Grapefruits Search Results

Cooking with Booze: Brunch Edition

Ah, the joys of bottomless brunch. Paying a flat rate for endless mimosas while having a long gossip over eggs Benedict is exactly how many of us love to spend our Saturdays. However, in practice, this isn't the sophisticated affair we all like to imagine. After refill number four we sway in our chair, doze off into our porridge, and end up tipping 50% because math is too hard. In short, not a very successful brunch.

News: Poofruit Dodgeball

You just need a small urban area like in an alley by the back of a building, a bball court, or tennis court, or whatever. Line up two teams on opposite ends of each other (like in dodgeball) , line up a bunch of shit-smeared grapefruits in the middle, a "ref" (Loomis) shouts, "Pooball, GO!", and everyone runs towards the poofruits and begins pelting each other with shit-stained grapefruits. When you get nailed, you're out. Pelt away until you have a winner.

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