Getting regular cardiovascular exercise is extremely important to maintain good health but it can be difficult to find an exercise that isn't strenuous on the joints. Luckily aqua jogging is a great workout for any age.
Nutrition and cardiovascular exercises are necessary to reduce the size of your belly. Ab exercise won't reduce girth. They will strengthen your core, but you will need to lose excess body weight.
Any medical student should be able to perform a basic cardiovascular exam. This medical how-to video tutorial outlines the guidelines to perform a basic cardiovascular exam. Always begin by by observing the patient from head to toe. Inspect the face for signs of cyanosis. Note visible scars or pulsations in the neck and edema in the feet. This video is intended for medical professionals only.
This training video introduces the medical student to the basic steps involved in cardiovascular examination as well as taking blood pressure and pulse.
The key to being a good doctor is great patient care and thoroughness, and those are exactly the skills you will learn in this video lesson, as you learn to perform a cardiovascular examination on your patient. This is a great, step-by-step resource for the proper examination procedure. Every medical student should know these techniques, and nursing students could benefit from this knowledge, too. Every cardiovascular exam should include inspection of the pulse, blood pressure, carotid pulsat...
What you eat before and after you work up a sweat is actually just as important as the workout itself. The main thing to keep in mind is that you can't eat so much that you still have a bunch of stuff bumping around in your stomach when you're jumping or running.
This "chest workout home edition " was designed to provide an easy and fun professional workout for everyone. These exercises are designed to tone main pectoral muscles (upper, major and minor pectoral muscles) and you can workout wherever you want: at home, in the park, on the beach or at the gym.
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to get ripped fast with the "300" Spartan body workout. This workout consists of 7 exercises. This workout will also need to be done twice for a total of 300 exercise movements. The exercises and reps for each workout are: 20 reps of cross elbow pushes, 20 reps of cross knee planks, 15 reps of knee up pull-up, 20 reps of plate press knee squats, 20 reps of land mines, 20 reps of swings and 25 reps of medicine ball Russian twist press. This video will ...
In the mood for a delicious piece of seafood? Salmon is a delicious fish, full of omega-3 fats, which promote cardiovascular health! From Simple Foodie, learn how to make a great tasting recipe for grilling salmon. Make dinner the right way tonight with help from this guide.
Check out this instructional kickboxing video that demonstrates how to do a kickboxing axe kick. The axe kick is a kickboxing staple maneuver. Learn the skills of kickboxing in this video on competitive kickboxing moves.
Interested to learn more about modern cardiovascular interventions like angioplasty, heart catherization and stents? In this brief, medical-minded video tutorial from the folks at ICYou, a cardiologist provides an overview. For details, and to get started learning more about modern heart repair techniques yourself, watch this video guide.
Salmon is a delicious fish full of nutrients that are good for you including omega-3 fats which promote a healthy cardiovascular system! In this video, learn how to make frozen wild salmon taste really great on the grill. Take your lunch or dinner up a notch by making grilled wild salmon today!
Here is a killer arm workout you can do at home with just a set of dumbbells to help get those huge guns. You will be sore for days after doing this workout. This is for the advanced bodybuilder.
Katherine and Kimberly Corp show you how to do a ten-minute (1o min) pilates arm workout using stretch bands. This workout targets every major muscle group in the arms and helps maintain alignment and ab strength.
Selene Yeager takes you through an interval cycling workout called 3-2-1 for hill surges. The format of the workout is to do repeated hard short bursts with increasing intensity. This type of workout will help when you're biking up hills or trying to overcome your limits.
Jeff Kunard's 20 Min. hotel workout is demonstrated in this series, so that you can use it on your next hotel stay.
Ali Alami with Fit Climb demonstrates how to get in shape for mountaineering. You can do these exercises in a park or at home. Your core and lower body are important in mountaineering. First, find a wet, wood bench that is four to six inches off of the ground. Do step ups to work your quadriceps and glutes. Balance briefly on one leg and then bring the other leg up. You can also do side steps. Step downs help you get you used to gravity. Calf raises are also helpful. To strengthen your core u...
Maintaining a strong, healthy physique can be time consuming. If you're looking to stay in shape without committing a large chunk of time, this workout might the one for you. It only takes 15 minutes to build strong muscle and stay in shape!
Circuit training exercises increase aerobic endurance and burn fat. Learn how to do simple circuit training exercise that work multiple muscles at once in this free fitness video series from a certified personal trainer.
Want sexy, bikini-ready abs? Well, if a toned midsection is your goal for summertime bliss, then simply performing run-of-the-mill crunches will not do the trick. While crunches tone your upper and middle abs, your lower abs get neglected, which means you still end up with a small pooch.
