Evaluation Published Search Results

How To: Normalize a data set into another scale

Comparing evaluations of the same thing done on different scales can seem difficult, but there is a simple equation you can use to translate something expressed in one numerical scale into another. This video will show you how to use it and make your math life easier.

How To: Perform an upper extremity exam on a patient

This video will show doctors the process of examining the upper extremity of the body. When you exam the extremities or any joints, it's good to have a systematic approach to how you will examine each joint. Learn about the inspection of each joint, range of motion, palpation and strength testing from Eve Bargmann, M.D. When examining the upper extremity, you should start with the shoulder and work you way down to the elbow, then the wrist, and lastly, the hand.

How To: Prevent carpal tunnel syndrome

Learn how to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Even if you're the world's fastest typist, you can help avert carpal tunnel syndrome – a ligament inflammation that causes numbness in your wrists, hands, or fingers – by following these tips.

How To: Search your computer and the internet in Windows 7

The new Windows 7 layout is streamlined for the occasional user to the head of human relations for Microsoft. Wall papers, system sounds, and resolution settings were covered in the instructional how to video. The evaluation specialist was knowledgeable and articulate. Transitions into new areas of the operating system were appropriately placed. To make a text more readable, you should change the screen resolution. Choose your picture library to start a slide show for your weekly conferences ...

How To: Tie a Rorschach knot

If you have ever wondered how to create a Rorschach knot, this tutorial will show you how to do it in no time. A Rorschach knot is indicative to the blotchy silhouette of Rorschach inkblots, which are primarily used during psychological evaluations. A subject's perception of inkblots are recorded using these. This video is going to be walking you through the process of tying your Rorschach knot, as well as the ways in which it needs to be adjusted while being tied. You will also learn a bit m...

How To: Add positive & negative numbers

This explanation of positive and negative signs in addition is beneficial and easy to understand for young school aged children. The tutor of this video explains briefly about what to do with the different signs on both side of addition problem. The number line helps the viewer of this video to visually understand the concepts discussed. The tutor explains the direction of number line evaluation is dependent on the left side operand, which is also used to understand the concept of a number line.

How To: Create and use an annotated bibliography

This video tells us about annotated bibliography, what it is and its elements. Annotated bibliography is basically an evaluation or an assessment of the article you have read. To make an annotated bibliography there are four steps. The first one is to provide the source, the author, where it comes from and the title. The second step is to summarize your reading. The third step is to show that you know what type of article it is, and that means that you have to assess your resource. The fourth...

How To: Evaluate functions on a calculator TI-89

In this how-to video the person gives a detailed evaluation of the functions of the ti-89 calculator. The video is a short but informative look at the Ti-89 calculator. During the video the person shows a difficult math problem and shows how to use the Ti-89 calculator to solve that problem. The video uses some of the functions on the calculator and shows a display of where the buttons are located on the calculator. It also shows how to properly use the calculator to solve the problem while w...

How To: Join the Peace Corps

The Peace Corps -- have you ever thought of it? It crosses everybody's mind at one point or another, but mostly college students. The Peace Corps offers many benefits, like life experience, student loan repayment, and travel. If you are ready for 27 months of hard but rewarding work, a job with the Peace Corps might be for you. These steps will help you on your way toward an unforgettable experience.

How To: Make your own game and publish it for free

In this video, we learn how to make your own game and publish it for free. To create your game, go to the website Sploder. Once you are on the site, sign up and create your game. You can make the game just how you like and change all the settings. After you have made your ideal game, save it and make any last minute changes. When you are ready to publish, click the "publish" tab that is on the top of your game screen. After this, the page will start to load and will take several minutes to fi...

How To: Shrink a Windows Vista partition and install iATKOS

This video presents how to defragment and shrink a Windows Vista partition using Perfect Disk 2008 Professional program.First you need to download and install software application named Perfect Disk 2008.Type Perfect Disk 2008 into Google search engine, choose first link from the list.On the Raxco software home page choose Free Evaluation option from the list to the right.Download and install Perfect Disk 2008 Professional.Once it is installed, run the application. From Menu choose Analyze op...

How To: Unzip compressed files

learnaniche shows you how to unzip compressed .zip files using his own example. You'll need an unzipping program for this; usually, WinZip is standard. If you don't have it or if it's expired, you can search "WinZip" on a search engine and click "WinZip - Download Evaluation Page" or CNET's download page. If you're on CNET, just click "Download Now" to download it quickly. Save it to a destination and then open it from there to install it. When you click on the link to download the file, your...

How To: Create your own podcast and publish it

Podcasting is a great way of doing your own form of radio broadcasting, among other forms of other recorded media from the comfort of your own home! But, you don't need to have an iPod to do it or listen to it (a common myth). In this video you will learn what a podcast is, how to create one, publish it and then get subscribers!

How To: Publish a project with Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5

Whether you're new to Adobe's Creative Suite (and, by consequence, Flash Catalyst CS5) or a seasoned graphic design professional after a general overview of CS5's most vital new features, you're sure to be well served by this official video tutorial from the folks at Adobe TV. In it, you'll learn how to easily publish your project using Adobe Flash Catalyst.

News: iOS 11.4 Beta 5 Released for iPhones with Under-the-Hood Improvements

Apple is speeding things up in the iOS 11.4 development. The company released to developers the fifth beta for iOS 11.4 on Monday, May 15. Public beta testers got the update just hours later. The update comes just one week after the release of the fourth 11.4 beta, which introduced minor bug fixes and security patches to iPhone running the software. This beta version doesn't seem any different.

How To: Photocast with iPhoto

With a MobileMe account and iPhoto, you can publish albums to the internet and allow your friends and family to subscribe to them using photocast sharing. Then, as you add new photos, iPhoto automatically updates the published albums for your subscribers. NOTE: MobileMe is the replacement for .mac accounts.

How To: Publish your site using iWeb

Once you've designed your first couple of pages how you want, it's time to share your new site with your friends and family. To publish your site to .Mac, you must have at least a trial .Mac membership. When you're ready, just hit the Upload button in the toolbar.

How To: Publish & upload a website with Fusion Essentials

Have you been having trouble publishing your website? Well, using NetObjects Fusion Essentials v7.5 you can easily publish your website as well as upload it to the internet. This video shows you the exact steps to doing this in a quick and easy step-by-step guide. It shows how to set up your FTP, user name, and password. After doing this you can easily make changes to your website. So if you're having trouble using this program or are simply looking for a way to get your website published and...

How To: Add, edit, delete and publish posts on a WordPress blog or website

In this clip, learn how to create, edit and publish new posts on your WordPress blog or website. Every version of WordPress brings with it new features, new functions and new ways of doing things. Fortunately, the very same technology that allows an open-source blog publishing application like WordPress to exist in the first place also makes it easy for its users to share information about the abovesaid things through videos like this one. Take a look.

How To: Set up a dynamic publishing workflow in InDesign CS5

In this clip, you'll learn how to set up a dynamic publishing workflow within Adobe InDesign CS5. Whether you're new to Adobe InDesign or a seasoned graphic arts professional after a general overview of CS4's most vital new features, you're sure to be well served by free video software tutorial. For more information, take a look.

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