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How To: Writing 64-Bit Shellcode - Part 1 (Beginner Assembly)

In this simple tutorial you will be shown step-by-step how to write local shellcode for use on 64-Bit Linux systems. Shellcode is simple code, usually written in assembly that is used as payload in exploits such as buffer overflow attacks. Payloads are the arrow head of an exploit: though the rest of the arrow is important for the delivery of the attack, the arrow head deals the killing blow. In reality, payloads are slightly less exciting yet far more interesting and intelligent than medieva...

News: News Clips - June 26

» ‘Obama Truth Team’ Orders GoDaddy To Shut Down Website. A political website that contained stinging criticism of the Obama administration and its handling of the Fast and Furious scandal was ordered to be shut down by the Obama campaign’s ‘Truth Team’. » Former Bush Attorney General Alberto Gonzales Confronted On Torture.

News: Birds as the Ultimate DIY Architects

The widely used expression "free as a bird" intimates an enviable existence: delicate, yet mighty wings transporting to destinations no human could so breezily venture. But despite their fanciful, superhero ability, in truth, the avian race leads one of the most difficult existences in the animal kingdom. Yes, birds have existed for eons—they likely evolved from small dinosaurs of the Jurassic period—but for these creatures, life can be ruthless.

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