Happier Customers Search Results

How To: Become happier

Skip the pharmaceuticals and the endless scratch on win lottery tickets. Here are some concrete happiness boosters. You will need more sleep, the willingness to help others, a grateful attitude, strong social ties, an exercise program, fun plans, lowered expectations, and optional: spiritualism. Watch this video for advice on how to become happier.

How To: Use double comparatives in the English language

This is a tutorial segment of Double comparatives of English Grammar. In this lesson, the instructor is explaining about how to express a cause and an effect in a easier way with examples. She says that it’s the relationship where one thing makes a change on another or one factor say for example sunshine, produce a result in another by making us to feel happy. Comparative forms are used to express a cause and effect. Words like brighter, happier are examples for that. For example, in the sent...

How To: Put together a slideshow with Apple's iPhoto 11

Wondering how to show your family the 26,000 photos of recent trip to Mauritius? Well, it's easy with Apple's iPhoto 11, and this step-by-step tutorial. Select the photos you want, choose your delay time, add music and it's showtime! You won't have the overheating projector lights and the click-clack of the slide carousel, but you WILL have a much happier audience.

How To: Use positive imprinting to train a pet exotic bird

Parrot Trainer Chet Wombach shows how to use 'positive imprinting' to get rid of negative feelings towards objects, people, or things. Exotic birds may not immediately adapt to a domestic situation and may find household life unnecessarily threatening or stressful. Watch this video training tutorial and learn how to use the technique of positive imprinting to better acclimate a pet parrot, cockatiel, Macaw, or any exotic bird into the household environment and to be a happier, healthier, and ...

How To: Install memory in a MacBook Pro

The more memory your MacBook Pro has, the more it will be able do it once, the faster your MacBook will feel and, presumably, the happier you'll be. This video tutorial will walk you through the mechanical process of removing and upgrading your MacBook Pro's RAM cards. If you're interested in upgrading the RAM in your own MacBook Pro, you would be well served to take a look.

How To: Choose the right place to put a bird cage

A birdcage is your bird's home, and if you want them to be happy members of your family you should follow some common-sense guidelines for positioning the cage. This video will introduce you to these rules and show you how to make your bird a little happier.

How To: Install games to the Xbox 360 hard drive

In this video, we learn how to install games to the Xbox 360 hard drive (Xbox 101). When you install a game to your console, it can have a lot of positive effects. The first one is: the disc won't spin constantly. This means less stress on the console, making it happier. Next, it will have a better overall performance and make the games load faster. Your system will also run quieter than before! You can install any game by going to the game details and then installing your choice of game. Usi...

How To: Spot and avoid MSG (monosodium glutamate)

MSG is scary. MSG is often used as a flavor enhancer and is put into your foods to trick your brain into thinking you're happier while you eat them. MSG is very controversial and while it is still FDA approved, is not recommended for consumption. If you would like to get all the facts on MSG and know exactly which foods to look out for, watch this tutorial from Food Facts. You will learn all the secret names that MSG hides under and how to keep your kids away from this evil offender.

How To: Stop procrastinating and boost your productivity

In this tutorial, we learn how to stop procrastinating and boost your productivity. If you are someone who likes to put things off until the last minute, you should watch this video! To help you get over doing this, you should start a calendar! When you boost your productivity you will no longer procrastinate and get a lot of things done. This may not seem like a good idea, but it will help you be a happier person. You can also write out a list, which will help you stay accountable for what y...

How To: Do an auto damage appraisal

In this tutorial, we learn how to do an auto damage appraisal. First make sure you have all your paperwork ready and lined up before you go to inspect the vehicle. When you have this done, the clients will be happier that you have everything ready to go and the claim is getting taken care of quicker. After you inspect the vehicle, write down all the notes about the vehicle and then calculate what the amount of damage is. Then, give a copy of the appraisal to the owner. After this, submit your...

How To: Draw a cartoon pig

First neatly draw the outline of the pig, then color the outline with a darker shade as this is the base of the character. Next draw the eyes, nose, and the small curly tail which complete the outline of the pig. For the base color a slightly bright pink color should be selected to shade the inner part of the pig i.e. the stomach, legs, and face. A shiny touch should be added to the face to give it a brighter and happier appearance. The background must be colored also with blue and brown. The...

How To: Be happier in life

Happiness is very unique thing. Everyone knows this word but can't explain properly what happiness actually is. There are top five tips to be happy in home or workplace in the video. Staying positive is one of the tips. Whatever happens in life you should be happy. You can write down all your tasks as a list. After finishing the tasks, scratch them out. When difficult tasks come, laugh for a while. It will lighten your pressure. After following the steps you will be interested in your life an...

