Ecuador Search Results

News: Always-Updated List of Carriers That Support RCS Universal Profile

In November 2016, the RCS Universal Profile (Rich Communications Services) was introduced. The technology takes text messaging to the 21st century, emulating many of the features found in IM apps like WhatsApp and iMessage, but working through your phone number like regular SMS or MMS. The only thing is, your carrier needs to support RCS-UP to use the feature. Thankfully, the list is growing.

News: Colombian Coke Transporter Seized

This weekend in a jungle estuary, the DEA and local Ecuadorian police seized a prototype narco sub that may be the most sophisticated one yet. Complete with air conditioning and periscope, this 100 foot creation would have carried a more cocaine tonnage than any previously captured narco sub. To give you a perspective on the resourcefulness of these outlaws, consider this. A U.S. Navy Virginia Class attack submarine will run around $2.8 billion. But a drug lord in Cartagena would make you one...


It is a game that includes a children's play wheel, paint guns, bows, arrows and darts. At the wheel will be spinning the participants with the ass in the air, every ass has a punctuation recorded and will be targeted with an air gun, dart or arrow. Each buttock punctuation will have a 100, 500 and the dimple will be maximum of 1000 points punctuation every 8 seconds and increase the speed of the wheel, so to complete the minutes or 10000-pointers in the asses of the participants or until you...

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