Human Aspects Search Results

How To: Dissect a human to see into the deep neck

The first step in this human anatomy video tutorial is reflecting the sternal cleidomastoid muscles from the attachment to the sternum and the clavicle. Sounds fun, huh? Well, science is fun, and dissecting a human is great, especially for an anatomy class. Here, you will learn how to take a closer look at the deep neck of a human cadaver, like the muscle tissue and the arteries.

How To: Dissect a human to see the abdominal autonomics

Need to check out the posterior abdominal wall of a human being? Well, go no further. This human anatomy video tutorial will show you how to dissect a human for a closer look at the abdominal autonomics, the genital and urinary systems, the diaphragm, and the posterior abdominal wall. You need to get most of the superficial layers out of the way, so get your scalpel out and get cutting. You'll even check out the kidney itself in this educational look at the insides of a corpse.

How To: Draw the human neck

Figure drawing is the basis of fine arts education, so watch this how to video on drawing the human neck. To draw the human neck, pay attention to the muscles and bones that represent its shape. Draw an anatomical human neck with tips from a professional illustrator in this free instructional video on drawing.

How To: Model a 3D human head using 3D Studio MAX

An image of a human head can consist of a single penstroke or a thousand polygons. The head model that you will be learning to create in this three-video series leans very much towards the latter. The videos will teach you how to create a 3D model of the human head using 3D Studio MAX from a photo. It assumes some knowledge of 3DS MAX, but not too much, so don't be scared! Watch this baby and start modeling!

How To: Master footwork during boffer combat

Footwork is an important aspect of waging effective boffer combat. If you want to get better at boffer fighting, work on your footwork. No matter what weapon you're wielding, you'll be able to effectively and quickly maneuver on the battlefield to get an advantage at your next game or fighter practice.

How To: Use an anvil in blacksmithing

When getting started with metal work and blacksmithing, you may be confused as to what you can do with an anvil. In this video you will learn every aspect about the anvil and how to actually use each section of the anvil for cutting, shaping and more!

How To: Export 1080p widescreen footage (16:9) to Cinemascope (2.35:1) in Premiere CS5

In this quick clip, you'll learn how to export 1080p HD footage from a widescreen aspect ratio (16:9) to Cinemascope (2.35:1) using Adobe Premiere Pro CS5. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular NLE (or non-linear editor) or are merely looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're sure to find something to take away. For more informationn, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, take a look.

How To: Make cable knits

Cable knits are sometimes considered too complex for hobbyist knitters to attempt, but this video tutorial from the folks at Make Magazine will introduce you to this classic technique. Pioneered in Ireland by the wives of fishermen, the look of cable knits actually reflects fishermen's ropes and other aspects of their lives. While cable knits look complex, in this video you will see that they really don't have to be that much more complicated to create then the patterns you're used to working...

How To: Begin drawing human poses

Watch this instructional video to begin drawing figures in realistic poses. Ask yourself, what are these people doing? Human figures are constantly shifting balance. For instance, an elbow should relate to a knee. The human expressions do not have to be anatomically perfect as long as they relate to the other objects within the space.

How To: Grasp and calculate human blood pressure regulation

Check out this science-filled two-part video tutorial on blood pressure regulation in humans. This educational video will show you the MABP (mean arterial blood pressure), which is the overall blood pressure in your body, the TPR (total peripheral resistance), and the CO (cardiac output). You won't just learn about the blood pressure, you'll see how to calculate the MABP. You'll be fascinated, whether you're a physiologist, biologist, scientist, medical student, or just an human anatomy nut.

How To: Grasp the human physiology of the heart

Want to know what a septum is? An aorta? The bicuspid valve? These are all parts of the human heart, and in these educational tutorial videos, you'll learn all you need to know about the physiology of the human heart. Anatomy, biology, physiology... it's all science, so no matter what field you are studying, these will be very helpful for you in your further medical studies, or for just know-it-all knowledge.

How To: Solve the top cross of the Rubik's Cube

Some people get confused about a couple of aspects to solving the Rubik's Cube. Hopefully this video will clear things up. If not, then just don't watch anymore videos. Just put the cube in your closet, or in your yard sale, or smash it against the wall. Just give up.

How To: Be a better hitter in baseball

This video is part of the grip it an rip it series with Tony Gwynn. Discussed is where to stand in the batters box, what type of bat to have, the proper stance, how to swing the bat and follow through. As Tony describes how to do each aspect of batting, he illustrates each one. Throughout the video, popups and sidebars appear with additional tips making it easy to understand.

How To: Draw a human ear

Drawing the parts of the human face can be difficult. Get tips & tricks on how to make your drawing of a human ear look more professional. In this drawing tutorial hosted by fantasy artist Wayne Tully, learn step-by-step how to draw a realistic human ear.

How To: Draw a human nose

Along with hands and feet, many people have the opinion that drawing the parts of the human face can be difficult. In this video, learn how fantasy artist Wayne Tully draws a human nose... Plus, get tips on how to make your own drawing of a human nose look more realistic on paper.