussion, palpation, the liver, the aorta, and the spleen. After watching the full procedure, you should be able to identify the...

How To: Perform a cardiovascular exam on a patient

The key to being a good doctor is great patient care and thoroughness, and those are exactly the skills you will learn in this video lesson, as you learn to perform a cardiovascular examination on your patient. This is a great, step-by-step resource for the proper examination procedure. Every medical student should know these techniques, and nursing students could benefit from this knowledge, too. Every cardiovascular exam should include inspection of the pulse, blood pressure, carotid pulsat...

How To: Perform a general chest exam on a patient

There's no better way to learn then by visual media, and that's what makes this video lesson on performing a chest exam so great. It's perfect for any future doctor, and great for nursing students to understand the proper procedure for examining a patient's chest. Medical students can easily learn how to perform a general chest exam, because ever step and technique is outlined and shown. A chest examination is very important to determining what's wrong with your patient, and you will be able ...

How To: Perform a musculoskeletal exam on a patient

Whether your training to be a doctor or a nurse, there is no doubt that this video lesson will help you better understand the procedure for musculoskeletal examinations. Musculoskeletal exams rely exclusively on inspection and palpation and tests using a combination of those techniques. The main purpose of this exam is to identify in your patient any signs of musculoskeletal disease, by way of pain, redness, swelling, warmth, deformity, and loss of function. Watch this video to see the entire...

How To: Identify poorly fitting bras

These are tell tale signs that your lingerie or underwear is poorly fitting. It should not be uncomfortable, too loose or too tight. Your breasts can only look their best in a properly fitting bra.

How To: Identify the cause of a noise coming from your car

When cars start to get older, their many fragile moving parts start to make noises they never made before. Sometimes, when your car starts making a new noise, it can be very difficult to identify what is causing the noise and what you need to do to repair it. This video offers some great tips for finding the source of different kinds of car noises, from engine noises to suspension noises.

How To: Identify trees and their uses

Ever wonder what tree is which in the bush, or what each tree is useful for? This video tutorial will show you how to identify the various trees that are useful in Bushcraft. Andrew Price explains the difference between the trees, like Ash, Beech, Holly, and Elder trees, and their uses. If you need to survive in the wilderness, this is a great way to do it.

How To: Identify symptoms of recent HIV contraction

It's sometimes possible to recognize when you've recently contracted HIV from signs and symptoms such as fever, rash, or swollen lymph nodes. This video will teach you how to recognize signs and symptoms of primary HIV infection that are experienced by between 40 and 90% of individuals after they are first infected with HIV. Primary HIV infection occurs during the first few weeks or months after a person first becomes infected with HIV. Symptoms include rash and/or fevers, possibly in combina...

How To: Identify a Jeep rear axle in order to replace it

RichPin shows how to identify a rear axle on a Jeep Grand Cherokee to determine the correct replacement part. The first thing to do is to identify the axle by cleaning the fill plug on the back cover. Look at the inscription of the plug to find out the style of the rear end. In this example, Rich has a "Dana" style rear end. To determine if it is a 35 or 44 Dana, look at the web area to the right of the plug to locate the number. The two steps outlined in this video allow you to identify the ...

How To: Use ">" (greater than) and "<" (less than) symbols

In this video the author explains how to identify the less than (<) and greater than (>) symbols and when to use them. She explains to us to relate the numbers to animals stating that the smaller numbers are smaller animals and bigger numbers are bigger animals. Now she tells us to imagine that smaller animals are eaten up by the larger animals. So she shows a smaller number comes on the left side of '<' sign and bigger number comes on the right side of '<' sign stating that the bigger number...

How To: Solve a problem that asks you to identify percent, amount and base

From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps. With this installment from Internet pedagogical superstar Salman Khan's series of free math tutorials, you'll learn how to solve simple percent problems in basic arithmetic.

How To: Identify similar terms in polynomials

In this tutorial the instructor shows how to identify similar terms in a polynomial equation. He states that in similar terms the variables and their exponents are exactly the same but they may differ in the co-efficient. He shows how to identify similar terms by using some examples. He shows that a change is even the co-efficient makes them dissimilar terms. Similar terms can be further added as the variable of both the terms is same. This video gives an idea of what similar terms are and ho...

How To: Identify pinon needle scale

Identify pinion needle scaleWe are going to look at this insect because eggs are being laid. Two year old needles are being cast off. This is a sign of infestation. There is also sparse, open foliage. This tends to be a chronic infestation. The insect is the pinion needle scale. You can see tiny, bean shaped bumps on the 2 year old needles. The insects move to last years new growth and feast on the sap of the needle all summer. You can see egg masses and web on the trunk of the tree. The inse...

How To: Identify problems with snails & slugs

Snails and slugs can really be a problem sometimes if you are a gardener. They feed on plants and can be considered pests, sometimes even getting inside your house. They are identified by their tell-tale slime trails. A bad infestation can be very hard to deal with. However, specialized cleaners or fertilizers can help your garden snail-free.

How To: Identify different types of dinner glassware

Don't know much about the dinner table? You know the basics: you eat from a plate, you use silverware to shovel it in and you drink from glassware. But what about if you're at a fancy dinner? Would you be able to distinguish a juice cup from a champagne glass? A white wine glass from a martini glass? If not, these two videos will show you which ones are which.

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