Cup Series Search Results

How To: Make a chocolate smoothie milkshake

Those are some yummy chocolate smoothie milkshake but how do you prepare those? Now here are the steps to prepare chocolate smoothie/milk shake. The ingredients required for preparing the milkshake, 1/4 cup of chocolate syrup,1/2 cup of milk and 2 cups vanilla ice-cream and blender (blendtec).

How To: Properly measure flour

Maggie Ruggiero, a food editor with Gourmet Magazine, and Test Kitchen demonstrate how to correctly measure flour. To properly measure flour, first spoon the flour into a measuring cup. Then level the flour in the measuring cup by taking a knife and sliding it across the top of the measuring cup. Never pack the flour into the measuring cup. If you pack the flour into the measuring cup, you will get a significant difference and increase of about three tablespoons of the flour in the measuring ...

How To: Make amazing homemade granola with Kat Curlee

Learn how to make your own homemade granola with Kat Curlee in this video tutorial. Granola is a great healthy snack that can be eaten alone or added to yogurt. You will need 3 cups of regular uncooked oats, 1/2 cup flake coconut, 1/2 cup sliced almonds, 1/2 cup chopped or halved pecans, 1/2 cup walnuts, 1/2 cup pine nuts, 1/4 cup honey-crunch wheat germ, 1/4 cup sunflower kernels, 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons honey, 1/4 cup vegetable oil, 2 1/2 tablespoons water, 2 tablespoons brown sugar, 3/4...

How To: Make napa cabbage kimchi

This video shows you everything you need to know and need to make this delicious Korean classic. You'll learn how to make yummy napa cabbage kimchi right in your own home from scratch. For the whole family to enjoy this spicy tasty dish.

How To: Do the three cups trick

This video demonstrates how to trick people into buying you a drink by using the three cups trick. To do the trick, you have to flip all three cups face up by flipping over two cups at the same time. The key lies in setting the cups up differently for the mark.

How To: Make really easy cookie dough

This video tutorial is in the Food category which will show you how to make really easy cookie dough. This is the one that is eaten raw, no need to bake and can be prepared in under 5 minutes. You will need a bowl, plain flour, white sugar, margarine, a table spoon, one cup measuring cup and a half cup measuring cup. Put half a cup of margarine in the bowl, add half a cup of white sugar and mix thoroughly. Add one cup of plain flour and mix it. It doesn't have to become like a paste. So, don'...

How To: Make a boomerang out of styrofoam cups

Crazy Chris shows us how to make a cool boomerang out of two Styrofoam cups - useful as a party trick. Plastic and paper cups can also be used. The bottoms of the cups are taped together. The key to making the boomerang work is the positioning of the fingers on the cups. The middle finger should be placed in the middle joint of the two cups - the fingernail in contact with the tape. The pointer and ring fingers should support the top of the cups and the thumb gives the bottom support. Chris t...

How To: Make raw cacao superfood dessert balls

It's super easy and super fun, anyone can do it. Ingredients: 1 cup carob, one cup cacao, 1 cup cashews, 1/4 cup hemp seeds, 1/2 cup coconut oil that is cold-pressed, 1 tablespoon spirulina, 1/3 cup of honey to start (you can add more in later for taste), pinch of sea salt (optional). Roll the finished balls in coconut. Add cashews into food processor until ground, crumbly powder. Add coconut oil and honey. After mixing, add in the rest of the ingredients. You can also add in cinnamon, cayenn...

How To: Make a sweet & salty party mix

Make this Sweet and Salty Party Mix with this video! Need a simple and delicious snack for your party? Look no further than this video! Watch this video to learn from Ricardo how to make a great snack party mix with some cereal and spices. Make plenty, as these will go in no time!

How To: Make a miniature vortex cannon

This is a video tutorial in the Education category where you are going to learn how to make a miniature vortex cannon. For this you will need normal plastic drinking cup, punching bag type balloon, black electrical tape, lighter, candle, scissors and a drill. Drill a hole in the bottom of the cup and cut off a big circle at the bottom. Cut the punching bag balloon in half and stretch it over the mouth of the cup and tape it up nicely. The cannon is ready. Now light the candle, hold the cup aw...

How To: Bake 'bacon cups' for interesting snacks

In this tutorial, we learn how to make bacon cups. Before you begin, preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Then, you will need a muffin pan with the bottom of it covered in foil. After you do this, spray cooking spray on each of the different cups of foil. Now, you will lay around six pieces of bacon onto each of the different cup hubs, making it threaded so the bacon will stick. Last, bake for about 10 minutes or until the bacon is nice and crispy. Let cool and then fill with whatever you wish t...

How To: Propagate iceplants and african violets

to transfer ice plants, take a Styrofoam cup with holes in bottom and sides for drainage. fill cup with potting soil. place cuttings of ice plants into pot, about 2-3 cuttings per cup. keep moist. for African violets, snap off an entire leaf including the stem. fill a Styrofoam cup with water. cover with saran wrap with a rubber band around the edge to keep it tight. cover completely with aluminum foil to keep inside of cup dark. place hole in center of plastic/aluminum foil with a pencil. pl...

How To: Make a 3D lemonade cup card with Stampin' Up!

Dawn Griffith creates a cute card with a 3D lemonade glass embellishment from start to finish. Create a template by making a rough sketch of an 8 ounce paper cup onto a piece of white cardstock and cut it out. Take the template and either trace it onto a piece of vellum cardstock and cut it out, or use Dotto adhesive to attach the template directly to the vellum and then cut around the shape. Score each side at about 1/4", fold on the score lines and trim the overlap at the top. Apply sticky ...

How To: Do a Chinese cupping back massage

In this tutorial, we learn how to do a Chinese cupping back massage. Cupping is an old technique that is still practiced in China and eastern Europe. First, set fire to some cotton balls. Now, place them into the cup and pull the air out of the cup. Quickly place the cup on the body and then push it around on the skin. This brings the muscle up to the top of the skin, leaving marks on the body temporarily. As you move them around, it's like you are getting a reverse massage that will make you...

How To: Prank a coworker with an upside down full coffee cup

Office pranks have a long and distinguished history. You've probably seen this one before, but in case you haven't, this video will show you how to do the upside-down coffee cup prank. Simply take a full cup of coffee, place it on the desk of your victim, place a piece of paper flat on top, then carefully flip the cup onto the desk and remove the paper. The cup will be upside-down, full, on the desk. The only way to remove it is to soak oneself with coffee, as your victim will most likely do.

How To: Play the popular college party game, flip cup

The College explains how to play the drinking game Flip Cup. The guys demonstrate a one-on-one match, but the game is normally played using teams, with one team on one end of a table and the other team on the other end. Every player starts off with a cup full of beer. To start, two players, one from each team, tap their cups on the table, tap their cups together, tap it on the table, then down the whole beer. They then take their empty cups, put them on the side of the table, and f...