Field Dressing Search Results

How To: Gut a deer, field dressing

Kentucky Afield: Watch as Tim Farmer hosts the processing of venison, starting in the field and ending in the kitchen. Start with the deer down. Start with the tail and trim around the anus. You want to not break the colon nor the bladder for sanitary reasons. This is a long and delicate process of gutting a deer so that you may bring it easily back to the kitchen to make venison! Field dressing is an important hunting skill. Gut a deer, field dressing.

How To: Field dress a deer while hunting

Find out a better way to get more quality cuts from the deer that you harvested by watching this how-to video. This instructional video will steer you to the best way of deboning and packaging your meat for the freezer. Watch and learn how to field dress a deer, without the inconvenience of ending the hunt. Let's go slaughter some more deer!

How To: Field dress a deer using only a knife

So you shot a deer, now what? Time to field dress the animal and make the most of your prize. Throughout the process it is important to keep your incisions precise, so as to avoid any messy mistakes. This instructional video will also teach you how to tell the age of the deer by the condition of its teeth.

How To: Clean or field dress a deer

In this video, you'll learn how to field dress a deer. Put on gloves. Use Ozark trail hunting knife for dressing the deer. Place deer on its back, head facing away from you. Starting from the anus, split the deer up the middle to the chest. Use left had to prevent cutting or nicking the internal organs. Stretch the cavity open. Loosen organs from cavity wall. Cut out the entrails and all organs. Make an anal incision. Use the butt tool to remove the butt/final portion of intestine. Saw the pe...

How To: Field dress a deer

In this tutorial we learn how to field dress a deer. First, put some gloves on and grab a sharp knife. After this, puncture a hole in the lower half of the throat of the deer. Next, start to cut up until you reach the neck. There will be a lot of blood that comes out, just a warning. Then, you will see the inside of the deer start to come out from the fur. Cut the piece of the neck and then tie together at the end. To finish, go to the rear end of the deer and cut from the hole. Tie it with a...

How To: Make a twisting particle field effect in After Effects

Particles are very useful for digital artists who want to create liquids, gasses, or clouds of small solids that react naturally. This video tutorial will show you how to use the twisting particle field effect to create a very cool title shown at the beginning of the first video. This particular particle effect is especially great for making galaxies and other fantastic images.

How To: Use container fields with FileMaker Pro 10

This video tutorial shows how to use container fields with FileMaker Pro 10. When you want to create fields in FileMaker database you have the choice on what kind of fields you want to make. Many general fields are self explanatory like text, date etc., but there is a special kind of field called the container field. FileMaker Pro container field is a versatile data type in that it can store any kind of binary data. Container fields can be used to hold binary data in four broad clas...

How To: Practice cricket fielding

Check out these cricket fielding tips from Cricket School. They give you fielding tips & drills for cricket players to learn proepr fielding techniques. This includes tips for practicing and developing your cricket fielding, expert cricket fielding coaching advice by an advanced cricket coach experienced in teaching people how to play cricket.

How To: Solve vector field integrals in calculus

This video demonstrates that, unlike line integrals of scalar fields, line integrals over vector fields are path direction dependent. See how to solve vector-field integrals with this free video calculus lesson. From Ramanujan to calculus co-creator Gottfried Leibniz, many of the world's best and brightest mathematical minds have belonged to autodidacts. And, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever to follow in their footsteps (or just finish your homework or study for that next big test).

How To: Use text fields in FileMaker Pro 10

If your into data based business,then this one's for you. Text field's are very much important while making a data based solution in FileMaker Pro 10.You can go to file menu>manage>database and there is the field's tab. Text field is used for storing text and no other such use. Text field's can hold up to 2GB of information. It can help to store raw data and formatting information, i.e., color,point size as well as type face.