New year, new me. You finally committed to working on the best physical you by going to the gym multiple days a week. Except about an hour in, you start getting really tired of it all. Before you run to the exit, pick up your phone.
Getting pectorals that ripple and bulge beneath shirts and arms that broadcast from sleeves requires a bit of work on your part (duh). That's where this video comes in.
Fitness gurus always recommend you have fun during your workouts in order to keep your mind and body stimulated and to get you to keep working out. But we all know that after a few lateral lifts and jumpkin squats we're feeling more exhausted and in pain than excited and energetic.
In Scooby's opinion, pushups are the #1 best exercise you can do! They are simple to do and are a great upper body workout for the complete beginner or the advanced bodybuilder. You can get a complete upper body workout by combining these pushups with crunches and pullups, all of which can be done easily at home.
Aerobics are targeted by total physical fitness: strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness. Aerobics can be taken in classes and are usually done with music. To practice aerobics you should follow an instructor, stay in motion, use arms to lower or raise intensity, and strengthen heart rate. With this how to video soon you will be able to practice aerobics.
Yoga butterfly breathing is a great way to start you day or any work out. It gets you well oxygenated, helps you eliminate toxins, gets your cardiovascular system revved up and bumps up your metabolism. Watch this how to video and start using this butterfly breathing technique.
In this video, we learn how to workout your abs. Start running kicking your knees up high for thirty seconds. Next, go down to the floor and bring your legs down and then up, going on each side. Next, do lunges on each side of your leg until you do twenty on each side, paying attention to your form. Go right back to the side jumps to keep working out your legs. Continue to do this workout until you have been doing it for five minutes in total. This will give you a workout that will strengthen...
Who says you have to workout by yourself? Studies show that people who workout to socialize and have fun workout forty percent more. Grab a group of friends and start shedding the pounds. In this how to video SELF Magazine presents a simple fitness workout routine that can be used by multiple people. Slim down and tone up with your friends.
Don't have time to workout? Then watch this how to video and learn how to do a five minute workout that will workout your abs. Start by doing a in-betweens, bicycles, and toe touches. Finish with side reaches which target your obliques.
Here is a killer 45 minute back workout that you can do at home with just a set of dumbbells and a pullup bar. This is a back (lats,latissimus dorsi)workout for the advanced bodybuilder. Make sure you have done warm-up sets for both biceps and triceps before starting this workout because we start in with really heavy weights and you don't want to get injured.
Follow along as Budd Coates shows us a workout designed to teach us to run faster over tough inclines. The workout is called Sixes and Sevens. -After a 15-20 minute workout on the treadmill increase the incline of the treadmill to 6%. We are going to do this at a Marathon Pace for 90 seconds. -Then take a one minute recovery at 0% incline. -Then boost the incline up to 7%, do this at a Marathon Pace for one minute. -Then take another recovery for two minutes at 0% incline. -That is considered...
Katherine and Kimberly Corp show you how to do a thirty minute (30 min) pilates workout to tone your abs, strengthen your core, and improve spinal flexibility. This is ideal for beginners, and advanced practitioners looking for a challenge.
Katherine and Kimberly Corp show you how to do a ten-minute (10 min) "butt burner" pilates workout. This routine tones the back of your legs and backside.
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to do a core-blasting workout without sit-ups or crunches. Users will only need a timer. This workout contains 6 exercises. The exercises are: right knee-to-elbow plank, left knee-to-elbow plank, right side plank twist, left side plank twist, sit through and X-up. Do 30 seconds for each exercise with no rest in between the exercises. When finished, take a 30-60 second rest and then repeat the workout 2-3 more times for a full 9 minute workout. This vi...
Eating the proper food before you work out is crucial for your body having enough energy to excel. This video features a nutritionist explaining why fueling up before a workout is so important, then breaking down what you should eat to fuel up depending on how long you have until your workout.
You can get that ripped, hard body you've always wanted, without a gym.
Using tubing to work out your upper body can replace weights and gym equipment. Learn how to use tubing in your workout with this free fitness video series.
Don't have time for a workout? Then watch this how to video to learn how to do a five minute workout that will get you six pack abs. These exercise will target your upper abs, lower abs, and obliques.
I bet you could use a pair of ripped arms, right? Well if you have three minutes and some weights you can be there in no time. This video will demonstrate exactly how to get ripped arms with a daily 3 minute workout.
Many people go about spot fat removal wrong. First of all, there is no such thing as spot fat removal. It's impossible to get rid of fat in just one area, so if you want to make your abs flat and toned but there's too much flab covering it at the moment, you need to do lots of cardio to burn off the fat and strength training so that once your fat slides off your muscles are visible.