Enterprises Hoping Search Results

How To: Create an Enterprise Wiki with MS SharePoint 2010

Want to create your very own Enterprise Wiki page? This guide will show you how it's done. Whether you're new to Microsoft's popular content management system (CMS) or a seasoned MS Office professional just looking to better acquaint yourself with the SharePoint 2010 workflow, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. For more information, including detailed, step-by-step instructions, watch this free video guide.

News: Will the HoloLens Forget About Gaming?

Microsoft's HoloLens has many applications in the business world, both large and small, but what about gaming? Initial demos gave the impression that we could expect amazing first person shooters, platformers, and even Minecraft. Yet, as Newsweek noticed, the HoloLens was nowhere to be found at E3 this year.

How To: Hack a network with Nessus 3

The Nessus vulnerability scanner, is the world-leader in active scanners, featuring high speed discovery, configuration auditing, asset profiling, sensitive data discovery and vulnerability analysis of your security posture. Nessus scanners can be distributed throughout an entire enterprise, inside DMZs, and across physically separate networks. In this network security video tutorial, you'll learn how to hack a network using Nessus 3.

News: Envision Accepting Pre-Orders for Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2 with AI Software to Assist the Visually Impaired

Computer vision is a key component in enabling augmented reality experiences, but now it can help give sight to the blind as well. In this case, that assistance comes from Envision, developers of mobile apps for iOS and Android that use optical character recognition (OCR) and object detection to provide an audio description of the user's surroundings.

Market Reality: Google Updates ARCore & Cuts Glass, Star Wars AR in Japan, & Hands-On Magic Leap for Fashion & Voice

After facing reports of financial troubles over the past month, Magic Leap came out swinging this week with a big push for the enterprise segment of AR, including a repackaged Magic Leap 1, a suite of enterprise apps, and updates to Lumin OS and its supporting development ecosystem. Oh, and its AR headset managed to win a starring role in the marketing juggernaut for the forthcoming Star Wars movie.

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