How To: Impress your doctor by knowing key phrases
Want to impress your doctor? Check out this video and learn a few fancy names for common problems and soon your doc will be in awe of your smarts.
Want to impress your doctor? Check out this video and learn a few fancy names for common problems and soon your doc will be in awe of your smarts.
Chlorosis means yellowing of the leaves, particularly the older leaves of the plant. When present on older leaves it's possible the plant has a Nitrogen deficiency and could indicate that it's a good time to fertilize. If the same symptoms occur with younger leaves the most likely problem is over watering.
No Star Wars Lego battlefield depicting the events of the popular animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, is complete without Clone Trooper Captain Fordo. This video will help you to remedy any Fordo deficiencies in your battleground scene by teaching you how to construct a minifigure of Captain Fordo. There, now your Arc Trooper army is complete.
It is argued that sun exposure and warm weather helps people cope with and fight multiple sclerosis. Sun is important to produce vitamin D. There are arguments that vitamin D deficiency is connected with cases of multiple sclerosis. Get a blood test to make sure your vitamin levels are optimum and you are suffering from no mineral or vitamin toxicity.
Curtis Smith, Extension Horticulturist with Southwest Yard and Garden, and Rick Daniell, Bernalillo County Horticultural Agent, discuss how to identify problems with vegetable plants in your garden. Gray or white spots on a squash leaf are natural if they do not rub off. Blossom end rot can afflict tomatoes, squash, chilies and melons. Blossom end rot indicates a calcium deficiency during times of vigorous growing during uneven watering. Fertilize when the plants are young. Sun scald can affl...
Are you constantly battling chapped lips? The right prevention methods can restore lip moisture in no time. Watch this Howcast guide to learn how to prevent chapped lips. Nobody wants chapped lips - lips should be soft and kissable.
There are many different types of daylilies, and this video shows the different varieties and how to care for them. First they show a variety called Double Cutie and explain that you need to take off the wilted blossoms to get more blooms the following year. If the leaves are striped, it means there is an iron deficiency in the soil, and there are products you can get for that. There is a variety of daylily that is almost white, called Tuscawilla Tranquility. There are no daylilies that are p...
The importance of the African spur-thighed/G. sulcata tortoise's dietary needs, including variety, vitamin supplements, differences in the requirements of younger tortoises versus older ones, what NOT to feed, and the pros and cons of feeding processed foods and fresh foods.
In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to identify problems with euonymus, Chinese holly & pines. Japonica plant is very susceptible to powdery mildew which shows up as white spots on the leaves. It also affects some other plants like roses. This will discolor and deform the leaves. You need to spray with recommended fungicide. If the disease has gone too deep into the plant, you may have to remove some badly affected foliage and then spray. You may also think of replacing th...
Bon appétit! In part two of our Iguana Diet topic, Ron demonstrates the importance of dietary supplements further, advice on a sound feeding schedule for your Iguana, depending on its size, a warning on bad foods for your lizard, and a recap of important points in this diet series.
Potbellies don't have to happen as we age, according to two studies done on twins published online in the International Journal of Obesity.
The Master Cleanse is soooo yesterday. Here are the best new ways to drop pounds fast. You Will Need:
There are many health benefits when eating strawberries. They are an excellent source of Vitamin c, manganese, dietary fiber, and iodine. Learn the words of your favorite fruits & vegetables with help from these short Learn Polish videos. In this language instructional, learn how to pronounce & say the word "strawberry".
The 3 Day Diet is a very regimented diet plan that consists of one thousand calories. It's a very regimented plan consisting of three days that have three specific meals consisting of about 1000 calories. It must be followed precisely. Learn how to make healthy food choices for the 3 Day Diet from a licensed dietician and nutritionist in this health and nutrition how-to video.
This video describes problems with fruit trees and how to deal with them. One problem is Chlorosis, identified by yellowing leaves with green veins between the sections of the leaf. This is caused by a micronutrient deficiency (usually iron) that results when the tree roots are unable to absorb all the nutrients from the soil. This problem can be temporarily treated with a foliar spray of iron. Another problem is pruning wounds with decay that results when trees are not pruned correctly. They...
Constipation affects almost everyone at some time. Follow these tips to help prevent it. This how to video lends helpful advice on preventing constipation (and possibly resulting hemmeroids).
Some studies have shown that vitamin D supplements help fight respiratory infections, but some haven't. A new study published in The BMJ clarified the confusion, and identified a group of people that might be better able to fight off colds and flu with vitamin D supplements.
Suzy Cohen tells us in this video how to lower our blood pressure naturally. Believe it or not, the urinary tract is connected with our blood pressure. A dietary supplement called "Asparagus extract" is recommended. Asparagus in vegetable form is delicious when served with a little butter or feta cheese. When you take it as a supplement, you get a bigger dose. It is a wonderful diuretic, which means it makes you pee a lot. You should take it in the morning, so that you do not find yourself ru...