How To: Use calculation and summary fields in FileMaker Pro 10

If you are a user of FileMaker Pro then this video teaches you how to use calculation and summary fields in it while making new files. In Filemaker you can create a various kind of fields that you want your file to contain. In Filemaker a calculation is a data that gets computed depending up on the formula that is set in the Filemaker database settings. Calculations are very critical in file management. Open the Manage Database and there you can find some of the calculation fields. There in t...

How To: Edit form fields in Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro

Learn how to edit form fields in Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. Start by looking at a automated form that has some errors in the field of gender and marital status. To correct click on forms add or edit fields. Click on the field that needs correcting and figure out the error. Rename the fields to reset them and correct the field. Double check that the name an tool tips have been fixed. Create a cross hairs that you can type over with the correct values you want. You can also shift over boxes. A specia...

How To: Use date fields with FileMaker Pro 10

Whenever deciding to use fields in FileMaker Pro 10, some fields require special handling like the date field. Date field is able to store any date between 1/1/0001 to 12/31/4000. It stores dates in the form of whole numbers. Now, to create a date field, it shows at the bottom of your data and date can be stored. The format of the date can also be changed. One can add dates as well as get the number of days elapsed. This is quite flexible in terms of format as well as keeping records.

How To: Use time/timestamp fields with FileMaker Pro 10

When defining fields in FileMaker Pro 10, one has to choose what type of field to decide for a database. There are two fields that accommodate special handling of data. They are time and time stamp fields. When one decides a field under manage>database,there is a option for "type". Under that, there is time and time stamp. The "time" one determines the time while the "time stamp" determines the time and date. This will help in preparing a proper and detailed database system.

How To: Use & understand depth of field in photography

In this video, we learn how to use and understand depth of field in photography. If you look at a photo, the depth is how deep the picture looks. You can change the depth by changing the aperture to make the depth of field look shorter or longer. The lighting can also change the depth of field and what you can see in the background. A big aperture will give you a large depth of field, with a small amount of light. If you want a big depth of field in a landscape, then you will use a maximum ap...

How To: Use image-based lighting & depth of field in Cinema 4D

In this tripartite video tutorial, you'll learn how to create image-based lighting and depth-of-field effects within C4D. Whether you're new to MAXON's popular 3D modeling application or are just looking to get better acquainted with Cinema 4D and its various features and functions, you're sure to enjoy this free video software tutorial. For more information, including complete instructions, watch this 3D modeler's guide.

How To: Tell your kids you're pregnant with another one

This video teaches how to tell your kids that you are pregnant with another one. Tell your kid about the baby in a very comfortable place and let them know how special they are to you. Always say our baby when you are talking about them with your kids. Boost them up by saying our baby will be with us on special occasion like Thanksgiving, etc. Reading books along with them is a better way to start. Better tell them about the work like changing diapers when the baby is born and tell them to he...

How To: Understand the field of psychiatry

If you're wondering about the field of psychiatry, this video will teach you what you need to know. Dr. Ogan Gurel talks about the field of psychiatry and how it works. Psychiatry is a field of medicine that deals with mental disorders and looks at signs and symptoms. As you begin to understand the different aspects to the behavior, medication is entered into the equation to help out the behavior of the person. He explains that you must understand the biological symptoms of people as well as ...

How To: Line a baseball field

There's a proper and improper way to line a baseball field. Learn how to prepare the ball field the correctly in this video. After the field has been mowed and leveled, you can place the bases and begin to line the field. You'll learn that the proper way to line each baseline is to take a cord reel with a stake attached. Place the stake down on your starting base or home plate, and pull the cord to your ending point. This way you can make sure your line is correct before you begin lining. Onc...

How To: Line a Baseball Field

Every type of athletic field or court requires maintenance to preserve the quality of the playing surface. Baseball might be the most labor-intensive field maintenance sport of all, with its mixture of surfaces and the very exacting lines chalked from home plate to the outfield wall. This video explains some tips and techniques for lining a baseball field properly with an old-fashioned lining machine. It works for football too!

