Dietary Deficiency Search Results

How To: Make a Captain Fordo from Star Wars Lego minifigure

No Star Wars Lego battlefield depicting the events of the popular animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, is complete without Clone Trooper Captain Fordo. This video will help you to remedy any Fordo deficiencies in your battleground scene by teaching you how to construct a minifigure of Captain Fordo. There, now your Arc Trooper army is complete.

How To: Ingest vitamin D and minerals to fight MS

It is argued that sun exposure and warm weather helps people cope with and fight multiple sclerosis. Sun is important to produce vitamin D. There are arguments that vitamin D deficiency is connected with cases of multiple sclerosis. Get a blood test to make sure your vitamin levels are optimum and you are suffering from no mineral or vitamin toxicity.

How To: Identify problems with vegetable plants

Curtis Smith, Extension Horticulturist with Southwest Yard and Garden, and Rick Daniell, Bernalillo County Horticultural Agent, discuss how to identify problems with vegetable plants in your garden. Gray or white spots on a squash leaf are natural if they do not rub off. Blossom end rot can afflict tomatoes, squash, chilies and melons. Blossom end rot indicates a calcium deficiency during times of vigorous growing during uneven watering. Fertilize when the plants are young. Sun scald can affl...

How To: Prevent chapped lips

Are you constantly battling chapped lips? The right prevention methods can restore lip moisture in no time. Watch this Howcast guide to learn how to prevent chapped lips. Nobody wants chapped lips - lips should be soft and kissable.

How To: Choose a daylily variety for your garden

There are many different types of daylilies, and this video shows the different varieties and how to care for them. First they show a variety called Double Cutie and explain that you need to take off the wilted blossoms to get more blooms the following year. If the leaves are striped, it means there is an iron deficiency in the soil, and there are products you can get for that. There is a variety of daylily that is almost white, called Tuscawilla Tranquility. There are no daylilies that are p...

How To: Identify problems with euonymus, chinese holly & pines

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to identify problems with euonymus, Chinese holly & pines. Japonica plant is very susceptible to powdery mildew which shows up as white spots on the leaves. It also affects some other plants like roses. This will discolor and deform the leaves. You need to spray with recommended fungicide. If the disease has gone too deep into the plant, you may have to remove some badly affected foliage and then spray. You may also think of replacing th...

How To: Say "strawberry" in Polish

There are many health benefits when eating strawberries. They are an excellent source of Vitamin c, manganese, dietary fiber, and iodine. Learn the words of your favorite fruits & vegetables with help from these short Learn Polish videos. In this language instructional, learn how to pronounce & say the word "strawberry".

How To: Choose healthy food for the 3 Day Diet

The 3 Day Diet is a very regimented diet plan that consists of one thousand calories. It's a very regimented plan consisting of three days that have three specific meals consisting of about 1000 calories. It must be followed precisely. Learn how to make healthy food choices for the 3 Day Diet from a licensed dietician and nutritionist in this health and nutrition how-to video.

How To: Identify fruit tree problems

This video describes problems with fruit trees and how to deal with them. One problem is Chlorosis, identified by yellowing leaves with green veins between the sections of the leaf. This is caused by a micronutrient deficiency (usually iron) that results when the tree roots are unable to absorb all the nutrients from the soil. This problem can be temporarily treated with a foliar spray of iron. Another problem is pruning wounds with decay that results when trees are not pruned correctly. They...

How To: Lower your blood pressure naturally with Suzy Cohen

Suzy Cohen tells us in this video how to lower our blood pressure naturally. Believe it or not, the urinary tract is connected with our blood pressure. A dietary supplement called "Asparagus extract" is recommended. Asparagus in vegetable form is delicious when served with a little butter or feta cheese. When you take it as a supplement, you get a bigger dose. It is a wonderful diuretic, which means it makes you pee a lot. You should take it in the morning, so that you do not find yourself ru...

How To: Lose Weight with Smoothies & Shakes

It should come as no surprise that, according to Details Magazine, nearly half of all people who make New Year's resolutions pledge to lose weight, eat healthier, and/or get fit. There are innumerable companies out there that are ready and willing to take advantage of this momentum: from those hocking "magic bullet" pills that will increase your energy or reduce your belly fat to the myriad shake- and juice-based diets that put you at a near-starvation calorie input—and will probably have you...

News: Sentinel Nerve Cells Spy on the Intestines, Linking Gut & Brain

If the all the fingerlike projections in our gut were flattened out, its surface area would be 100 times bigger than our skin's. It's so large that the actions of just a small part of it can impact our health. A new research study has found that enterochromaffin cells in the intestinal lining alert the nervous system to signs of trouble in the gut — trouble that ranges from bacterial products to inflammatory food molecules.

How To: Bulk up and gain weight quickly

It seems like people are always trying to lose weight..but what if you have the opposite problem? Whether you’re recovering from an illness, are a growing teen, or you are an athlete trying to bulk up, a little information can go a long way in helping you pack on a few extra pounds.

How To: Ease bloating pain

If you've ever had bloating you know this can be an uncomfortable and even painful situation. You can alleviate bloating by preventing gas or taking measures to try to reduce gas. Food, exercise and stress can all effect bloating.

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