Handling Pesky Search Results

How To: Fight and prevent flea infestations

In this excellent informative yet entertaining video Sara from petside.com invites you to join here in the war to end flea and tick infestation. You'll learn why they love to attack your pet and how exactly to combat these pesky little parasite. So gear up for battle and make sure you end up on top and not defeated by these annoying little blood suckers.

How To: Braid your bangs into a bohemian twisted rope hairstyle

Classy and practical don't usually appear in the same sentence together, at leaast not when we're talking about hairstyles, but the descriptions certainly apply for this braided bohemian twist look. The French braid, which runs along the side and crown of your head, has a great princessy feel (a la Taylor Swift's favorite looks with its feminine symmetry, but it's also super functional at the same time, getting the pesky hair out of your face. Check out this video to get the how-to.

How To: Get candle wax out of your carpet

Want to remove dried wax from a carpet? You'll need four items: a white towel, a regular electric iron, a carpet cleaning solution and a hot-water extraction machine. For a complete, step-by-step demonstration of how to remove pesky paraffin wax stains from your own carpet, watch this free housekeeping video tutorial.

How To: Get rid of shin splints with Tara Stiles

Do you keep pull a muscle? Or suffering from pesky shin splints? In this video, the beautiful and talented yoga expert and instructor Tara Stiles teaching you what you can do and how to get rid of shin splints. With proper breathing and some simply yoga moves anyone can perform you'll learn how to avoid these painful shin splints.

How To: Treat your furniture for bed bugs

Nothing is worse than bed bugs, right? Those pesky little creatures can make you seriously uncomfortable and cost you tons of money replacing furniture. But you can treat your furniture without spending money or having to throw it out. You will need to inspect everything thoroughly and make sure to to follow every step properly. This video will show you how to treat furniture for bed bugs.

How To: Control your rodent problem

Don't let all those pesky rodents overrun your house and ruin your home environment. A serious rodent infestation can be a major strain on even the most amazing homes. This video from Ask the Exterminator is full of helpful tips that will show you how to get rid of those rodents for good.

How To: Prevent external parasites like fleas and ticks

In this video you'll learn how to end the cycle of those pesky fleas and ticks. You'll learn exactly what to use and what to do to stop these external parasites from invading your home or living on your poor innocent animal. After watching this video you'll be able to enjoy a flea and tick free enviorment.

How To: Get rid of fleas naturally

Is your pet dragging in those pesky fleas? Are you now suffering from flea bites? This video shows you an all natural remedy on how to get rid of those annoying little parasites. No more spending money on carpet sprays or anti flea shampoos. Look right in your pantry from some good ole' fashion salt. Be rid of fleas in no time.

How To: Make clay mug handles

Clay pottery is a fun and creative art form that can be done with slabs of clay and not only on a spinning wheel. This free video clip series will show you several tips on how to construct clay mug handles and open a world of design ideas for you.

How To: Kill bed bugs by applying dusts

Are you suffering from bed bugs? Does "goodnight... don't let the bed bugs bite" hit closer to home these days? In this video from Bed Bug Central, learn about one technique to try and get rid of those pesky bed bugs: By using dusts.

How To: Get rid of pesky fleas from your home or animal

In this video pest control specialist Mark Govan of ABC pest control shows you how to fight the war on fleas. Protect your home and animal from getting attacked by these blood suckers.Follow the advice in this video and make sure you prevent an invasion or attack on these annoying little creatures.

How To: Perform long division

Having trouble with long division?? This educational instruction video will teach you how to correctly perform long division. The easy to follow steps will teach you the right technique and you will be able to solve those pesky long division problems in a flash. So if you want to improve your math skills or you just want to learn how to perform long division, watch this easy to follow instructional video that will teach you the simple way of tackling long division problems.

How To: Enable the administrator account on Windows Vista

There are some people who are having troubles recovering files in Windows Vista due to access denied errors, but fortunately this video is here to save the day! If you've been getting those pesky access denied errors, check out this video to learn how to gain control of your Vista system and remove those errors all together. Now you will have full access to your system like how it should be!

How To: Get rid of unwanted facial hair for women

Get the lowdown on all the ways to remove pesky facial hair—from the brand new to the tried and true. Different options: threading, laser hair removal, intense pulsed light treatment, electrolysis, facial bleach, a waxing treatment or kit, tweezers, and prescription cream Vaniqa (optional). There are many hair removal options, so watch this video and choose the one that is best for you.

How To: Remove hair roots from an image in Photoshop

Has it been a while since you last colored your hair? Unless you get your hair retouched every month, you're bound to have pesky hair roots popping out. These roots are especially noticeable if you have dyed your hair dark and have naturally light hair, or have naturally dark hair and dyed your hair light.

How To: Handle food safely

This six video series covers every aspect of basic food safety and is specifically geared towards the restaurant industry. Video one covers 3 types of contamination and how improper handling can be dangerous. Video two covers proper holding time and temperatures, three covers poor personal hygiene, four covers inadequate cooking and contaminated equipment, five covers adulterated food and six is a review.

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