The most essential part of a healthy lifestyle is managing your diet — after all, what would be the point of a daily workout regimen if you were eating junk food? Thankfully, Samsung Health makes it easy to record your calorie and nutrient intake to get a clear picture of your dietary habits and how you can make them better.
It should come as no surprise that, according to Details Magazine, nearly half of all people who make New Year's resolutions pledge to lose weight, eat healthier, and/or get fit. There are innumerable companies out there that are ready and willing to take advantage of this momentum: from those hocking "magic bullet" pills that will increase your energy or reduce your belly fat to the myriad shake- and juice-based diets that put you at a near-starvation calorie input—and will probably have you...
How to pick plants and trees at a nursery
It seems like its hard to get as much sleep as we need, doesn't it? Sleep is important and effects how you function throughout the entire day. Follow these tips and you will be on your way to a good night's rest.
If the all the fingerlike projections in our gut were flattened out, its surface area would be 100 times bigger than our skin's. It's so large that the actions of just a small part of it can impact our health. A new research study has found that enterochromaffin cells in the intestinal lining alert the nervous system to signs of trouble in the gut — trouble that ranges from bacterial products to inflammatory food molecules.
You're all kale-d out, you've had it up to here with golden milk, and you're on the prowl for the next superfood. Well, get ready for some unicellular goodness: the next superfood is an algae named Spirulina, also known as Blue Majik. (Kudos to the marketing exec that came up with that, am I right?)
It seems like people are always trying to lose weight..but what if you have the opposite problem? Whether you’re recovering from an illness, are a growing teen, or you are an athlete trying to bulk up, a little information can go a long way in helping you pack on a few extra pounds.
If you've ever had bloating you know this can be an uncomfortable and even painful situation. You can alleviate bloating by preventing gas or taking measures to try to reduce gas. Food, exercise and stress can all effect bloating.
Zika is a threat to unborn babies — the virus can cause neurological damage if it infects a mother during pregnancy. But as with many things, our solutions to the problem aren't always all that much better than the problem itself.
One of the more obvious benefits that vertical surface detection will bring to iPhone and iPad apps with the spring 1.5 update to Apple's ARKit platform is the ability to hang virtual artwork that rests realistically on walls.
With significant advancements in the treatment and prevention of HIV, you'd think the stigma surrounding the deadly virus and AIDS, the syndrome the infection causes in the body, would have lessened. Unfortunately, a new project looking at conversations on Grindr — a social networking app for gay, bi, curious, and queer men — has shown that this stigma is very much present.
I'll be the first to admit how horrible my memory is, whether it's remembering to take out the garbage or paying a bill on time. That's why I regularly utilize the stock Reminders app on my iPhone; it's definitely compensated for my memory deficiencies.
Move over whole wheat — white bread may be back in style after a new study shows that it may be your gut microbes that decide what kind of bread is best for you.
We all know you are what you eat—or so the expression goes—but it's good to remember that what you are (at least intestinally) is mainly bacteria. A new study has shown that what you eat, and how your gut microbiome reacts to that food, might be a key player in your risk of developing a certain type of colon cancer—and changing your diet can help decrease your risk.
L-theanine (suntheanine) is an amino acid derivative that boosts your body's immune response. While it is naturally found in green tea, it can also be taken via pills. But don't hop on the L-theanine bus just yet. First, check out this video to find out if you need a pill-sized dosage of this dietary supplement and how it can be useful for pets.
The list of HoloLens applications continues to grow as more companies discover ways to enhance their operations using augmented reality. Air New Zealand is the latest to show interest in the technology, demonstrating their vision for AR in a new concept video.
It sounds like a dream come true: just press a button on your phone, and 30 seconds later, a machine produces a custom-made, ready-to-eat meal. Finally, science comes through for the truly lazy!
Show your significant other just how much you love them by surprising him or her with one of life's most precious, romantic gifts—bacon! Best thing is, this passionate treat works for any day of the year (Valentine's Day, a first date, anniversary, etc.), since love and bacon go hand in hand.
Mashed potatoes are universally beloved, and for a good reason — they're cheap, tasty, and relatively easy to make. What's more, they're adaptable to just about every dietary regimen, whether you're vegan, gluten-free, or lactose-intolerant. And they're a staple for holidays such as Thanksgiving.
Years ago, in 2013, Occipital introduced its original Structure Sensor for iOS, a mobile 3D scanning device for measuring three-dimensional objects. Soon after, in an unrelated deal, Apple acquired PrimeSense, the company that made one of the components for Occipital's scanning device.
Results of an early-stage clinical trial of an HIV vaccine could mean a hoped-for breakthrough in the battle against AIDS.
The majority of our documents and music are digital, which is great for convenience, but it presents a problem for those with a lot of stuff—where do you store it all? There are tons of sites that offer cloud storage, like Dropbox, SkyDrive, and even Flickr, but most of them have limits unless you want to pay, and no way to connect them all.