How To: Solve closed line integrals on conservative fields

This three part video walks you through the steps of solving closed line integrals on conservative fields. This excellent video shows you a clean blackboard, with the instructors voice showing exactly what to do. Don't fret, any question you may have, will be answered. Watching this video will make you feel like your back in the classroom but rather comfortably from your home.

How To: Soften the background by crushing the depth of field

In this Film and Theater video tutorial you will learn about depth of field and how to adjust it. Depth of field means how many objects are in focus in the frame at one focus setting. If the depth of field is large, more objects at various distances from the camera are in focus. The first factor is the amount of light. If the light is good, more objects will remain in focus. On the other hand if you zoomed in with a long focal length lens the depth of field will reduce and lesser objects will...

How To: Apply depth of field to your photographs

Learn how to use depth of field with help from this photography tutorial. Although it may seem that depth of field is a confusing factor in photography, it's actually quite easy to understand & adjust once you've gotten the hang of it. Depth of field (or, DOF) is a great way to experiment with your photography & improve your skills as a beginner photographer. When taking your photograph using DOF, it is imperative to remember that the shutter speed and aperture (or F-stop) need to change at e...

How To: Understand conservative vector fields

A conservative vector field is defined as being the gradient of a function, or as a scaler potential. Conservative vector fields are not dependent on the path; they are path independent. Conversely, the path independence of the vector field is measured by how conservative it is. These fields are also characterized as being ir-rotational, which means they have vanishing curls. Actually, ir-rotational vector fields are conservative as long as a certain condition on the geometry of the domain is...

How To: Wear an American Apparel Le Sac dress (Gathered Mini)

Turn your American Apparel Le Sac dress into a cute Gathered Mini. It's a fun look and really easy to accomplish. The Le Sac dress has at least TWELVE different configurations for you to enjoy, which means more closet space, and less laundry! It can be a totally new dress each day of the week. Follow along and get this easy, sexy style that's perfect for summertime.

How To: Wear an American Apparel Le Sac dress (The Mini)

The Le Sac dress is one of American Apparel's finest creations because of its adaptability to each person who wears it. It's not just one dress, it's a dress with unlimited possibilities! The dress can be tied, cut, and twisted into at least TWELVE different styles. Just imagine… a new dress everyday, without having a "new" dress everyday! Actually, once you cut it, it's not going back, but it's still worth it at the price. Like this simple cut you can make to turn the Le Sac into a sexy mini...

How To: Understand depth of field while focusing a camcorder

Depth of Field (DoF) is easy to understand, but it is often extremely poorly explained. It's all about selective focus. For consumers with conveniently small camcorders, you only have two options: get your subject away from the background and then (1) zoom in or (2) get the subject close to the camera. No 35mm lens adapters, no secret techniques, no complex math: That's it!

How To: Understand your lens & its affect on depth of field

In this Fine Art video tutorial you will learn how to understand your lens and its effect on depth of field. The lens in the video has some inscriptions which are interpreted like this. 50mm is the focal length of the lens. The aperture is from f1.4, which is the widest lens opening to f16, which is the smallest lens opening. The higher the number the lesser the lens opening. Aperture determines the amount light that comes through the lens. Aperture also decides the depth of field. With a wid...

How To: Format field names in Microsoft Excel

New to Microsoft Excel? Looking for a tip? How about a tip so mind-blowingly useful as to qualify as a magic trick? You're in luck. In this MS Excel tutorial from ExcelIsFun, the 378th installment in their series of digital spreadsheet magic tricks, you'll learn how to format field names. If field names have formatting, Excel understands that they are field names and should not be used as data.

How To: Turn an old dress into a fashionable romper

Some dresses we just never get around to wearing. Like that hideous one our mom gave us with a decent tropical print but hemlines that go down to our ankles. Cute...if you live in the Pennsylvania Dutch Country. We're sure you probably have an ever accumulating stash of similar dresses that you know you'll never wear but don't want to toss either.

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