How To: Gain weight after radiation therapy

In this tutorial, we learn how to gain weight after radiation therapy. Cancer patients will need a strong focus, because most cancer patients just simply forget to eat. The brain does not tell them they are hungry when sick. First, make sure to eat despite changes in taste, try to eat a well-balanced diet. Also, make sure to take a powdered or liquid weight gain supplement which will enhance appetite. Also, eat five or six small meals a day, which will make you more hungry. Changing your diet...

How To: Provide great customer service to your customers

In a bad economic environment, providing a great customer service experience is even more important than normal. Word of that great experience will spread via Twitter and Youtube, helping your business attract buzz without requiring it to spend cash on marketing. This video features a business technology expert explaining how to create a "wow" experience for your customers and use the ability to do so to improve your business.

How To: Use the Customer Portal feature in Axosoft OnTime 2008

OnTime 2008 Customer Portal enables you to invite customers and 3rd parties into the development conversation. Through controlled access they can submit bugs, feature requests and request help by intitiating their own support tickets. This installment from Axosoft's own series of video tutorials on the OnTime Project Management Suite will show you the power of Customer Portal.

How To: 10 Desk Hacks That'll Help You Get More Done at Work

There are many hacks for increasing productivity, but so many depend on tricking your own mind or behavior. When it comes to motivation in the workplace, though, sometimes the space within which you work dictates how you behave and the work you produce. So if you want to increase your ability to get more done in a single workday while doing a better job, consider changing your surroundings in the following ways.

How To: Improve your company's customer service

If you own your own business, no matter how efficient it is, you probably field complaints from customers. Dealing with these complaints, and using the information therein to improve your company, can be stressful and challenging. This video features a business expert outlining some simple advice for ways that you can improve the efficiency of you customer support process.

News: Ease Your Coronavirus Worries with These Meditation Apps

It's not hard to let the new SARS-CoV-2 strain of coronavirus put pressure on our minds. Fear of catching COVID-19 is never far from the topic of conversation. But it doesn't have to be that way. If you're struggling with anxiety, stress, depression, or any negative emotions due to the virus's effect on our lives right now, you might find some solace in meditation.

How To: Develop a competitive advantage

In this video, we learn how to develop a competitive advantage. A competitive advantage answers the question "what are you best at." You just need to better than your competitors at what you do in delivering value to your customers. Think about why your customers buy products from you. If you have the competitive advantage clearly identified, it will get you the customers that you want and keep the customers that you have. Put the competitive advantage together by thinking about the company n...

How To: Find your happy weight

Losing weight can be a battle, but why not be realistic about your goals rather than kill yourself striving for a size 0? A happier alternative to the cycle of weight loss and gain is to achieve a weight you and your doctor can both live with. In this tutorial, learn how to calculate your BMI and ways to figure what your "happy weight" is.

News: Schrödinger's App — with Binky, Everything & Nothing Is Real

Social media is kind of depressing. On one hand, we love knowing what's happening in the lives of others. On the other hand, everyone seems happier, better looking, and more successful than you. We're putting on a facade by posting statuses and writing comments that present the person we want others to think we are, rather than truly expressing ourselves. Yes, social media has facilitated movements and miraculous events, but let's be real. For the most part, none of it matters.

How To: Utilize iPhone "freemium" strategies to profit

With the spread of smartphones and free online games, the "Freemium" model of product distribution and monetization has become prevalent over the last several years. At it's essence, it is handing out software products for free and then allowing customers to pay for in-software services using microtransactions. This video features some businessmen who do business in iPhone apps discussing how they use "Freemium" systems in their apps to make the most money possible while providing great servi...

How To: Create a website and improve web presence

When you need a website to showcase your product or service, it can be quite confusing. Follow these easy steps to gather everything you need to have a successful website. Start your search for a domain name in the domain name registrar. (Example: www.companyname.com) Rent space from a hosting company to hold the files for your website. Set up an email account for your company. Create the content for your website (example: products, prices, services, etc). Get internet security to protect sen...

How To: Find your public IP address & use dynamic DNS

In this video from apexcctv we learn how to find your public IP address and then use dynamic DNS to keep it updated in regards to your security needs. If you go to Whatismyip.com you will see your IP address. You can also go to Google and search for "find my IP address." A service called Dynamic DNS keeps track of your customers IP address. It will map a name to an IP address. Static DNS entries do not change. To set up DNS you can go to CCTV tutorials on the ApexCCTV website. You should set ...

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