Electronic Cigarette Search Results

How To: Make a prank exploding cigarette

Here's a good practical joke to scare friends and maybe even encourage them to quit smoking. All you need is access to their cigarettes and some blanks from a toy gun. Watch this video pranking tutorial and learn how to make an exploding cigarette. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Make a paper cigarette from cigarette foil

In this tutorial, we learn how to make a paper cigarette from a cigarette foil. First, fold a piece of foil length wise, then flatten out the creases. After this, unfold the paper and tear it in half. Now, fold half of it in half again to make the stem of the flower and twist the top. Use the other half of the foil to make blossoms and flower petals. When you are finished shaping these, attach to the stem of the flower and shape more to make the flower look more realistic. Attach more leaves ...

How To: Quit smoking by keeping your mouth busy

This video shows you how to quit smoking by keeping your mouth busy. By chewing on something you can avoid smoking. Edarem uses sunflower seeds to keep his mouth chewing. He placed them in his pocket in place of his cigarettes. Anytime he needed a cigarette he would chew sunflower seeds. After 2 weeks he stopped smoking by doing this. You can also take 3 deep breaths anytime you feel the need for a cigarette. You should consider the price of cigarettes when quitting.

How To: Give your cigarette lighter a huge boost

This is a video tutorial about how to boost your cigarette lighter and get a much bigger flame. This is great for playing a joke or prank on a friend, or maybe you just need a bigger flame. You know what they say, "the bigger your flame, the bigger your..." Watch this how-to video and modify a lighter to get a tall flame.

How To: Win a free drink with this coin in a glass bar trick

Here's a cool and easy bar trick to win yourself a free drink. You'll need a glass, a cigarette, a business card and a coin. Stack a business card, a cigarette and a coin on a glass. Now remove only the business card and the cigarette so that the coin falls into the glass. This is a very cool bar trick. You can perform the bar trick with simple objects that you can find in any bar. The Bar Trick seems impossible and that is why it is so cool.

How To: Quit smoking by following some easy tips

In this video the author talks about the secrets of quitting smoking forever. there are basically four tips to achieve this result. The first is you need to keep your hands busy, so that you can avoid the desire to hold a cigarette. Similarly you also need to keep your mouth busy, by chewing gum or anything to draw your attention away from cigarettes. It also helps to keep a pack of cigarettes in your pocket all the time to continuously remind yourself that you have to stop smoking and there ...

How To: Light a Cigarette with an Empty Lighter

Need a smoke, but no one has any matches and your lighter is fresh out of fuel? This how-to video has got a cool trick you can perform to light your cigarette if you ever run out of lighter fluid. Despite the lighter being out of gas, you can still make a fire to light your cig. All you need is the lighter and a sheet of toilet paper.

How To: Recycle gold from old computer parts

Electronic waste is becoming more and more of a problem for the industrialized world, especially since most electronics are full of precious and rare-earth metals that should be recycled. Even gold! Enter this video. It will show you how you can use chemistry to strip the gold from your old computer and other electronic parts and, well, have more gold! Who doesn't want gold?

How To: Properly collect EVPs, or electronic voice phenomena

Wally from the East Coast Trans-communication Organization explains a little about collecting EVPs. EVPs, or electronic voice phenomena, are supernatural sounds that can't be heard by the human ear, but can be recorded by a tape recorder and then played back to hear any messages from the beyond. Watch this video paranormal tutorial and learn how to document EVP electronic voice phenomena with the help of a tape recorder.

How To: Vote in Pennsylvania with electronic voting machines

Are you in Delaware County, PA? Well, check out this video for how to use the new electronic voting machines at the Pennsylvania polls. So, if you want to vote for our next president, or your next governor, then get to the polls and cast your vote. There's just one thing to remember with these electronic voting systems, and that is to press the large green VOTE button, so don't forget!

How To: Program a Traxxas R/C electronic speed control

If you're fond of remote-controlled vehicles, you might appreciate this video tutorial on how to program a Traxxas electronic speed control. The Traxxas R/C ESC models you will learn to program are the XL-5, XL-10, EVX-2 and VXL-3S. They all have a single push button to turn on and off the ESC and program it. To get the most out of your Traxxas RC vehicle, learn to set up the programming by calibrating the electronic speed control, transmitter, throttle profile selection.

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