Designs Search Results

News: Eleven Super Cool Designs

Not all of these are PVC, but there is some serious design action going on here. This is not your average. A lot of the projects out there, mine included, have a childish, do it yourself-ish feel to them. These eleven designs are slick, beautiful and professional.

How To: Use a Needle for Cool Nail Art Designs

Hello to all my readers, this is Kalsoom Nafasat. You all will be amazed to know that you can create some great nail art using needles. Although toothpicks are used more commonly in nail art, needles can be used for the tiniest of details. A needle is the best tool for creating sketches or painting faces on your fingernails. Isn't that amazing?

How To: Tie dye the spider design on your t-shirt

This video shows the viewers how to create a wicked spider pattern on a tie dyed shirt. Our instructor starts by demonstrating on a square piece of fabric. Start by folding your shirt in half sleeve to sleeve. Next, choose the placement of your spider design by picking the twist point, either in the center or slightly higher. Then, start twisting your fabric into a tight spiral using either your fingers or rotating around your table. After tightly tying your finished spiral, prepare your dyes...

How To: Make your own rub-on transfers for card design

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make their own rub-on. This allows users to transfer any designs onto card stock. Users will need to first print the design onto a sheet of acetate. Simply place the acetate paper over the card stock. Then use any kind of tool and simply rub it over the design on the acetate. The transferred design will be lighter in color than the original. Make sure that you if you want to use letters or numbers, print it backwards. This video will benefit those ...

How To: Design an asian tea set arrangement for your home

The editor in the video designs an Asian 'Tea Set Arrangement'. He has put a green flower foam on a dish and a small bowl is also kept on the dish. He takes sprouted iris bulbs and arranges them next to the foam and then puts the chopsticks on the small bowl. He fixes ivy leaves on the foam and then arranges bamboo foliage in the middle. He takes three bamboo sticks, one long and two small in size. The longer stick is placed in between and the smaller ones on both the sides. After that he pla...

How To: Design vests

Vests can be a fashion icon with flair and many fashion designs include vests inspired by a variety of traditions. Learn to design vests from a pro designer in this free fashion illustration video series.

How To: Paint your nails with a wrapping paper design

In this brief instructional video, you'll watch as a nail expert shows you one of her best custom designs finished by using foil wrapping paper. This is great for people looking for something new and trendy that will add a little bit of pop to their already polished look. Be sure to pay attention to the many tips and tricks that this nail designer drops, otherwise you'll be headed for disaster! Remember, to make this nail-art work, your foil wrapping paper will have to be cut into very thin s...

How To: Paint your nails with an elegant dot and flower design

This video describes how to create intricate nail painting designs. The first step is to choose a background color. You can either choose a lighter background color so the darker designs you paint over it will stand out, or a darker background color so the lighter-colored designs will stand out. For this specific design consisting of 3 flowers and a few dots, the former will be used. Next, take globbing paper and glob it with some white polish. Use a nail dotter to apply the polish from the p...

How To: Design like an architect with asymmetry

Ever dreamed of becoming an architect? Well in this video, the viewers will be instantly thrown into the world of an architect. The video demonstrates and shows how to design like an architect with nothing much than just asymmetrical designs. The video goes in-depth with the idea of asymmetry, what it is and how it functions in architecture. The video is quick paced and very educational. It is highly recommended for any one who wants to become an architect or simply enjoys innovative structur...

How To: Draw a cool graffiti design

Talented graffiti-artist-for-hire Wizard here demonstrates a user-requested drawing of a cholo figure and some very elaborate script. As will most of his demonstrations, he works in pencil and black ink on grid paper, creating small and somewhat austere designs with undeniable virtuosity and charm. His demonstration services are quite a bargain at only $5!

How To: Paint a black and red flower nail design

Watch this instructional manicuring video to paint a a black and red flower on a single fingernail. You will need five different colors of nail polish. To complete this design, you must not let the nail polish dry. If you paint nail designs frequently, make sure to paint a protective coat before laying down any colored nail polish.

How To: Paint nails with a cobalt blue and flower dot design

This video explains how to paint nails with a cobalt blue and flower dot design. The first step taken before applying the paint is to do a white wash manicure. The instructor begins by covering her makeup sponge in a dark blue color and then makes many small dots along the whitened part of the nail. The instructor then makes many more small blue dots along all of the boarders of her nails. After the blue dots have dried a white coloring is used to make flower pedal like designs within the blu...

How To: Design a bubble bowl centerpiece for a wedding

This is a time lapse version of Flowergod episode 28. In this episode the Flowergod designs a bubble bowl centerpiece for a wedding. The demonstration focuses on color and flower choice as it relates to theme, floral depth and composition, and the overall shape and balance of the piece. Flowergod discusses techniques for arranging and concealing stones while emphasizing the bowl, as well as some general do's and don'ts for any floral arrangement. This centerpiece features white hydrangea, whi...

How To: Design for multiple browsers

James Williamson for Lynda demonstrates designing for multiple browsers. The most frustrating aspects of web design is constantly dealing with the settle and some times not so settle differences in browser rendering. While they moved to a standard spaced, CSS control presentations has made life infinitely easier for web designs. Dealing with bad browser behavior is one of most unfortunate side effects. All browsers render our pages same because each browser reads and renders the HTML and CSS ...